Gracie Gold: Poised to Bring Home Gold

Gracie Gold may very well be the United States’ golden girl of the Sochi Olympics. Some believe she will likely win significant gold during her time on the ice, too. Some of the biggest names in...
Gracie Gold: Poised to Bring Home Gold
Written by Kimberly Ripley

Gracie Gold may very well be the United States’ golden girl of the Sochi Olympics. Some believe she will likely win significant gold during her time on the ice, too.

Some of the biggest names in the Sochi Olympics for women’s figure skating are Yuna Kim, Mao Asada and Gracie Gold. The general consensus thus far, however, is that all eyes will remain on Gold–to win gold.

Gracie won her first national championship in Boston last month. She will need to continue improving her game, however, as both Kim and Asada mean some incredibly stiff competition for the 18-year-old who seemingly came out of nowhere in the past two years and burst onto the U.S. figure skating scene.

”There are so many different variables, and the women’s field is so good this year,” Gracie said during a recent interview. ”Yuna Kim and Asada and then all the new kids on the block.

”I think the U.S. definitely has a strong team for the team event, definitely a chance to medal, if not win. I definitely think in singles I have a chance to medal; so do a lot of people. Who is going to leave everything out on the ice? The Olympics is about, ‘This is what I have, go ahead and beat it,”’ she added.

Gracie Gold has an attitude that will be hard to beat.

”Going to nationals, I was not going to just participate, but to compete, going for the top spot, going for gold,” she said. ”I dedicated myself to that moment and I was able to hit it pretty well, and I am more than happy with that.

”I think the year is 2014 and it’s a new Gracie. With Frank (Frank Carroll is her coach) every day after I am done jumping, we just take time to appreciate the nuances and the music and connecting with the audience and judges and have that warmth with my skating, the things that light up the rink.”

Right now Gold is enjoying the camaraderie of her U.S. Women’s Figure Skating team friends as they navigate the path that is the Sochi Olympics. There is definitely some fun to be had while at the Olympics.

All work and no play–well, you know how that turns out.

Will you be watching Gracie Gold at the Sochi Olympics? How many gold medals do you expect the golden girl might bring home?

Image via YouTube

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