Google Manager Accounts And Cross-Account Campaign Management

Google announced that it is adding cross-account campaign management, new reporting tools, and improved account navigation for AdWords My Client Center (MCC), a name which Google is actually dropping ...
Google Manager Accounts And Cross-Account Campaign Management
Written by Chris Crum

Google announced that it is adding cross-account campaign management, new reporting tools, and improved account navigation for AdWords My Client Center (MCC), a name which Google is actually dropping in favor of Manager Accounts.

There’s a new Campaigns view in the manager account dashboard aimed at helping advertisers create reports and making changes to campaigns across multiple accounts more quickly.

“The campaign-level actions you’re familiar with at the individual account level are now available at the manager account level,” says product manager Zak Stern. “You can add columns, apply segments, and set filters to report on campaign performance for up to 20 selected accounts. Or, you can take action by quickly updating daily budgets and enabling or pausing your campaigns across those accounts. You can also create a new campaign for any individual account right from your manager account.”

“Data freshness in the manager account dashboard now matches the rest of AdWords,” he adds. “This means you no longer have to navigate to individual accounts for the most up-to-date reporting metrics. To make the dashboard reports more useful, you can now select a custom date range beyond the last 90 days, and compare it to any period you want. We’ve also added more reporting columns, including conversions, as well as the ability to chart performance directly in the dashboard.”

There are new advanced segmentation and filtering tools that enable you to slice data based on network, click type, or device. You can apply filters from there. You can use sub-manager accounts and access a new dropdown where you can refine your dashboard to only show data across directly linked sub-manager and individual accounts, all linked sub-manager and individual accounts, or all linked individual accounts.

Google also made it easier to find the account you want to view by letting you search for or select the manager account or individual account you want to jump to by expanding the dropdown at the top of the AdWords account.

Google is offering a tour of the new features. More info is available in the help center.

As far as the My Client Center name, you may still see it for a while, but Google says it will be removing it from the Hep Center and future communications throughout the year.

Image via Google

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