Google Looks to India for Pixel Manufacturing

Google is looking to diversify its manufacturing footprint, eyeing India as a possible location for Pixel manufacturing....
Google Looks to India for Pixel Manufacturing
Written by Staff

Google is looking to diversify its manufacturing footprint, eyeing India as a possible location for Pixel manufacturing.

China has been the world’s electronics manufacturing hub for years. The country has a robust infrastructure, providing companies with the human expertise and component supply chain necessary to build some of the most advanced devices on the market. Despite its advantages, companies are increasingly looking to diversify, especially in the wake of the pandemic and ongoing tensions between China and the US.

According to The Information, via TechCrunch, Google is following in Apple’s footsteps, looking to manufacture 500,000 to 1,000,000 Pixel units in India. The order would account for 10-20% of total Pixel production.

The news is a positive indication of Google’s future plans for its Pixel line of smartphones. Despite traditionally getting good reviews, the company previously struggled to compete with the likes of Apple, Samsung, and others. The Pixel 6 changed that, helping Google grow its market share at an extraordinary rate.

The fact that Google is looking to increase production and diversify its supply chain is good news for Pixel fans.

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