Robin Williams: What Happened The Night He Died?

Since learning of the death of actor and comedian Robin Williams, fans from around the world have joined together to both mourn and remember the beloved funny man. The 63-year-old was found dead on Mo...
Robin Williams: What Happened The Night He Died?
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Since learning of the death of actor and comedian Robin Williams, fans from around the world have joined together to both mourn and remember the beloved funny man.

The 63-year-old was found dead on Monday morning at his home in Tiburon, California.

Details surrounding his death were at first sketchy. The only thing known for certain is that the actor was reported to have passed away due to “suspected suicide”.

Days later, we have an official statement regarding the final moments of Williams’s life.

[Warning: The following details may be upsetting to some readers.]

Marin Sheriff’s Lt. Keith Boyd shared details about what happened to Williams on Tuesday at a press conference.

Boyd stated that Williams’s wife Susan Schneider had gone to bed at around 10:30 pm on Sunday evening. The actor retired to a separate bedroom in the couple’s home.

It was clear that Schneider did not suspect there was anything wrong when she woke the next morning. She said that she thought her husband was still asleep when she left their home.

It was Williams’s assistant who discovered the deceased actor. He was worried about Williams and went to check on him. When he arrived at the house, the assistant found Williams’s “lifeless body in the bedroom”.

The sheriff said that Williams died from asphyxia brought on by hanging himself with a belt. The assistant said that rigor mortis had begun to set in and that the body was “cold to the touch”.

Williams was officially pronounced dead at 12:02 pm on Monday.

An examination of his body found that the actor had several wounds on his wrist, thought to be self-inflicted injuries caused by a pocket knife found in William’s bedroom.

The sheriff would not say whether Williams left behind a note or any other message to explain his decision to end his life. It was later reported that there was no note.

The actor had recently entered rehab to cope with symptoms of depression.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

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