Kindle Fire / iPad 2 Side-By-Side Comparison

“Great video, but Kindle Fire was not built to compete with the lord tablet,” writes one YouTube commenter. The folks at iDownloadBlog know this, but have still given us a fun little side-...
Kindle Fire / iPad 2 Side-By-Side Comparison
Written by Josh Wolford

“Great video, but Kindle Fire was not built to compete with the lord tablet,” writes one YouTube commenter. The folks at iDownloadBlog know this, but have still given us a fun little side-by-side comparison of Apple’s behemoth of a tablet and Amazon’s brand new, amazingly priced Kindle Fire.

Through a couple of unscientific but still informative tests, we see how the Kindle Fire stacks up to the iPad 2 in terms of boot times, web browsing and video playback – specifically Netflix.

First up, you’ll see that the iPad 2 boots quite a bit faster than the Kindle Fire. This should be no surprise to anyone considering the iPad 2 sports Apple’s A5 dual-core processor. Next, you’ll see that Safari beats the new Silk browser when it comes to completely loading pages. As far as the simple article content, the two tablets perform quite similarly. The Kindle Fire is slower to load certain ads because it’s loading Flash, which as we are all aware, the iPad 2 doesn’t bother with.

The video points out that the Kindle Fire can’t compare when it comes to smoothness of scrolling – but then again nothing can really beat the iPad in that department.

Finally, Netflix is demoed on each device and in this instance, the Kindle Fire wins. It begins playing the content faster than the iPad 2. Then again, let’s remember that Android just received an update to its Netflix app – an update which hasn’t yet hit iOS.

Again, the Kindle Fire / iPad 2 comparison might not be the most relevant battle, but it is interesting to see how the new device stacks up to the industry leader. And, let’s remember that there is one spec where the Kindle Fire completely kills the iPad 2: Price.

Have you been able to play with the Kindle Fire yet? What are your first impressions? Let us know in the comments.

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