Google Stadia’s Days May Be Numbered

A new report suggests Google Stadia may be shut down, potentially ending an ignominious attempt by Google to enter the gaming market....
Google Stadia’s Days May Be Numbered
Written by Matt Milano

A new report suggests Google Stadia may be shut down, potentially ending an ignominious attempt by Google to enter the gaming market.

Google unveiled its Stadia gaming platform in early 2019 with the goal of revolutionizing the market and lowering barriers to entry for high-end gaming. The company invested heavily, even hiring the God of War lead to head up its new studio. Less than two years after its unveiling, however, Google had shut down its own in-house studio, leaving many to wonder what was in store for Stadia’s future.

According to the Killed by Google Twitter account, a regional manager said, “Google is beginning their exit plan,” with a view to shutting the service down by the end of summer.

The tweet says there are no plans to transfer any services or servers to any competing platforms, with the company looking to follow the same playbook as was used for the Google Play Music shutdown.

If the rumor is true, chalk Stadia up as another casualty of Google’s failed ambitions. The company is infamous for creating products and services, gaining a user base, and then killing them off just as quickly.

At this rate, it’s a wonder anyone jumps on board any new service from Google.

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