One of the funniest sketches from last weekend’s episode of “Saturday Night Live” featured Andy Samberg portraying a sex-obsessed teenage boy whose sole responsibility is to add gratuitous debauchery to HBO’s hit program “Game of Thrones”. The bit was wrong on so many levels, though anybody who’s seen the show can attest to its heavy reliance on explicit sex and rampant nudity.
Unfortunately, if you happened to miss the episode, you won’t find the skit on either or HULU. Apparently someone complained about the music used in the sketch, forcing NBC to remove the clip from its website. The same thing happened not too long ago with the show’s “Downton Abbey” bit, which was also removed from the sites regarding clearance issues with the soundtrack. Kind of a bummer, because that was funny, too.
HBO reps said they had no problem with the clip, particularly since the sketch ultimately serves as a fantastic advertisement for its insanely popular “Game of Thrones”. NBC, meanwhile, claims that the problems arose from a “rights issue”, which means that someone associated with the soundtrack had a problem with the music’s inclusion.
So what does that mean for you? Apparently you won’t be able to see one of the funniest skits “Saturday Night Live” has offered up all season. Assuming, of course, that you don’t find it on another website that doesn’t seem to care about rights issues or cease and desist letters.
@carr2n: SNL ‘splains the stickiness of Game of Thrones among certain demos”
Hilarious. “@verge Music licensing keeping SNL’s ‘Game of Thrones’ sketch off Hulu
When students as “but why?” re: copyright MT