Facebook Snags Its New Chief Security Officer from Yahoo

In April, Uber poached Facebook’s Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan. Now, Facebook has found his replacement. And they took him from Yahoo. Your new Facebook CSO is Alex Stamos. Stamos served ...
Facebook Snags Its New Chief Security Officer from Yahoo
Written by Josh Wolford

In April, Uber poached Facebook’s Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan. Now, Facebook has found his replacement.

And they took him from Yahoo. Your new Facebook CSO is Alex Stamos. Stamos served as Yahoo’s Chief Information Security Officer.

“The Internet has been an incredible force for connecting the world and giving individuals access to personal, educational and economic opportunities that are unprecedented in human history. These benefits are not without risk, and it is the responsibility of our industry to build the safest, most trustworthy products possible,” said Stamos in a Facebook post.

“This is why I am joining Facebook. There is no company in the world that is better positioned to tackle the challenges faced not only by today’s Internet users but for the remaining 2/3rds of humanity we have yet to connect. The Facebook security team has demonstrated a history of innovation as well as a unique willingness to share those innovations with the world, and we will build upon that history in the years to come.”

I am very happy to announce that I will be joining Facebook as their Chief Security Officer next Monday. The Internet…

Posted by Alex Stamos on Wednesday, June 24, 2015

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