Mortal Kombat Vita Gets Live Action Mileena Trailer

A couple of weeks ago we got an awesome live action Mortal Kombat trailer for the soon to be released PS Vota version. Well, today they released a live action Mileena video. It’s not as cool as ...
Mortal Kombat Vita Gets Live Action Mileena Trailer
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A couple of weeks ago we got an awesome live action Mortal Kombat trailer for the soon to be released PS Vota version. Well, today they released a live action Mileena video. It’s not as cool as the first trailer, but it is still pretty neat!

Mortal Kombat for the Playstation Vita is set to be released on May 1st, 2012. The game will be Kross Kompatible with the Playstation 3 version and will feature all of the characters from both games.

Here is the new Mileena video:

Here is last weeks Kitana video:

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