
Category: Retail & eCommerce

eCommerce, Online Retail & Retail News

  • Email Marketers Are Missing Out On Metrics

    An extensive study recently released by GetRepsone and SmartInsights shows that while email is clearly the most effective marketing channel, marketers overall aren’t fully utilizing the available capabilities and advantages of email metrics.

    Of 2,510 email marketers who took time out to share their experiences and current use of email marketing, the survey revealed that only 21% use the high-funnel metrics such as volume of opens and clicks, to review measures of quality of response. Less that 15% are able to see clearly see the business outcome of their email marketing beyond the email click such as leads. And just as surprising is that nearly one quarter of email marketers don’t have any metrics.

    Another area that the study centered on was targeting. Half (50%) don’t use any targeting whatsoever, and less than a third (29%) use basic segmentation for targeting.

    Philip Storey, Founder of Enchant, a CRM consultancy, thinks that a change in mindset can help highlight the importance of targeting from a customer experience point of view: “Marketers are still thinking about campaigns as broadcasts to their entire database, instead of opportunities to create a truly valuable connection with people. Ultimately, most marketers are still using email as an advertising channel and thinking about volume instead of quality. To take things to the next level, brands must put their customer’s different needs and desires at the forefront of their email communications strategy. The goal is to create the ultimate customer experience in the inbox – one that generates the highest ROI.”

    The study also found that over half of the businesses (58%) are planning to increase their email marketing budget in 2017, with just 7.5% stating that their investment will decrease. Just over one-third (35%) are satisfied with their current investment level and want their email budget to remain the same in the year ahead.

    The entirety of the survey results can be found in the Email Marketing & Marketing Automation Excellence Report 2017.

  • Major Study Reveals What Kind of Video Content Drives eCommerce Sales

    Major Study Reveals What Kind of Video Content Drives eCommerce Sales

    As the eCommerce industry has matured in sales and reach, it has realized it still has obstacles….namely engaging and persuading real people. To take this on, successful brands have embraced digital content to add a pop to their product presentation. But as recent survey from Episerver found, 98% of shoppers have been deterred from completing a purchase because of incomplete content.

    Research has shown that video is a valuable content form for online shopping engagement. Put simply, it helps overcome the advantage of tangible interaction provided by in-store experience.

    So that being the case, what kind of video content works best to boost eCommerce sales? A new study from the UK has found some insightful answers.

    Alex Connock of EndemolShine North in MediaCityUK wanted to examine how differing editorial styles and durations would impact the customer journey. “Around the world there are many territories which have a more relaxed approach to brand integration into mainstream or OTT programming, and here it is possible that e-commerce ‘clickability’ will be included in factual and fiction programming of a mainstream variety. Testing what works in terms of functionalities and styles of integration of that technology is fascinating and seriously useful. We already have interest in this study from colleagues all over the world, from Spain and Holland, to the US and China” he recently told Prolific North.

    A survey was conducted of 2800 UK respondents, in 28 standalone representative groups of 100 people each. Before they watched any of the test videos:

    30% said have clicked on an online video to find out more detail
    29% had actually made a purchase through an online video
    49% usually have the sound on, when shopping online
    They were then shown the video and asked: would you have bought the product?

    The study found that among other things: short videos worked the best, videos with people work better, branded content works better than a hard sell, marketing multiple items works well and leads to more “buys”, and waiting until the video ends before offering click to buy.

    “What didn’t surprise me was that short videos do very well as drivers to purchase, as I think we have seen that worldwide. But what was surprising was HOW short that took effect. Notably 15 seconds resoundingly beat 40 seconds as a shoppable video length,” Connock told Prolific North.

    “I was very surprised, as are most people who see the survey, that user-generated content ranked so badly as a driver of purchase. It’s definitely one to avoid and that’s a real learning for many ecommerce platforms.

    A lot of other surprising findings came from the study that are well worth any eCommerce/eTailer business to consider. The video below shows a summary of the research and results.

  • Twitter Considering Premium Subscriptions for Marketers

    Twitter Considering Premium Subscriptions for Marketers

    The 11 year history of Twitter is a compelling model of how a simple and free user-centric content service, supported by advertising, can grow to have tremendous reach and an huge impact on culture. Facebook is another example on a larger scale. But the key difference between the two services is ad revenue. Unlike Facebook, Twitter just hasn’t been able to attract the ad dollars.

    Journalist Andrew Tavani’s scoop a few days revealed what may be Twitter’s new initiative to drive revenue not from paid ads, but from paying users:

    Tavani also noted that the ‘advanced TweetDeck’ monthly subscription fee Twitter is exploring in the survey is $19.99 and would have a list of marketer-centric features.

    Shortly after Tavani’s sharp-eyed reporting took over the Twitterverse, company spokeswoman Brielle Villablanca confirmed with Reuters that Twitter is conducting a survey “to assess the interest in a new, more enhanced version of Tweetdeck. We regularly conduct user research to gather feedback about people’s Twitter experience and to better inform our product investment decisions, and we’re exploring several ways to make Tweetdeck even more valuable for professionals.”

    This move is very similar to LinkedIn’s paid premium memberships and could prove to be a successful revenue booster for the Twitter. But as pointed out here, it won’t cure what fundamentally ails the business of Twitter.

  • eBay CEO: We’re Seeing The End of Retail As We Know It

    eBay CEO: We’re Seeing The End of Retail As We Know It

    UPDATE: After years of huge losses and store closings, Sears warned investors that it has “substantial doubt” it will stay in business. Sears also owns Kmart.

    As noted here recently, the well-established retail giants have seen significant loses the past few years. This downward trend hit a breaking point at the close of the holiday shopping season in a way that will very likely alter the retail industry this year and forever.

