Google Trying to Get a License to Work With Huawei

Since the U.S. banned Huawei, the company has been cut off from access to Google’s software and services. Now, Google is applying for a license to once again work with the Chinese firm....
Google Trying to Get a License to Work With Huawei
Written by Matt Milano

Since the U.S. banned Huawei, the company has been cut off from access to Google’s software and services. Now, Google is applying for a license to once again work with the Chinese firm.

Amid the U.S. campaign to isolate Huawei and restrict its access to American intellectual property, companies such as Google have been unable to do business with the telecom company. Huawei’s users have even tried sideloading Google apps to get around the restrictions, prompting the company to warn against the potential security risks of doing so.

According to International Business Times (IBT), “in an interview with DPA (Deutsche Presse-Agentur), Sameer Samat, Android and Google Play Vice President, said that Google has put in an application for a license to resume working with Huawei. However, Samat could not mention details on when a decision on the license application would be taken.”

As IBT points out, Google wouldn’t be the first company to apply for, and succeed in getting, a license to work with Huawei. Microsoft applied for such a license and was granted one in November 2019, allowing Huawei to ship notebooks with Windows preinstalled.

Whatever the issues between the U.S. and Huawei, if Google is successful in getting a license, it will be a big win for Huawei’s customers.

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