Mitt Romney To Win Florida If We Go By Site Traffic

At this point, political pundits seems to think that the Florida Primary race is too close to call. The common belief is that either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich will come in first, with Paul and Sant...
Mitt Romney To Win Florida If We Go By Site Traffic
Written by Josh Wolford

At this point, political pundits seems to think that the Florida Primary race is too close to call. The common belief is that either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich will come in first, with Paul and Santorum somewhere behind that.

Experian Hitwise has some interesting information concerning the candidates, but whether or not it could actually predict the primary winner is up in the air. According to their research, Mitt Romney is leading in Florida – if you go by visits to his official website.

Hitwise looked at all four candidates’ sites and gauged traffic from people in the state of Florida. They determined that Mitt Romney received the most total visits from the state for the four weeks ending January 28th.


Romney has received the most visits from Floridians for three straight weeks, but Florida isn’t exactly on the same page as the nation as a whole. During the week ending January 28th, Newt Gingrich’s site actually got the most traffic nationwide.

Obviously, visits to official websites don’t directly translate to votes, but it does show who Floridians have been the most curious about in the month of January. Who knows, once Florida voters found what they were looking for on Romney’s site, it might have pointed them in a different direction. We’ll have to wait until the official primary results roll in to see if web traffic is an accuratel predictor of election results.

You can track those results live, county by county with Google’s Politics & Elections dashboard.

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