Bob Moog Google Doodle Plays The Synthesizer

There’s a new Google Doodle honoring Robert “Bob” Moog getting ready to go live tomorrow. However, if you visit the Google Australia homepage, you can enjoy it now, seeing how itR...
Bob Moog Google Doodle Plays The Synthesizer
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There’s a new Google Doodle honoring Robert “Bob” Moog getting ready to go live tomorrow. However, if you visit the Google Australia homepage, you can enjoy it now, seeing how it’s already tomorrow down under. The same applies with Google Japan. What you’ll find when you navigate there may indeed rival some of Google’s most memorable Doodles, at least in terms of its cool factor and as a time-waster.

For those who may be unaware, Moog invented an analog synthesizer called, surprisingly enough, the Moog Synthesizer. To celebrate Moog’s 78th birthday–you guessed it–Google took a page from the successful Les Paul Doodle and provided us with a playable Moog Synthesizer, which also doubles as the Google Logo, as seen in the lead image. Much like the recordable guitar that was the Les Paul Doodle, the Moog Synthesizer Doodle is capable of recording up to four tracks, which, according to, can be shared on Google+.

Aside from the recording feature, there are a number of sound effect options including mixers, oscillators, filters and envelopes. There’s also a dial for pitch on the left side of the Doodle, and all of the effects are usable, giving the creative types tons of options to play with.

It should be noted that some in WebPro office were experiencing difficulty with getting the Moog Synthesizer Doodle to play. When some of my coworkers clicked the keyboard, they were taken to the search results page for Robert Moog instead of getting sound in return. Another coworker discovered that if you open the Les Paul Doodle in a separate window, you can play both Doodles at the same time, meaning we’re just a working drum kit Doodle away from having a workable band that uses Google Doodles as instruments.

As indicated, the Moog Synthesizer Doodle will be live in the United States on May 23rd (tomorrow), but it is already live in Google Australia and Google Japan. Have fun wasting the rest of your day trying to hack out the opening part to Europe’s “The Final Countdown.”

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