    “The fourth quarter of last holiday season was a really important moment,” eBay CEO Devin Wenig told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” from the Shoptalk Conference in Las Vegas. “I think it was an inflection point where that was the end of retail as we know it. And I do think the restructuring of this industry is going to happen faster than a lot of people think…. the fourth quarter is the moment that people will look back on and say, ‘That’s when the current structure of the industry was irretrievable.’”

    Wening continues, “I’m not sure all the retailers are going to even make it, in a healthy economy, to this holiday season,” Wenig said. “And I do think you are going to see drastic changes in store footprints and what stores do.”

    While the eCommerce industry saw another record holiday shopping season with gains over the previous year, retailers including JCPenny, Macy’s, HHGregg and Sears have announced a large number of stores closings.

    Wenig said he doesn’t think stores are completely going away, but that stores must be a “mini distribution center” to succeed.

    “I think the complete death of stores has been greatly exaggerated,” Wenig said. “The consumer wants stores. The entire world will not be online. But there are both capacity and utility issues in retail. People don’t like poor store experiences.”

  • Best Digital Marketers in E-Commerce Announced

    Best Digital Marketers in E-Commerce Announced

    Internet Retailer’s recent report series The Best Digital Marketers in E-Commerce confirms what most industry experts see as a 2017 priority, truly understanding today’s customers and, in turn, successfully driving consumers to buy across multiple marketing channels.

    From looking at the winning strategy of the retail giant Target, it is clear that customer data ultimately determines how the retailer determines its digital marketing budget to drive online sales. “We’re one of the lucky ones with rich first-party data,” says Kristi Argyilan, Target’s senior vice president of marketing. “That enables us to target real human beings, which helps us get greater returns than targeting audiences that rely on aggregated information to find signals of intent.”

    Target has also dissolved its marketing silos by bringing together the teams that handle various marketing channels so that everyone can examine the same data to see where the retailer needs to change its budget. This sharing of data has helped the Target marketing team see better efficiency and effectiveness of its email, social and search strategies.

    One channel that Target has been especially active with is paid search, buying an amount that would be a fourth of eCommerce juggernaut Amazon’s $41 million monthly 2016 paid search spend. Argylian says those dollars are well spent given that paid search drives 13.5% of Target.com’s overall traffic while also contributing to in-store traffic and sales.

    The 174 page series provides exclusive rankings and analysis of the top retailers across all digital marketing channels including The Best Social Media Marketers in E-Commerce, Best Search Marketers in E-Commerce and Best Email Marketers in E-Commerce. That is a lot of good information for web merchants and multi-channel retailers who can never have enough data.

  • Real Time Personalization Tripled Retailer’s Email Revenue

    Real Time Personalization Tripled Retailer’s Email Revenue

    There is no other digital marketing medium more powerful for retailers and businesses in general than email. Besides the one-on-one setting that email provides, the growth of marketing data tools has made email the ultimate personalized bond between businesses and both their “today customers” and “tomorrow customers”.

    Retail TouchPoints featured a recent and superb case study from the UK of how one retailer tripled their email marketing revenue thru real-time personalization.

    The Entertainer, the largest High Street (main street) toy retailer in the UK, partnered with marketing platform provider SmartFocus to help understand customer data from all online channels, know who its customer base is, how they shop, what products they like and their lifetime value. The retailer gained a single customer view to power personalized emails in real time — whether delivered via traditional email, mobile, web or social channels.

    “Replicating our in-store experience when each and every one of our customers visits our web site or receives one of our marketing messages is critical to us,” said Rob Wood, Head of Online at The Entertainer in an interview with Retail TouchPoints. “The work we have done has undoubtedly helped retain customers, but SmartFocus has helped us engage new customers and send them contextually relevant and unique engagements across all our digital channels and web site.”

    The first phase of the project was centered around the toy retailer’s Birthday Club which “allows grown-ups to tell us the birthdays of the children they’re buying for.” The Entertainer asks customers to reveal the child’s gender and age. “With that information, we can target their parents four weeks before the birthday and send them a list of personalized recommendations,” added Wood. This allowed the retailer to incorporate 80,000 children’s birthdays in its current database. “We find that people who are in this database spend twice as much every year as someone who’s not in it,” said Wood.

    The retailer was then able to migrated all of its transactional and marketing campaign programs to the SmartFocus Message Cloud and the send 100% personalized and fully responsive messages to customers, with content driven exclusively by their behavior.

    Once a single-customer-view database was built, The Entertainer integrated a new email service solution to enhance the segmentation of email addresses using attributes from the database. “The recommendations engine now gathers data while the customer browses, interacts and orders from the web site,” said Wood.

    The Entertainer’s work with SmartFocus has given the retailer the ability to drill down to individual purchase patterns with more relevance. Wood said the retailer is also looking to organically increase the basket value and frequency of visits — in stores and online — while also increasing the lifetime value of each customer through engagement.

    “We tripled our email revenue last year compared to the year before, which is a brilliant result for us and something we are happy with,” said Wood. “We’ve used the same database — it’s not like we have massively grown the database. All we have done is send better messages to the same people and gotten a better result from that.”

    The results:

    – Tripled email revenue, with a 97% rise in YOY sales to date;
    – Boosted new sales 36%;
    – Increased click-through rate (CTR) 80% from behavioral segments used in email personalization;
    – Increased sales from web site product recommendations
    – Achieved a 60% increase in returning shoppers;
    – Lifted conversions from abandoned cart emails 25%.

