Yesterday we shared with you a story about a Burger King commercial featuring Mary J. Blige. The commercial was pulled for what Burger King is calling “licensing concerns”, though many people are blaming the criticism the commercial has received for negative stereotyping.
A new remix of the song has been posted by brooklyn producer MeloX, who said “[The] commercial was tooooo hilarious for me not to mess around with.”
For those you that missed it, here is the original video.
Burger King has since apologized to the singer, saying the ad was unfinished and should never have been released. Blige has said she understands why fans are upset, and that the unfinished commercial doesn’t come across as planned.
Burger King says they hope to have the finished product done soon, and still plan to have a final ad on the air.
People on the comments section of YouTube and on Twitter have mixed views about whether the commercial comes off as racist or not, but most people agree it’s corny, ridiculous, and unintentionally hilarious. << comments at bottom of article says it all! Agree. Media is creating a racial divide, making something outta nothing
I guess I will be the lone negro that didn’t see anything wrong with the Mary J. Blige Burger King commercial. It was corny but racist?
Ok I don’t get the Mary J Blige Burger King uproar! Yes it’s the stupidest thing I have seen. Yes Mary looks like a sell out. But racist?
I agree with the non-racist stance. This is the year 2012. We should have been past associating fried chicken and race stereotyping a long time ago. Fried Chicken is delicious; i think we can all agree on that at this point.
As for the remix, I think it’s hilarious someone has already come out with one, and the fact that it’s called “crispy soy chicken”, come on. It’s also pretty impressive that it already has more YouTube hits than the original. Forget about finishing it, Blige, someone else has already done it for you.