Google Earth Scout Thinks She’s Found Lost Egyptian Pyramids

People uncover weird stuff all the time using Google Earth satellite imagery – alien structures, crop circles, the lost city of Atlantis, and structures that resemble giant male members, just to...
Google Earth Scout Thinks She’s Found Lost Egyptian Pyramids
Written by Josh Wolford

People uncover weird stuff all the time using Google Earth satellite imagery – alien structures, crop circles, the lost city of Atlantis, and structures that resemble giant male members, just to name a few. But now, a satellite archaeology researcher thinks that she’s uncovered a couple of never-before-recognized Egyptian pyramids.

UNC Charlotte alum and decade-long studier of satellite imagery Angela Micol first discovered the two distinct sites, which are located about 90 miles apart.

The first site features a four-sided “truncated pyramidal shape” that Micol says is about 140 feet wide. If you zoom out on it, you see that it’s actually part of a larger series of unidentified mounds that are all rather similar in structure. Micol says that they are similar to the alignment of the Giza Plateau pyramids.

The second site (seen at the lead) has a much bigger, triangular-shaped mound of about 600 feet. Surrounding that are more plateaus of 250 feet and 100 feet widths, respectively.

“The images speak for themselves. It’s very obvious what the sites may contain but field research is needed to verify they are, in fact, pyramids and evidence should be gathered to determine their origins. It is my hunch there is much more to these sites and with the use of Infrared imagery, we can see the extent of the proposed complexes in greater detail,” says Micol.

The structures, which come from Northern Egypt, have been verified as officially undiscovered by Egyptologist Nabil Selim. Selim has discovered pyramids of his own, Sinki at Abydos for example.

“My dream is to work with archaeologists to release sites that I have identified over the past ten years of research. This research is the frontier of discovery and it’s just beginning to advance views of our ancient past,” says Micol.

[Google Earth Anomalies via Discovery News]

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