  • Small Businesses Better Reconsider Social Media

    Small Businesses Better Reconsider Social Media

    B2B research and reviews firm Clutch has released some interesting data-driven findings from their Social Media for Small Business: 2017 Survey. The firm surveyed 350 small business owners/managers across the United States to determine digital marketing habits and goals for 2017. Respondents included 40% of companies with 10 or fewer employees, 27% with 11-50 employees, 25% with 51-250 employees, and 8% with 251-500 employees. The survey found that:

    – 24% of small businesses have not used social media for their business
    – Over 90% of small businesses using social media are on Facebook
    – Over 50% plan to increase investment in Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube in 2017
    – 41% share content, engage with followers multiple times a day
    – Audience growth and clicks to website are most popular metrics for small businesses
    – Over 50% rely on in-house staff for social media marketing

    Some of these findings might not be a surprise…especially the first two listed above. We all know someone whose small business isn’t exactly keen on the whole social media, Facebook concept. And it’s without question that many small businesses have a Facebook account that’s more of a placeholder than an active component of their revenue building. But what can be pulled and analyzed from these findings should be noted by all SMBs.

    Clutch has accurately determined that there are three key reasons why small businesses need social media: its cost effectiveness, growing popularity, and ability to target customers.

    Joshua Dirks, co-founder and CEO of Project Bionic, a Seattle-based creative marketing agency points out that “An active social media presence has the potential to drastically improve your marketing abilities at a much lower cost than traditional media”. And in what is a extremely profound point: “Many [small business owners] read the headlines from five to six years ago about ‘likes’ not mattering and bought into that. They are missing out because of their own viewpoint on the topic, [made] from believing five- to six-year-old headlines and not recapturing the maturation of the space”. That right there should make any owner or manager want to reconsider social media marketing as part of their business.

    Another fact that is missing from the mindset of a lot of SMB owners/managers is the readily available data in social media that can easily boost a business’ marketing and sales. “Social is one of the few forms that allows you to look at the data,” said Keith Kakadia, Founder and CEO of Sociallyin, a Mississippi-based social media agency. “It allows you to determine whether there’s a return on investment (ROI) for the money spent. When you have a small budget, every single dollar needs to be spent on what works”.

    The Clutch analysis goes on with some extremely valuable recommendations and takeaways from the study that are well worth considering. In summary, SMBs that aren’t using social media, or aren’t using it effectively, need to change that because the marketing and sales opportunities are undeniable there.

  • eCommerce Has Just Conquered Another Retail Giant

    eCommerce Has Just Conquered Another Retail Giant

    Due to what has been coined as The Amazon Effect, 61 year old electronic retail behemoth H.H. Gregg is expected to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this week. After announcing last week the closing 40% of it’s retail locations (88 mega-stores) and 3 distribution centers for profitability restructuring purposes, sources close to the matter said that the filing is days away.

    As Nasdaq outlined this morning, HHGregg’s 24% sales plunge in the holiday quarter, compared to Amazon’s 22% rise, is yet another indicator of how Amazon’s multi-channel eCommerce strategy fits perfectly into consumers’ needs and spending habits.

    This has especially proven true in the area of shipping , where Amazon has turned what once was a long, tedious experience into a “click, buy and at your door” delightful whirlwind.

    More importantly, this eCommerce uptick is in no way exclusive to Amazon, who is seen as a key indicator in the industry. eCommerce websites of all shapes and sizes have tremendously improved the customer experience. There is absolutely no sign that the eCommerce industry is even close to slowing down. As the brick and mortars continue to clunk along, while also balancing low, competitive profits margins, customers will continue choosing options that generally take less time and effort while also being provided a smooth, personalized digital experience. And when that service includes swift delivery to your home, it’s harder to convince customers to jump in their cars and hunt down a parking spot at the suburban mall or on Main Street. But if this retail/eTail trend continues, finding that parking spot won’t be too difficult.

  • B2B Marketers, What You’re Asking for is Bad Form

    I’ve been doing this for years and I have to get this off my chest. I’ve seen hundreds of B2B campaigns- good ones, bad ones, mediocre ones. I’ve seen brilliant ones that turned targets into leads at amazing rates and I’ve seen ones so bad that digital tumbleweeds practically blow across the landing page.

    There’s no excuse for getting it wrong. There’s so much good advice available on solid best practices. Really, a little research would have helped avoid so many bad campaigns I’ve seen. There is one piece of conventional wisdom that keeps popping up however and it’s very wrong.

    When it comes to landing pages, there are lots of people working with a bad, wrongheaded, and silly idea. This nonsense idea is that longer forms will get you better leads.

    It appears wise on the surface. Leads that fill out the longer form are obviously more interested and have a more pressing need for what you’re selling, right? Shorter forms get you more leads and longer forms get you better leads is the standard line of thinking.

    Ask yourself though, are you turning away prospects, maybe even your best prospects, because you’re asking too much from them? Just because they will fill out a longer form doesn’t necessarily make them a better lead. Maybe they are lonely people and not at all busy. Maybe they are exactly who you’re looking for.

    But, if they will fill out a longer form, they will fill out a shorter one. You won’t miss out on those leads but you will miss the ones that don’t want to give out their phone number or budget or timeline for making a decision. People rightfully worry that they’ll be ducking sales calls for years.

    Personally, I would rather give out my social security number than put my phone number into a lead form. In the age of Linkedin, how much information do you really need from a prospect beyond their email address and name?

    Hubspot says you get 6 seconds with the visitor to make your case. If it looks like too much trouble, they’re gone. The level of hassle involved is called page friction. Ask too much and your six seconds is up and your potential whale client is gone. Test it and see if I’m right. If you really want those digits, you can make it an optional field without too much extra page friction.

    Bad leads who are a poor fit will always be with us and there will always be complaints from salespeople. It’s far better to get more leads and throw out some bad ones than to turn away good prospects at the landing page. Just ask the complainers, do they want more leads or less leads? Then ask, how often they put their phone number in to lead capture forms?

  • Google Adds Fun Animal Facts to Search

    Google Adds Fun Animal Facts to Search

    By simply adding the words “fun facts” to a search involving a living creature Google will try to provide an interesting tidbit. For example, if you search for “Cat fun facts” a new Google box will appear at the top of the results providing a new fun fact for each time you search that phrase. We tried it and got some interesting results obtained from a variety of websites:

    “Cats lack a true collarbone.”

