Sears Black Friday Sale Items Available Now

It seems like stores are offering Black Friday sales earlier and earlier every year. Not only have the sale times on Black Friday gotten earlier, but these days, Black Friday has turned into a weekly ...
Sears Black Friday Sale Items Available Now
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It seems like stores are offering Black Friday sales earlier and earlier every year. Not only have the sale times on Black Friday gotten earlier, but these days, Black Friday has turned into a weekly and sometimes longer event, with many stores starting their Black Friday sales the week before Thanksgiving. This is the case for Sears, which is starting their Black Friday sale tonight online.

Many stores have started offering their Black Friday deals online and many customers now prefer to shop online instead of standing in long lines, leaving Thanksgiving dinner early or waking up early to make the sales. Black Friday is the most popular shopping time of the year and many people have been injured during Black Friday shopping events all over the country. People are so determined to get the best deal that they trample, fight and steal from other customers. In order to avoid such accidents, many people are staying home and shopping online.

The Sears Black Friday sale has something for everyone and is a great way to beat the crowds this year while still getting good deals on the items you want. Some of the most popular items in their sale ad include, an Android 4.0 for $39.99, a Dell Inspiron laptop for $299.99 and a variety of other electronics, shoes and clothing.

How do you plan to spend the day after Thanksgiving? Will you be rushing out right after dinner to get those amazing Black Friday deals, staying at home and shopping online in your nice warm pajamas or do you plan to skip out on Black Friday shopping all together?

Image from Wikimedia Commons.

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