
Facebook Gets Even More Twitter-Like With Trending Topics

Facebook is reportedly testing Trending Topics with a group of mobile users. The news comes from All Things D, which luckily provides screen caps:

Trending Topics

While not necessarily the case with all features Facebook tests, it seems reasonably safe to assume that this one will be expanded beyond the test phase at some point, and possibly beyond mobile.

Facebook has been talking up “public conversations” lately, starting with the release of the hashtags feature earlier this year, and this seems like a logical next step. Obviously both of these features make Facebook more competitive with Twitter when it comes to the type of content and usage Twitter has to offer, which is essentially just that – public conversations.

Then there’s the fact that after all these years, Facebook just announced the launch of embeddable posts last week. This plays into this same theme of public content.

According to the All Things D report, Facebook is even going out of its way to court celebrities and offer them incentives for choosing Facebook as their medium of choice to engage with fans.

Also happening in Facebookland: Graph Search is now live for all U.S. users, and changes are being made to how Facebook determines what to show people in the News Feed.

Image: All Things D