    “Outdoor cats shed more in fall and spring.”

    “Most cats prefer their food at room temperature, and will boldly REFUSE any food that is too cold or too hot.”

    “A cat spends around two thirds of its day asleep.”

    “Studies have shown that cats can distinguish between red and green; red and blue; red and gray; green and blue; green and gray; blue and gray; yellow and blue, and yellow and gray.”

    “Starting today on Google Search, you can find fun facts about living creatures from around the world, making you the most interesting person at the dinner party or the reigning champ at trivia,” noted Satyajeet Salgar, Product Manager at Google (Search, Assistant, YouTube, Media, Gaming, Payments etc.) “Head to Google, ask for a fun fact about something (think plants, animals, fruits and veggies), and ta-da! A trivia tidbit is delivered right at the top of your search results.”

    “These are just a few of the fun facts out there for you to find on Google,” added Salgar. “And here’s a pro-tip for the trivia lovers out there: Some queries have multiple facts, one of which we randomly display when searched. So if you’re interested in learning more, just hit refresh and another fact may surface. Enjoy your fact finding!”

  • Restaurants Creating Crave on Instagram

    Restaurants Creating Crave on Instagram

    According to a post on the Instagram Business blog the number one driver of visits to restaurants is the act of craving. In advertising this simply means making people hungry for what your are selling. Restaurants love Instagram because of its visualness, its frequent use of video in posts and probably most importantly, its primarily consumed on a mobile device.

    A 2015 study showed that 53% of frequent diners and 41% of occasional diners use their mobile phone to decide on a fast-food restaurant. You have to assume that’s just as prevalent with restaurants in general. Instagram says that for restaurant goers on mobile, 23% take a photo purely to remember the experience, and 15% share that experience on their social channels. They report that after seeing friends’ photos and videos of fast-food restaurants on Instagram, 66% of frequent diners want to visit.

    Interestingly, Instagram users that follow restaurants are 1.4 times more active on Instagram than average, indicating that they use the platform for more than just posting photos. Instagram reports that they like 4.5 times more content, post 3 times more than the average user and comment 7 times more frequently than typical. That’s amazing. One wonders if there is some other common variable other than liking restaurants, but we’ll go with that for now.

    Since Instagram was launched food has been a big part of the app, with people posting millions of photos and videos of what they were about to eat. Restaurant have taken note of this posting fetish and thought, what can we do to feed into this without becoming another unwanted ad? That’s where the concept of crave comes in. Restaurants are focusing posts and ads on making people hungry, using Italian music when showing a video of a pizza being made, showing extreme closeups of a Ruby Tuesday hamburger so that people can almost taste it, in the case of Fridays showing a very satisfied person eating their ribs. The point is to focus on the food in order to create the crave.

    Instagram says that Ruby Tuesday ran a series of 5 video ads and saw a 22-point lift in ad recall—outperforming similar campaigns by 96%. They say it also drove a 10-point lift in purchase intent among 45-54 year olds—which outperformed nearly 75% of similar campaigns for the same demographic.

    “TGI Friday’s developed a two-phased campaign that used video and carousel ads, as well as local awareness ads on Facebook, to promote its ribs and encourage people to enjoy them at a physical location,” noted the Instagram ad team. “The six-week company not only drove a 3-point lift in purchase intent, but more than 50,000 restaurant visits were attributed to the campaign.”

    Dairy Queen’s Instagram campaign reach 20 million people, driving an 18 point lift in ad recall among 25-34 year olds. They say it also drove an 8 point lift in awareness of its “Upside Down or Free” promotion and a 3 point lift in purchase intent. Not much in purchase intent but it definitely drove the crave.

    “We wanted to build up our presence on Instagram and occupy the currently sparse dessert space,” said Jenell Lammers, Digital Marketing Manager, Dairy Queen (View photo at top). “We’ve done just that with this campaign, which further proved that Instagram is not only great for organic posts but can really drive results.”

  • How Chrome Digital Signage Drove Traffic to The Statue of Liberty Website

    How Chrome Digital Signage Drove Traffic to The Statue of Liberty Website

    I ran across a story on Google’s Connected Workspaces blog how digital signage powered by Google Chrome was used to drive website traffic to the Statue of Liberty and to make the store underneath it more engaging.

    Evelyn Hill, the gift shop under the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island, wanted to emulate a photo contest they saw promoting a remote national park in Florida called Dry Tortugas. They were told to contact BlackDogscreen-shot-2016-12-13-at-5-35-36-pm Advertising based in Miami, Florida, which created a cool kiosk in their visitor center showing photos where people were vying to win a $500 prize. The Evelyn Hill gift shop wanted that too.

    “We took on the challenge of transforming Evelyn Hill’s gift shop and restaurant, the Crown Cafe, into a visitor destination, and driving traffic to thestatueofliberty.com,” says John W. Penney, creative director and CEO of BlackDog Advertising.

    Evelyn Hill was interested in replicating the photo contest. “This time, we’d be creating a live photo feed so visitors could see images as they were uploaded” Penney said. “My company had a great experience using Chrome devices before, so we decided to use Chrome digital signage devices because they are easy to deploy, cost effective and make content management a breeze.”


    Penney says that “the photo contest has driven incredible engagement” with over 21,700 photo votes cast, both in person and online. The website saw a 270% increase in traffic but more importantly, the kiosk itself has become a very engaging part of the visitor experience. Because of this the store is looking at ways to expand the photo contest to more locations on Ellis. Best of all, it’s a very inexpensive way to increase website traffic and also make the visit to their Ellis Island store more fun.

    How To Do It For Your Business

    To drive high engagement, we created live-updating digital signs to draw visitors into the Crown Cafe and engage them in the photo contest. Monitors are powered by Google Chromebits that are remotely operated using Chrome Device Management, so the cafe can easily display contest results. Meanwhile, visitors can use the #PictureLiberty hashtag to share their photos on the Statue of Liberty website and encourage their friends to vote for their submission.

