
Tag: Alex Jones

  • Piers Morgan is Safe as White House Asks Gun Activist Petitioners to Remember the 1st Amendment

    The White House’s “We The People” online petition site has seen some ridiculous petitions gain steam over the past couple of months. First, there was the rash of secession petitions that popped up following President Obama’s reelection. Then, we saw a petition to build a functioning Death Star succeed the signature threshold. Someone even asked the White House to consider a law banning the practice of insulting religion.

    Funny? Of course. But it’s clear that none of these petitions were really created in good faith. You can’t secede. You can’t have a law outlawing people from making fun of your God. Get real, people.

    Recently, another crazy petition amassed quite a few backers. It asked the White House to “Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for Attacking 2nd Amendment.” Morgan, host of his own CNN show, has been vocal in his criticism of American gun laws (or lack thereof).

    “British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens,” read the petition.

    It has received over 109,000 signatures as of the writing of this article.

    Now, the White House has published an official response to the petition, written by Press Secretary Jay Carney. His message is pretty clear: 2nd Amendment activists need to reread the 1st amendment.

    “Let’s not let arguments over the Constitution’s Second Amendment violate the spirit of its First. President Obama believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. However, the Constitution not only guarantees an individual right to bear arms, but also enshrines the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press — fundamental principles that are essential to our democracy. Americans may disagree on matters of public policy and express those disagreements vigorously, but no one should be punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the Second Amendment — or any other matter of public concern,” writes Carney.

    So it appears that the Federal Government will not be taking any steps to remove Piers Morgan from the country.

    Alex Jones, radio host and founder of InfoWars, recently appeared on the Piers Morgan show to “discuss” guns and the petition, which he backed. You can catch up on that sideshow below:

  • Did Google Ban Alex Jones’ Infowars ?

    Did Google Ban Alex Jones’ Infowars ?

    Is Google being hypocritical, especially in light if their robust SOPA protesting? Is there legitimate reason for blocking Infowars, and other sometimes controversial sites from appearing in their search results? Is this even happening?

    According Infowars.com, it is happening. While Google doesn’t appreciate the government illegally censoring certain web material, they seem fine taking the liberty to do it themselves. Here’s a video by Alex Jones from a little over a year ago addressing the issue. This seems SOPA-esq in nature:

    This is a truly provoking video from Jones however; there is some contradiction in what he’s claiming. Apparently, the entire story is a big misunderstanding or sensationalism (who knows which). Here’s is what BigJimW10 had to say about, which captures the essence of what happened quite nicely:

    “If you read the email he posted in his video, you will see that it clearly states that he had his video flagged and they reviewed the flagged video and agreed to it. Since he obviously had more than 2 comunity guideline strikes within the past 6 months, this was the third and they put a temporary restriction on UPLOADING new videos until he goes into his account page and acknowloges the strikes. At that point, his ability to UPLOAD videos will automatically be reinstated within 2 weeks. There is no conspiratorial censorship going on at all. Everyone (including Jones) would have this happen if community guidelines are broken”.

    “As for Prisonplanet.tv and infowars, this seems to be a totally seperate unrelated issue that just happened to come along at the same time Jones had received his guidelines strike notification. Google news apparently is starting to clean out the spam news that they get daily, and it just happened that these two sites are no longer a news source to Google News. Google has no authority to shut the sites down and the sites are still indexed into Googles search engine”.

    Still Jones and Infowars persists most recently that Google does have it out for them and make reference to the number of direct orders, to Google, by the U.S. Government, increasing by 70% and compliance, as reported by Google, is at 29%. Jones is viewing this as a direct assault on his news organization. The predominant reason given for the censorship by Google is “government criticism”.

    To me, it seems just as likely that Infowars has it out for Google, as is the reverse. One thing is clear however; it doesn’t appear that Google’s censorship is unique to Infowars. Controversial material or “government criticism” is prone to removal from Google search results by admission of Google themselves. Censorship is not a cut and dry issue, there are a lot of grey areas, we can’t fight every battle. Infowars may have a legitimate claim though….

    I’ll leave you with this sentiment from a current Infowars report:

    “Who needs government to censor the Internet when large corporations are already doing it? Amidst all the anti-SOPA rage, we should not be so naive as to give the likes of Google a pass when considering the totality of threats posed to free speech on the world wide web”.