Delray Beach Flooding: Wild Weather Heads South

This week’s wild weather was not just limited to the Northern states with the Polar Vortex. Heavy rains in Delray Beach, Fla, on Thursday created flooding in the Boca Raton area, resulting in tw...
Delray Beach Flooding: Wild Weather Heads South
Written by Pam Wright

This week’s wild weather was not just limited to the Northern states with the Polar Vortex.

Heavy rains in Delray Beach, Fla, on Thursday created flooding in the Boca Raton area, resulting in two fatalities.

Elsa Marquez, 56, died when her car was overwhelmed by flood waters. Authorities say she went off the road and got caught up in a maelstrom.

The victim’s husband, Jorge Marquez, said his wife is a mother of five and was leaving work at a retirement community when her car became submerged.

The flood also claimed the life of 90-year-old Harry Kruelwitz who was caught off-guard by the flood waters and fell into a canal while walking in waist-high water with a cane.

Flood waters began to recede on Friday, but the lingering affects can be felt by residents.

Many drivers on I-95 were forced to leave their vehicles and head for higher ground and have yet to reclaim their cars.

“It’s a nightmare,” said Kings Point resident Fred Sklut.

Sklut said floods inundated his community Thursday into Friday morning, leaving cars stranded.

“I know they said we were gonna get a lot of rain but I woke up this morning around 7:30 and looked outside and saw my car and it was halfway through the door,” he said.

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