Detachment Trailer, Mr. Belding on WWE Raw, & McDonalds’ Mouse

A viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, via social media, sharing sites, or good ‘ole email. Everyday we highlight some of the best that are currently vira...
Detachment Trailer, Mr. Belding on WWE Raw, & McDonalds’ Mouse
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A viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, via social media, sharing sites, or good ‘ole email. Everyday we highlight some of the best that are currently viral and some that are trending that way.

Today’s videos feature a trailer for a movie about FDR fighting werewolves, apocalypse surfing, inappropriate ‘WOO-ing’ on Saved by the Bell, and Wendy Williams’ Save the Twinkie campaign.

This movie trailer had me at “and the acclaimed director of American History X“. Not to mention it stars Adrien Brody, along with a stellar supporting cast: Bryan Cranston, James Caan, and William Petersen.

You might still have a NES laying around somewhere, but most likely it doesn’t look as cool as this one.

Oh…RABBIT punch. I’m not going to explain what a donkey punch is. Just use Google if you’re curious.

Spiders on camera lenses, stuffed spiders being thrown, and dancing cops. This is how the news should always be.

If you’re having a stressful day then sit back, relax to the calm, peaceful sights and sounds of this video. Amazing effects.

EXIST from niiyama on Vimeo.

So FDR will be fighting werewolves this year, and Abraham Lincoln will be fighting vampires. I really think we’ve let the hype of Twilight affect us just a bit too much. Movie looks incredible by the way. (Warning: NSFW language and violence)

Rapping about pancakes worked for another up-and-coming YouTube rapper, why not sandwiches? (Warning: NSFW language)

So when the robots, aliens, and meteorites invade…ya just gotta catch one more wave brah. Very interesting video.

The one question which has been plaguing the minds of people from my generation is, what has Mr. Belding, a.k.a Dennis Haskins been doing since Saved by the Bell? Apparently, watching wrestling ringside…nice.

So how would your year look if you took just a second each day and chronicled it in one video? Somewhat similar to this, with a little less L.A. for many. March 14th is my favorite; irish whiskey in the Diet Coke…we’ve all been there.

2011 from hey_rabbit on Vimeo.

If you’re one of those people that can’t help but think of what they’re actually eating then don’t watch this, or steer completely clear of McDonalds for the rest of your life. The video cuts off around the 2:30 mark or so, but we’ve seen all we need to until that point.

Just don’t steal the kid’s juicebox. Problem solved.

I’ve never watched Wendy Williams’ show. From people who have seen it and told me about it, I should probably not watch it. I have to give her credit for this funny PSA vid though.

It’s so weird how on a single day I’ll post about the same topic in different videos. Today, that topic is Saved by the Bell. In this video, someone purposefully, and hilariously messed up the “WOO-ing” track.

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