EU May Ban Cloud Providers From Providing Services in Russia

The European Union (EU) is stepping up sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, floating the possibility of prohibiting cloud providers from operating in the country....
EU May Ban Cloud Providers From Providing Services in Russia
Written by Matt Milano

The European Union (EU) is stepping up sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, floating the possibility of prohibiting cloud providers from operating in the country.

Countries and companies around the world have imposed sanctions on Russia, in response to its actions, working to make its invasion of Ukraine as costly as possible. The sanctions have already taken a toll, with Russia possibly on the verge of running out of domestic storage as a result of tech companies pulling out of the country.

The EU is now looking to take measures even further, with plans to prohibit cloud providers from offering their services in-country, according to Reuters. As Reuters points out, it’s unclear how much the prohibition would impact Russia, since the major cloud providers have already pulled out of the country of their own accord.

Either way, the decision illustrates the challenges Russia is facing accessing technology and services countries now take for granted.

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