    The flexibility of Chrome lets us optimize signage solutions. With Chrome Device Management we were able to easily install WooBox, which collected contest photos from social media, on all of our managed devices (in this case, Chromebits). We don’t want to deliver cookie-cutter solutions to our customers, and Chrome enables us to build solutions that stand out from the crowd.

    Using Chrome also helped keep the campaign cost effective. Since Chrome Sign Builder is free to use and the photo content is user-generated, hardware was the only cost. Each of Liberty Island’s four units cost just $109, including access to Chrome Device Management, which allowed us to easily install apps on the Chromebits. Achieving this low cost would have been impossible with any other digital signage solution.

    Read more of the post by BlackDog Advertising’s John W. Penney on Google’s Connected Workspaces blog.

  • What Marketers Can Expect From LinkedIn in 2017

    What Marketers Can Expect From LinkedIn in 2017

    With the backing of Microsoft, LinkedIn has big plans to increase its effectiveness for marketers in 2017. Russ Glass, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions’ Head of Products, was interviewed by LinkedIn Account Executive at Vivek Venugopal:

    Venugopal: What about LinkedIn has kept you excited about being here? What gets you up in the morning and into work everyday?

    Glass: I think LinkedIn Marketing Solutions specifically. It’s also very exciting because our mission is to be the most effective platform for marketers to reach professionals. It’s one of those issues you can actually accomplish. We’ve got this global network of professionals, this incredible platform that they come to on a frequent basis, that has great content and great information.

    We have an opportunity now to take all of those assets and put great capabilities around it for marketers to be successful. Every day we are a little better than we were the day before and I think we are going to continue to see that kind of growth.

    Venugopal: Can you tell us a little bit about what marketers can expect to see out of the LMS platform in 2017 and talk a little bit about the Microsoft acquisition and how that might impact the roadmap?

    Glass: I could talk a long time about what we’re doing next year and all the opportunities with Microsoft, but maybe I’ll focus on the most important stuff, the stuff I’m most excited about. The first half of 2017 we will launch more product than the entirety of 2016.

    We’re focused on a couple of key areas, the first of which is data. How do we allow marketers to bring their own data to LinkedIn so that they are targeting audiences more effectively and then combine that with LinkedIn datasets in order to do things you just can’t do on any other platform? Such as bring their own email data, bring their own account lists, connect with their CRM systems, connect with their marketing automation systems and use website pixels so they can retarget visitors on the LinkedIn platform. Then layer LinkedIn’s unique understanding of a professional and who they are in their business life so that you can get in front of exactly the right audiences and you can put content in front of exactly right audiences.

    The second big area is reporting and analytics. We have a ton of analytics and reporting efforts that we’re going to start rolling out early next year including website audience analytics and conversion tracking, which we started to roll out and will continue to iterate on.

    The third big area is return on investment. How do we help marketers, particularly lead-gen marketers, that are trying to convert our members into the buyer’s or download case studies or register for events. How do we let them do that more effectively? We’re launching products like our lead-gen form product where without leaving LinkedIn and without having to go to a landing page a user can submit their LinkedIn profile information to a marketer. It goes right into their CRM system and right into their marketing automation system. It’s an incredible product particularly for the B2B marketer.

  • Facebook to Enable Mid-Roll Ads in User Posted Videos

    Facebook to Enable Mid-Roll Ads in User Posted Videos

    Facebook is finally bringing monetization to videos that are posted by its users, letting video makers include mid-roll ads, according to Recode. “Industry sources say the social network is going to start testing a new “mid-roll” ad format, which will give video publishers the chance to insert ads into their clips after people have watched them for at least 20 seconds.”

    Facebook is careful to match the same ad payout to publishers (55%) as YouTube, which we suspect is to avoid an ad payment war with its video platform rival. Facebook will differentiate its videos by serving a mid-roll ad instead of the dreaded pre-roll that most videos include. However, on YouTube the pre-roll ads can be discontinued by clicking “skip ad” after 5 seconds. It will be interesting to see if Facebook offers a similar way to end the ad interruption.

    Facebook has been focused on video for the last few years, and at one point a Facebook executive said that “Facebook will be all video within 5 years.”

    “Over the past six months we have been particularly focused on Live video. Live represents a new way to share what’s happening in more immediate and creative ways,” Zuckerberg said earlier this year. “This quarter Candace Payne’s Chewbacca mask video was viewed almost 160 million times.”

    Not everybody is happy about Facebook’s video advertising plans:

  • Best Christmas Sales Ever for Amazon and Its Own Devices Lead the Way

    Best Christmas Sales Ever for Amazon and Its Own Devices Lead the Way

    Amazon had a record Christmas and its own Alexa devices, Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, Fire tablet and Amazon Echo, lead the way. Sales were up over last year’s holiday season an amazing 9 times.

    “Echo and Echo Dot were the best-selling products across Amazon this year, and we’re thrilled that millions of new customers will be introduced to Alexa as a result. Despite our best efforts and ramped-up production, we still had trouble keeping them in stock. From turning on Christmas lights and playing holiday music to shopping for gifts and asking for help with cookie recipes, Alexa continues to get smarter every day,” commented Jeff Wilke, CEO Worldwide Consumer, Amazon. “We couldn’t have made this holiday season possible for customers without the dedication and hard work of our customer service, transportation, and fulfillment associates along with our carrier partners – it’s amazing to see the teams come together to serve customers during the holidays. On behalf of Amazonians all around the world, we wish everyone happy holidays and the very best for the coming year.”

    Prime was huge for Amazon this season, with over 1 billion items shipped for free to Prime Members worldwide. Another interesting tidbit is that Amazon recorded its fastest shipped item on Christmas Eve at 13 minutes from order to delivery that was most likely a last minute gift for a loved one. The order included a Tile Slim Item Finder and a Tile Mate Key Finder.

