Oracle Finally Gives Up on Google Paying Statutory Damages

Oracle has finally given up on hoping Google will be made to pay any statutory payments from their Java API patent infringement case regarding the development of the Android Operating Systems. If you ...
Oracle Finally Gives Up on Google Paying Statutory Damages
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Oracle has finally given up on hoping Google will be made to pay any statutory payments from their Java API patent infringement case regarding the development of the Android Operating Systems.

If you remember, back at the end of May, a jury found that Google did indeed not infringe on any of Oracle’s Java patents.

On Monday, both parties once again reconvened in U.S. District Court to tie up loose ends. It was a brief session, but three main issues were addressed. Issue number one, Google will pay nothing in statutory damages, this according to a stipulation filed earlier that day by Oracle.

Next, Google has only fourteen days to file any applications requesting Oracle to pay legal administrative fees on the search giant’s behalf. This would also be the time for Google to request Oracle pay all legal fees incurred as a result of the case.

And third, there’s the matter of legal fees incurred by professionals hired on both sides to assess the total value of the case as a monetary figure. The idea here is to get all these outstanding issues cleared up so Oracle can go ahead with its appeal on the case.

We still have to wait to see what Judge William Alsup, the judge hearing the case, has to say about Oracle paying legal fees, but it sounds like Oracle will definitely be moving forward with an appeal.

So, while Google is victorious in defending infringement claims against the Android platform for now, it could be a relatively short time before we see them back in court again.

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