Instagram Partner Program Opens To Help Businesses

Instagram just announced the launch of the the Instagram Partner Program geared at highlighting partners to help businesses grow on Instagram and make it easier for advertisers to find helpful technol...
Instagram Partner Program Opens To Help Businesses
Written by Chris Crum

Instagram just announced the launch of the the Instagram Partner Program geared at highlighting partners to help businesses grow on Instagram and make it easier for advertisers to find helpful technology partners.

The program is kicking off with 40 partners in three categories: Ad Tech, Community Management, and Content Marketing.

In the Ad Tech category, partners include: 4C, Adaptly, adMixt, Adobe, adparlor, adphorus, Adsmurai, adtz, Ampush, Bidalgo, BornLogic, Brand Networks, CitizenNet, eSome, Advertising, Facelift, Glow, Kenshoo, Kinetic, MakeMeReach, Marin Software, Nanigans, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Pyxis,, SocialCode, Sprinklrr, TorchLight, Unified, and Wisebirds.

Community Management partners include: Conversocial, Curalate, Expion, Hootsuite, MomentFeed, Percolate, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Spredfast, Spinklr, and Sprout Social.

Finally, under Content Marketing, partners include: Curalate, FlashStock, Olapic, Percolate, ReFUEL4, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Tongal.

Obviously there is some overlap with some of these, and you can learn more about what each partner has to offer at the Instagram Partners site.

“Our Instagram Partners are already solving business challenges for our business community,” Instagram says in a blog post. “In August, House of Blues Entertainment turned to our partners to help sell tickets for an up and coming artist playing at its Charlotte, North Carolina location. Using Instagram’s targeting combined with Instagram partner CitizenNet’s audience modeling, they targeted residents with similar musical tastes during a 13-day campaign. At the end of the campaign, they saw a 64% higher return on investment than their previous benchmark—inspiring them to extend their advertising efforts to 40+ venues in the US.”

“Instagram Partners help solve a wide variety of business challenges—whether it’s driving more installs for a new mobile gaming app, or driving in-store foot-traffic during the holidays,” it says. “We have partners available to help drive both brand and performance objectives across a wide range of businesses.”

The partner program should go a long way toward fostering growth in business use of Instagram, which is still in its infancy when it comes to the advertising landscape. Early results have been impressive, but with all of these partners on board and more and more businesses taking notice, Instagram is on its way to being a force to be reckoned with. This is in no small part thanks to parent company Facebook, which of course offers Instagram advertisers some of its own perks.

On the developer side of the equation, Instagram has requirements and documentation you can check out to see about joining the Partner Program.

Image via Instagram

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