    The last Prime Now order delivered in time for the holiday was delivered at 11:59 p.m. on December 24, 2016 to a Prime member in Irvine, California. The order included a Heated Mattress Pad, NyQuil and Afrin Nasal Spray.

    Here is Amazon’s full release of holiday shopping data points:

    Holidays with Alexa:

    • Alexa helped mix hundreds of thousands of cocktails this holiday season with Tom Collins and Manhattans being the most requested drinks from skills like The Bartender, Mixologist and DrinkBoy.
    • Chocolate chip and sugar cookies were the favorite recipes from Alexa skills like Food Network and Allrecipes.
    • Home Alone and Elf were the most requested holiday movies with Alexa.
    • Alexa helped play millions of holiday songs this year, and the top songs were Jingle Bells (1999 – Remaster) by Frank Sinatra, All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey and Feliz Navidad by José Feliciano.
    • What was Alexa asked to cook? The most popular cooking tips requested on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were turkey, prime rib and chocolate chip cookies.
    • Who played the most holiday music with Alexa? Customers in Seattle, New York and Chicago asked “Alexa, play holiday music” more than any other city in the U.S.
    • Who turned on Christmas Lights the most with Alexa? Customers in Seattle, San Diego and New York asked, “Alexa, turn on Christmas lights” more than any other city in the U.S.
    • What games were the most requested with Alexa this holiday? Alexa entertained families with popular games like Jeopardy!, Twenty Questions and The Magic Door.

    Amazon Prime:

    • More than one billion items shipped worldwide with Prime and Fulfillment by Amazon this holiday season.
    • More people around the world tried Prime this holiday season than any previous year.
    • The fastest Prime Now delivery on Christmas Eve took 13 minutes and was delivered at 9:05 p.m. to a Prime member in Redondo Beach, California. The order included a Tile Slim Item Finder and a Tile Mate Key Finder.
    • December 23, 2016 was the biggest day ever for Prime Now deliveries worldwide and members ordered 3x more items compared to last year with one and two hour delivery worldwide. Echo Dot, Amazon Echo, Fire TV Stick and Oreo Cookies were some of the most popular items ordered that day in the U.S.
    • The last Prime Now order delivered in time for the holiday was delivered at 11:59 p.m. on December 24, 2016 to a Prime member in Irvine, California. The order included a Heated Mattress Pad, NyQuil and Afrin Nasal Spray.
    • Prime members in Dallas, Texas ordered more items with Prime Now than any other city in the U.S. this holiday season.
    • The last Prime FREE Same-Day Delivery order from Amazon.com that was delivered in time for Christmas was ordered at 10:23 a.m. on December 24, 2016. The order included Venum Contender Boxing Gloves, and was delivered to a Prime member in Richmond, Virginia at 2:42 p.m. – the same day.

    Mobile Shopping:

    • More than 72 percent of Amazon customers worldwide shopped using a mobile device this holiday.
    • Shopping on the free Amazon mobile app grew by 56 percent this holiday, worldwide.
    • On Cyber Monday, Amazon customers worldwide purchased about 46 electronics per second on a mobile device.
    • On Cyber Monday, Amazon customers worldwide purchased about 36 toys per second on a mobile device.

    Amazon Operations:

    • December 19 was the peak worldwide shipping day this holiday season.
    • In the U.S., more than 200,000 full-time and seasonal associates made the record-breaking shipping season possible.
    • In the last two years, Amazon launched operations at over a dozen new facilities, many of which house robotic technology.
    • Amazon fulfillment centers in San Marcos, Texas and Kent, Washington, as well as two Polish fulfillment centers, in Poznan and Wroclaw, shipped more than one million items in a single day.
    • There are now 45,000 robotics units working alongside Amazon associates in more than 20 fulfillment centers.

    Amazon Digital Media:

    • The most streamed Amazon Original Series over the holidays was Goliath.
    • The most streamed Amazon Original Movie over the holidays was Love & Friendship.
    • The most watched TV series (non-Amazon Original) streaming on Prime Video this holiday was The Night Manager.
    • The most watched movie (non-Amazon Original) streaming on Prime Video this holiday was Eye in the Sky.
    • Customers listening to holiday music on Amazon Music more than tripled this year, compared to 2015.
    • The most streamed holiday song on Amazon Music was It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams.
    • Michael Bublé – Christmas was the most played holiday album on Amazon Music this season.
    • Amazon Music is the exclusive streaming home for all 16 studio albums by the best-selling solo artist in U.S. history, Garth Brooks – since his debut to streaming exclusively on Amazon, Brooks has become one of the top-streamed artists on Amazon Music.
    • The hours that kids spent interacting with educational content in Amazon FreeTime this holiday season was enough time to sail around the earth more than 6,000 times.
    • Popular FreeTime Unlimited holiday titles enjoyed by kids in the U.S. 2016 were Holiday Jokes (Hah-larious Joke Books), Elsa’s Ice Puzzles – FreeTime Unlimited Edition, and Caillou’s Winter Wonders.
    • The top foodie book Kindle customers are reading this holiday season is Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential, currently available in Kindle Unlimited.
    • The #1 magazine downloaded in Prime Reading in 2016 by Kindle customers was People.
    • The top non-fiction book downloaded in Prime Reading in 2016 was The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman.
    • In 2016, more than 3 million readers took the Goodreads Challenge and read a collective 38.1 million books this year.
    • Authors answered more than 26,000 reader questions on Goodreads in 2016.
    • The highest rated audiobook of 2016 on Audible is Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show, and narrated by the author.
    • The bestselling audiobook of the year on Audible was The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, narrated by Claire Corbett, Louise Brealey, and India Fisher.

    Holiday Fun Facts:

    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Hamilton: the Revolution collectible books and Hamilton albums to give every patron at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York City a copy for 96 consecutive shows.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough 4K TVs to reach the peak of Mount Everest more than 9 times.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough KitchenAid Mixers this holiday to make nearly 7.5 million cookies at once.
    • On Cyber Monday 2016, Handmade at Amazon saw a 200 percent increase in sales versus Cyber Monday 2015.
    • If each Amazon.com customer who purchased Pokémon Sun and Moon this holiday spent at least an hour a day playing the game since its release, our customers would have spent the equivalent of more than 24 thousand lunar cycles capturing Pokémon.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough copies of the Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film Collection to play consecutively for more than 300 years.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Hasbro Connect 4 Games this holiday season to give each resident of Dallas, Texas a single disc from the game.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Sphero Star Wars BB-8 App-Controlled Robots to roll as a relay around the Earth more than two times before the batteries run out.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Razor Jett Heel Wheels this holiday to roll a fully loaded space shuttle to the launch pad at Cape Canaveral.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Wilson footballs this holiday to give every fan at a sold-out Seahawks game a chance to throw a pass like Russell Wilson.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough golf balls this holiday that, if lined up, would equal the length of Pebble Beach golf course four times over.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased more Marvin the Moose dog toys this holiday than the number of actual moose in New England.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough copies of The Secret Life of Pets that if each one were a tennis ball, they would fill Central Parkover two and a half feet deep.
    • Amazon.com delivered enough men’s jeans to fill one Olympic-size swimming pool.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough ugly Christmas sweaters for every seat at all three NCAA College Football Playoff games.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough running shoes to run 18,603 times around the globe.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased 2.5 million watches – that is a watch purchased every 1.5 seconds this holiday season.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased 10,451 carats of diamonds, which is equal to 6.5 Russian Kokoshnik Tiaras, one of the Queen of England’s most famous tiaras.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased the weight of a grizzly bear in gold and the weight of a rhinoceros in silver.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Etekcity camp lanterns this holiday to replace the beacon lights on top of the Eiffel Tower nearly 11 times.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough luggage to fill 20 Boeing 747 airplanes.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough electric vehicle home charging kits to make 2,196 emissions-free trips around the globe in a year.
    • Amazon.com customers purchased enough Char-Broil’s The Big Easy Turkey Fryers to cook 225,000 pounds of turkey.

    Holiday Best Sellers (Amazon.com only):

    • All Categories: Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, Fire tablet, Amazon Echo
    • Amazon Launchpad: Watch Ya’ Mouth Family Edition – The Authentic, Hilarious, Mouthguard Party Game, Tile Mate – Key Finder. Phone Finder. Anything Finder., Anki Overdrive Starter Kit
    • Audio & Accessories: Panasonic ErgoFit In-Ear Earbud Headphones, AmazonBasics 6-Outlet Surge Protector Power Strip, Sonos PLAY:1 Compact Wireless Smart Speaker for Streaming Music
    • Automotive: Hopkins Mallory 26″ Snow Brush with Foam Grip, Battery Tender Junior 12-Volt Battery Charger, Zwipes Microfiber Cleaning Cloths (36 pack)
    • Baby: Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musical Toy, Nuby Octopus Hoopla Bathtime Fun Toys (Purple), Baby Banana Infant Training Toothbrush and Teether (Yellow)
    • Beauty & Grooming: Philips Sonicare Essence Sonic Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush (White), Philips Norelco Multigroom Series 3100 with 5 attachments, Oral-B Pro 1000 Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush Powered by Braun
    • Books: Diary of a Wimpy Kid # 11: Double Down, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay, First 100 Words
    • Camera: Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Instant Film Camera, AmazonBasics 60-Inch Lightweight Tripod with Bag, GoPro HERO5
    • Fashion: Levi’s Men’s 501 Original Fit Jean, Fossil Emma Large Zip RFID Wallet, kate spade new york Cedar Street Cami Convertible Cross-Body Bag
    • Grocery: The Original Donut Shop, Regular, Medium Extra Bold, Keurig K-Cups (72 Count), San Francisco Bay OneCup, Fog Chaser (80 Single Serve Coffees), KIND Nuts & Spices, Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt
    • Handmade: First Christmas in New Home Wood Ornament, Personalized Nameplate Gold Bar Necklace, World Travel Map Pin Board
    • Home: BLACK + DECKER 16V Cordless Lithium Hand Vac, Lasko Ceramic Heater with Adjustable Thermostat, Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray 2-Ounce Bottle (Original Scent)
    • Home Improvement: WBM Himalayan Salt Lamp, 3M Indoor Window Insulator Kit, Woods Outdoor 24-Hour Photoelectric Timer
    • Home & Personal Care: AmazonBasics AA Performance Alkaline Batteries (48-pack), Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll (12 Count), Cottonelle Ultra ComfortCare Big Roll Toilet Paper (12 Count)
    • Kitchen: RTIC 30 oz. Tumbler, Instant Pot 7-in-1 Multi-Functional Pressure Cooker (6 quart), Keurig K55 Single Serve Coffer Maker
    • Luxury Beauty: stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner, L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream, BaBylissPRO Ceramix Xtreme Dryer
    • Movies: The Secret Life of Pets, Finding Dory, Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film Collection
    • Music (CDs & vinyl): A Pentatonix Christmas, Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording), Blue & Lonesome
    • Musical Instruments: Blue Yeti USB Microphone, Kala Learn To Play Ukulele Starter Kit (Amazon Exclusive), Singing Machine Top Loading CDG Karaoke System with Sound and Disco Light Show
    • Outdoors: LifeStraw Personal Water Filter, Etekcity 2-pack Portable Outdoor LED Camping Lantern with 6 AA Batteries (Black, Collapsible), Yeti Coolers Rambler
    • Patio, Lawn & Garden: iDevices iGrill Mini, Bounty Hunter BHJS Junior Metal Detector, Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom with Ice Scraper
    • PC: SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter, Seagate Expansion 1TB Portable External Hard Drive USB 3.0, AmazonBasics Mini DisplayPort (Thunderbolt) to HDMI Adapter
    • Pets: KONG Cozie Marvin the Moose Dog Toy Medium Dog Toy (Brown), GREENIES PILL POCKETS Soft Dog Treats, Chicken (Capsule, 15.8 oz), Fancy Feast Wet Cat Food – Gravy Lovers – Poultry & Beef Variety Pack, 3-Ounce Can (Pack of 24)
    • Smart Home: TP-Link Smart Plug, Philips Hue White A19 Starter Kit, Samsung SmartThings Hub
    • Sports: Spalding NBA Street Basketball, Bushnell Falcon 7×35 Binoculars w/ Case, Simply Fit Board
    • Tools: TEKTON 5941 Digital Tire Gauge, MagnoGrip 311-090 Magnetic Wristband, DEWALT DW2166 45-Piece Screwdriving Set with Tough Case
    • Toys & Games: Hasbro Pie Face Game & Pie Face Showdown Game, Scientific Explorer Mind Blowing Science Kit, Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100 Electronics Discovery Kit
    • TV: Samsung 32-Inch 1080p Smart LED TV, Avera 32-Inch 720p LED TV, Samsung 40-Inch 1080p Smart LED TV
    • Video Games: Pokémon Sun – Nintendo 3DS, Pokémon Moon – Nintendo 3DS, Final Fantasy XV – PlayStation 4
    • Wearable Technology: Garmin vivofit Fitness Band, Garmin vívoactive HR GPS Smart Watch, Samsung Gear VR – Virtual Reality Headset
    • Wireless: AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Cable (6 Feet), WeMo Light Switch, Samsung Wireless Charging Pad
  • Progressive Tech Companies Want Trump to Protect Sharing Economy From Dem Attacks

