Miley Cyrus’ Racy Music Video Leaked On YouTube

Question…is Miley Cyrus making music videos or low budget porn films? I have yet to notice any distinguishable differences. In her leaked “music video” Adore You, the newest single o...
Miley Cyrus’ Racy Music Video Leaked On YouTube
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Question…is Miley Cyrus making music videos or low budget porn films? I have yet to notice any distinguishable differences. In her leaked “music video” Adore You, the newest single off of her album Bangerz, Miley is seen rolling around nearly naked on a bed and simulating masturbation. Wow, what a turn on.

On December 23, Miley tweeted: “Were so close to #AdoreYou 3 daysssss until the world premier on vevo. I can’t waiiiiitt annnny longerrrr!” Apparently she didn’t have to wait much longer because someone, who she refers to as f*** face, leaked her video a day sooner than it was scheduled to premiere. In a later tweet, Miley responds to the leak by saying: “We all know Smilers would break another record if it wasn’t for the fuck face who leaked my video. Alllllll good! Keep smiling :)”

Personally, I wish I had never watched the video. Watching Miley caress herself and roll around in sheets for four and a half minutes was a genuine waste of time. However, if you would like to witness it, check out the video below.

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