Netflix’s Daredevil Series Reportedly Eyes Michael C. Hall for Lead

The creators of Netflix’s upcoming Daredevil series have apparently turned their focus on Dexter‘s Michael C. Hall, and want him to play The Man Without Fear. The report comes from the Mar...
Netflix’s Daredevil Series Reportedly Eyes Michael C. Hall for Lead
Written by Josh Wolford

The creators of Netflix’s upcoming Daredevil series have apparently turned their focus on Dexter‘s Michael C. Hall, and want him to play The Man Without Fear.

The report comes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, an incredibly popular Facebook fan page devoted to all things Marvel–from small screen to silver screen. They quote a reliable source, but this is obviously just a rumor at this point.

Last November, Netflix and Disney announced that they were developing multiple original series centered on Marvel characters. The first one to debut will be the Daredevil series, but there will be a total of at least four different shows and at least one miniseries. Other characters to get their own Netflix original include Jessica Jones, Iron First, and Luke Cage.

“This deal is unparalleled in its scope and size, and reinforces our commitment to deliver Marvel’s brand, content and characters across all platforms of storytelling. Netflix offers an incredible platform for the kind of rich storytelling that is Marvel’s specialty,” said Alan Fine, President of Marvel Entertainment at the time of the announcement. “This serialized epic expands the narrative possibilities of on-demand television and gives fans the flexibility to immerse themselves how and when they want in what’s sure to be a thrilling and engaging adventure.”

In December, we learned that Drew Goddard would be taking the reins and producing the Daredevil series. He’ll also write and direct the first episode. You might know Goddard as the director of the cult hit horror film Cabin in the Woods and the writer of the World War Z screenplay. Goddard has also written for various TV series, including LOST, Alias, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

What do you think of Michael C. Hall as Daredevil? It’s just a rumor, but one that’s exciting many fans–at least if you go by the comments.

Image via Marvel Cinematic Universe, Facebook

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