Drew Carey Offers Reward to Catch Ohio Teens Responsible for Feces Ice Bucket Challenge

Price is Right host Drew Carey has offered a reward of $10,000 to the person that helps catch the Ohio teens that tricked a special needs student into having urine and feces dumped on his head in a fa...
Drew Carey Offers Reward to Catch Ohio Teens Responsible for Feces Ice Bucket Challenge
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Price is Right host Drew Carey has offered a reward of $10,000 to the person that helps catch the Ohio teens that tricked a special needs student into having urine and feces dumped on his head in a fake ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

We all know that kids can be cruel at times, but the cruelty exhibited by teens in Bay Village, Ohio towards an autistic classmate is absolutely reprehensible. The teens tricked the special needs student into believing that he was participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Instead of putting ice water in the bucket, they put feces, urine, and spit in it and dumped it on his head.

See a video the teens took of the disgusting event below.

The mother of the boy contacted the Bay Village School District about the matter, and the district says they are doing everything they can to find the teens that are responsible. In a message posted to the district’s website, Superintendent Clint Keener speaks out about the incident:

Our entire Bay Village Schools community is heartsick over the cruel actions taken against one of our special needs students…The student and family targeted by this act have our utmost sympathy, and we will work to let this student know that we care very much about his well being.

While the school district is doing what they can to assist police in catching the cruel teens, comedian and game show host Drew Carey has upped the ante and offered a reward of $10,000 to help find the teens faster. Check out Drew Carey’s tweets on the disgusting ice bucket challenge below.

Some people have already sent messages to Carey claiming to have information about the teens that tricked the autistic teen into participating in the fake ice bucket challenge. Carey says that if police apprehend the teens without any help, he will donate his $10,000 to Autism Speaks.

On a more positive note, this incident has caused the Bay Village community to come together to support the victim. The community decided to wear blue to support autism awareness at a vigil before the Friday night football game.

Autism Speaks Executive Vice President of Programs and Services Lisa Goring spoke out on the feces ice bucket challenge. “Unfortunately, these horrifying incidents of bullying and abuse among individuals on the spectrum are far too common and completely unacceptable,” said Goring. “It is critical as a community that we work together to prevent such horrific incidents from occurring and that we learn to recognize and respond to them in ways that best support our loved ones with autism.”

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