New Year’s Strawberry Drop in Harrisburg, PA Gets Messy

New Year’s Eve is about looking towards the future, but also honoring the past. Therefore, cultural traditions are common all over the world on New Years. In the  United States,people in every ...
New Year’s Strawberry Drop in Harrisburg, PA Gets Messy
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New Year’s Eve is about looking towards the future, but also honoring the past. Therefore, cultural traditions are common all over the world on New Years. In the  United States,people in every state and culture follow traditions to ensure their prosperity for the upcoming year. Some  wear certain colors  for good luck. Others  eat 12 grapes for 12 wishes. Certain people take these traditions to a new level. A level that builds community and fellowship.

Many states have city wide traditions and events on New Year’s Eve to build bonding.Different Pennsylvania cities have specific events on New Year’s to honor their cities’ unique history. In Philadelphia, a mushroom is lowered at midnight. In Leigh Valley, many families head to the Crayola crayon’s factory to partake in activities for the new year. In Susquehanna River Valley, a giant beaver is held in the air than lowered down. One of the most colorful Pennsylvania traditions comes in the form of a strawberry drop.

Since 1989, Harrisburg, Pa has done a strawberry drop. This year, the strawberry was an estimated 65 pounds. The 65 pound fiber glass strawberry is harnessed from three stories. This specific version of the strawberry drop has happened  since 1999.

Friday, while testing for New Year’s Eve, the  strawberry’s harness clip did not work properly as it fell 55 feet from the ground. So the strawberry shattered. This caused a big mess around the Hilton Harrisburg  hotel, where the strawberry was being lowered.  

The Hilton Harrisburg is currently working on a new one, which presents a little bit of a problem in such a short-time. To add more difficulty, they’re still not sure why the strawberry fell in the first place. Right now, they’re working to fix all problems with the original one.  A Hilton spokesperson said, they’re going to make a “more environment friendly” version, but keep most of the basic design of the original one. 

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