
Tag: asians

  • Harry Reid in Hot Water Over Jokes About Asians

    People keep talking about Vice President Joe Biden’s tendency to commit “gaffes”. And the man a heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world has made a few. But lately, it is another prominent Democrat who finds himself needing to pause to remove his foot from his mouth.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is issuing apologies for jokes he made about Asian-Americans during a speech before the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.

    During his comments before the Chamber Reid said, “The Asian population is so productive. I don’t think you’re smarter than anybody else, but you have convinced a lot of us you are.”

    While this is a comment that would never raise an eyebrow if spoken by a late-night talk show host or comedian, someone in Harry Reid’s position has to tread lightly nowadays in this atmosphere of heightened sensibilities and political correctness.

    Reid also joked later in his speech, “One problem I’ve had today is keeping my Wongs straight.”

    If the meeting had been a completely closed-door affair, Reid may have never needed to backpedal his comments. But after Mitt Romney’s comments about “47% of Americans” got him in such hot water and affected his election hopes, politicians are very careful lest they be caught on video saying something they may later regret.

    This was the case at the Chamber meeting in Las Vegas.

    “My comments were in extremely poor taste and I apologize,” Reid said in a statement emailed to CBS News. “Sometimes I say the wrong thing.”

    Learn your lesson, Harry Reid. Sometimes the Wong thing is the wrong thing. You never know who may be listening.

  • Marion Barry Insults Asian Community At Victory Rally

    Marion Barry, the 76-year old Washington D.C. councilman who was imprisoned in 1990 after a video surfaced of him smoking crack, is making headlines again with disparaging remarks he made on Tuesday about Asian-run businesses.

    “We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops,” he said during his primary election victory rally. They ought to go. I’m going to say that right now. But we need African-American businesspeople to take their places, too.”

    After public backlash at his comments, Barry amended his statement somewhat and apologized for offending the Asian-American community, but didn’t go back on his original comment.

    “Ward 8 residents are spending their hard-earned dollars in these stores because they are the only stores in the immediate neighborhoods; my constituents want respect, too,” he said in a statement. “It is to these less-than-stellar Asian-American businessmen in Ward 8 that my remarks were directed.”

    Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, who represents the district in Congress and worked with Barry in the civil rights movement, said she was “stunned by the offensive nature of the comments.”

    Barry, who has served four terms as mayor, has only lost one election in nearly 40 years in politics despite his tendency for very public gaffes.

    A healthy reminder from Marion Barry that no history of suffering discrimination will protect you from practicing it. http://t.co/4itjp39G(image) 4 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    MARION BARRY IS A RACIST: He wants to drive Asians out of his decaying ward. (HT: Mike) http://t.co/mUVto9wx(image) 4 minutes ago via twitterfeed ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    So did Romney transfer the “day after election gaffe” curse to Marion Barry? Is it like the pie in “Thinner”?(image) 41 minutes ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto