Jack Dorsey Passed Up On Instagram!

Twitter co-founder and executive chairman, Jack Dorsey should probably be upset by the resent acquisition of Instagram by his number one rival Facebook. After all, Twitter has always been an easier wa...
Jack Dorsey Passed Up On Instagram!
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Twitter co-founder and executive chairman, Jack Dorsey should probably be upset by the resent acquisition of Instagram by his number one rival Facebook. After all, Twitter has always been an easier way to share photos with friends and family via mobile technology. Not only would Instagram have improved on an already great service at Twitter, it would have brought the company another 30 million users. That would have been nice.

So why didn’t Twitter buy-up Instagram? I guess they did, sort of. While they may not have had the capital to shell-out for the acquisition, Dorsey personally invested heavily in Instagram. He was one of the few stockholder who made a fortune off the billion dollar acquisition. Sounds like an okay deal to me.

Unfortunately this does make Facebook more attractive for social networkers who really love sharing photos. Either way, I don’t think Twitter is going anywhere. There’s definitely room for both of these giants in the social networking world. Jack seems to be busy enough doing product development and getting the ball rolling at his newest venture, Square.

According to Business Insider, Dorsey lives between the two Job sites, and splits eighty hours a week between them. Though he seems to be successful as hell, don’t all those hours wear on you eventually? We’ll have to wait and see, but I think he must be due for a vacation.

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