
Ford 3D Printed A Chocolate Mustang For Valentine’s Day

electronic devices

Ford is known for embracing new technologies before other automakers do. It’s already been working with 3D printers for a while to produce prototypes for testing. Now the company is having a little fun on Valentine’s Day by experimenting with 3D printed chocolate.

Ford recently teamed up with 3D Systems and its Sugar Lab to produce a 3D printed Mustang out of chocolate. If you recall, Sugar Lab is the branch of 3D Systems that helped to produce the ChefJet and ChefJet Pro that were revealed at CES back in January. Now Ford is taking Sugar Lab’s new prototype 3D sugar printer for a test drive.

The 3D printer shown in the video below takes a novel approach to printing sugar sculptures. Using an inkjet printer head, it sprays water on a layer of sugar. Another layer of sugar is then spread over the wet sugar to crystalize it and then the process begins anew until a full 3D model is created out of it.

If you want to know more about the Sugar Lab and the work 3D Systems is doing in food printing, you should check out their talk at CES.

Image via fordvideo1/YouTube