Meta’s Image Tarnished With Employees Angry Over Layoffs

Meta's image as a coveted place to work has taken a major hit, with employees disillusioned and angry over this week's layoffs....
Meta’s Image Tarnished With Employees Angry Over Layoffs
Written by Matt Milano

Meta’s image as a coveted place to work has taken a major hit, with employees disillusioned and angry over this week’s layoffs.

Meta has always been a top spot to work in Silicon Valley, but the company announced it would lay off some 11,000 employees this week. The layoffs impacted virtually every department, but the one thing it didn’t impact is Meta’s investment in Zuckerberg’s pet project: the metaverse.

According to Business Insider, employees are disillusioned, confused, and angry with the layoffs.

“People really didn’t expect layoffs at that scale, even after the news,” said one employee who was not laid off. “Going above 10,000 was definitely more than I had in mind, and more than people had in mind.”

“Class act as always,” one laid-off employee said sarcastically of Zuckerberg’s announcement. “Least it was on brand.”

Read more: Major Meta Investor Urges Company to Scale Back Metaverse Investments

Some employees wasted no time blaming Zuckerberg’s obsession with the metaverse for creating the circumstances that led to so many being laid off.

“I certainly feel negatively towards him, and I’m sure many more people feel the same,” one impacted worker said. “There’s too much focus on metaverse and Reality Labs.”

What’s more, the company’s focus on the metaverse seems to be at the exclusion of other company divisions, including ones that are currently growth drivers. For example, despite Zuckerberg repeatedly touting the importance of Facebook’s TikTok-like Reels and calling it a growth driver, one employee estimates as much as 70% of product marketing managers were laid off.

“Honestly I’m more shocked than anything,” the person added. “It was pretty much a PMM and ‘Business Team’ bloodbath.”

In a competitive tech scene, the ability to attract top talent is often the major differentiating factor between successful ventures and failures. Meta may have just shot itself in the foot and crippled its ability to attract that top talent in the future.

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