Jay-Z Used a Surrogate Mother for Blue Ivy?

It’s not all that unusual for someone to question the paternity of a child. People like Jerry Springer have built a long career off of paternity tests and battles. But questioning who the mother is ...
Jay-Z Used a Surrogate Mother for Blue Ivy?
Written by Mike Tuttle

It’s not all that unusual for someone to question the paternity of a child. People like Jerry Springer have built a long career off of paternity tests and battles. But questioning who the mother is seems like a much tougher fight.

But that is exactly what a woman named Tina Seals is doing. Ms. Seals claims she is the real mother of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s baby, Blue Ivy. She says the star pair engaged her services as a surrogate mother.

Now Tina Seals has filed a suit against Jay-Z and Beyonce in an effort to prove maternity. The lawsuit allegedly says that Seals seeks “to verify whether she is the biological mother” of Blue Ivy, and that she was “previously associated” in some way with the couple.

Jay-Z and Beyonce have been the target of loads of divorce rumors lately, joining Portia de Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres in the ranks of celebs who are being hounded apart by gossip columnists eager to find any tidbit of dirt that might sell.

But as to the notion of Tina Seals’ alleged maternity, a surprising bit of information has come to light. This same woman has made claims and filed lawsuits to “prove” her maternity in cases involving Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, claiming she was North West’s real mother.

But it doesn’t stop there.

She also claims to be the mother of Michael Jackson’s kids, Prince, Paris, and Blanket.

Apparently, this woman is after some spotlight time, and maybe more if she can get it. Her lawsuit against Kim and Kanye was tossed out of court by Judge Loretta A. Preska who noted that this “is one of the more than a dozen cases that Plaintiff has filed in this Court in the past month.”

Seals was suing these celebs for a variety of compensation schemes. She wanted cash, vocal lessons, albums featuring herself and Mariah Carey, and just plain attention.

But the nut-jobbery keeps on going. She also sued the United States of America, specifically naming the president, Congress, “the police”, the FBI, the CIA, and “the People of the United States”. Her allegations in that suit got a bit crazy.

I am being accused of being “Sarah,” Sari,” “Sariah” – an AWOL member of Congress. The Defendants, and their associates kick, hit, push, stalk, harass, run at, scream at, ride bikes at, cuss at me declaring “Get to Work,” “Get to Washington.” “Get on the bus.” “Youre late for work!” “You dont have CHANGE”

Defendants, without Due PRocess of Law, Equal Protection of Law, 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th, and in violation of Election Law, are attempting to FORCE me to go to Washington, Boston, or Texas, claiming I am an AWOL Congresswoman.

Also, certain workers of the United States Congress are telling me “face down”, “below the Mason Dixon Line,” yelling obscene things at me, harassing me, and I have no context as to why.

It looks like Tina Seals is simply one more problem in the 99 Jay-Z has to deal with, but this one should go away quietly.

Image via YouTube

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