
Karlie Kloss Turns 23, Bakes Her Own Cake, Shares 23 Things About Herself

Karlie Kloss, upcoming model and a BFF of Taylor Swift, has turned 23 years old.

In true modern form, Karlie Kloss shared a video of herself in which she admitted to baking herself a birthday cake and told the world 23 things she’s learned about herself in her 23 long years on the planet.

If you’ve ever baked your own birthday cake, you know it’s sort of a lonely but satisfying experience.

It seemed to just be plain satisfying for Karlie Kloss.

Here is the video of Karlie Kloss celebrating her birthday.

Back in NYC coding with my #Squad

A photo posted by @karliekloss on

Some of the gems Karlie Kloss shared with her fans include:

“If you have free time, Facetime your family.”

“Hard work pays off.”

#Jourlie 4 EVER

A photo posted by @karliekloss on

“Not everyone’s going to like you.”

“Blondes seem to have more fun.”

“Coffee is a gift from the heavens.”

These are all quite true. Such wisdom from 23-year-old Karlie Kloss!

On a more serious note (sort of), Karlie Kloss added, “Take time for yourself, but if you take too much time for yourself, and you’re late, make sure you have baked goods.”

Also very true.

Playing tourist with @kimbykloss

A photo posted by @karliekloss on

Happy Birthday, Karlie Kloss and thanks for the tips!

What do you think about Karlie Kloss’ advice?