Paget Brewster, who worked for several seasons on the highly successful show “Criminal Minds”, landed herself a new gig on “Law And Order: SVU”, and was excited until she realized her first episode was going to air right up against her old show.
“I was so crazy flattered when they offered me this part,” she said. “I didn’t find out until after I took the role that the special two episode premiere of SVU was going to bump against Criminal Minds, which it never does!”
The actress later called her “Criminal Minds” boss Erica Messer to make sure they didn’t think she was a traitor, and it turns out all was well.
“You have to believe that I didn’t do this on purpose,” she said. “I’m afraid it makes me look vengeful, which is terrible.”
Messer assured her that no one thought badly of her for what was obviously a cunning move on the part of her new bosses, and that she probably would have done the same thing.
Although Brewster’s role on “SVU” was initially as a guest-star for the two-hour season premiere, the show has a long history of bringing back their actors for more sustained parts, so she has a good chance of keeping the gig if she wants it.
“I’m so torn because I’m such a fan of both shows,” she says. “I just hope both shows get great ratings!”