
Tag: Ask AdWords

  • AdWords Team Talks Difference Between Topic And Interest Targeting

    Google regularly takes questions from social media and posts videos about various topics related to AdWords. A new one delves into the difference between topic and interest targeting.

    Google has a whole playlist of these Ask AdWords videos available here. It’s got about twenty videos, and the longest one is under six minutes, so they’re pretty easy to get though, and could teach you a thing or two.

    Image via YouTube

  • Google Answers AdWords Questions In New Video

    Google has released a new “Ask AdWords” video discussing Webmaster Tools, “Site Not Working,” remarketing and conversion tracking. A couple guys from Google’s AdWords team respond to real questions from people asked via social media.

    Of course you can always ask your own question using the #askadwords hashtag.

    In actual AdWords news, Google held an event today, and announced some new tools and features for mobile app developers.

    Image via YouTube