    Progressive Tech Companies Want Trump to Protect Sharing Economy From Dem Attacks

    Michael Beckerman, President & CEO at Internet Association which represents big internet focused tech companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Netflix, Twitter, Lyft, PayPal, Salesforce, Rackspace and many more, sent a congratulations letter to the Trump transition team today. In it they sought to inform Trump how important the internet is to the economy and gave their take on issues dear to them.


    The entire letter is available here (PDF).

    One very interesting area the group focused on is the sharing economy, which has been under severe attack by progressives and liberal Democrats around the country. Perhaps Trump isn’t Silicon Valley’s worst nightmare after all, considering he is likely to agree with them on these planks:

    By harnessing the power of the internet and internet-based commercial cloud technology, sharing economy platforms allow individuals to use their free time and resources to earn significant supplementary income under a flexible working arrangement that allows people to earn money how, when, and where they want. Although still in its nascent stage, the sharing economy is projected to account for $335 billion in global revenue in 2025, up from $15 billion in 2013.

    Offer Consistent, Smart Regulatory Approaches: The rapid rise of this new sector of the economy, however, has been met by piecemeal regulatory approaches at the local and state levels that often feature misguided or overly burdensome rules driving up costs for consumers and workers. By steering clear of burdensome regulations, policymakers at every level can ensure this rapidly growing sector of the economy sees its full potential.

    Protect the Flexibility and Economic Opportunities of the Sharing Economy: On demand and sharing economy companies are driving new economic growth and opportunities by providing individuals with unprecedented flexibility and control over the decision of when, and how, they earn income. By attempting to apply the same static workplace regulations of the 20th century to this new economic model, policymakers could threaten the very entrepreneurial spirit that drives these 21st century earning opportunities.

    One of their other key concerns is safeguarding platforms like Facebook from lawsuits because of things their users post which means not weakening current intermediary liability laws:

    “Weakening intermediary liability laws would not only chill innovation and free expression online, but would also threaten investment in the next generation of ideas fueling our digital economy. If digital content intermediaries were responsible for the content uploaded by users, over 80 percent of investors would be less likely to fund startups. In addition, 85 percent of investors are uncomfortable investing in digital content intermediaries open to unpredictable legal action.”

    Another major concern is copyright law safe harbors, such as fair use, exemptions, compulsory licenses and first sale doctrine:

    “Threats to the flexible framework, such as weakening limitations or exceptions to safe harbors, would create barriers to entry for internet startups and creators, which would deny users the ability to access content

    They also want policies that promote pro data innovation rules:

    “However, new regulatory proposals on how data is used and collected threaten to reduce this value. U.S. policy must ensure businesses in every U.S. industry can keep a competitive edge by innovating with data. To do so, policies should champion data innovation by acknowledging the crucial role of data in the modern economy and promote pro-innovation rules. This includes taking a harms-based approach to consumer privacy, instead of a collection-based approach, and stopping data minimization efforts or other proposals that would inhibit innovation.”

  • Instagram Connects Shopping to Browsing

    Instagram Connects Shopping to Browsing

    Instagram announced today a new connection within the app to product information and then an easy click to an actual purchase on a retailers app or website. Starting next week Instagram will be testing this feature with 20 US retailers including Kate Spade, JackThreads and Warby Parker. This is likely the beginning of making Instagram a massive consumer marketing platform similar to Pinterest.

    Specifically, Instagram is adding a tap to view icon at the bottom left of a photo, which when clicked tags up to 5 items in the photo with prices and a link. Once a tag is clicked, more info about the product will appear including a Shop Now link which takes the user to the retailers product page. Eventually, expect Instagram to enable in-app purchases instead of sending customers to other apps or websites.

    “This functionality will bring important product information to the consumer earlier in the journey, all without having to leave the Instagram app to search,” noted Instagram. “Knowing that Instagrammers are open to discovery on the platform, and that people take time to better understand the products they’re interested in, this test gives our community valuable steps along their shopping journey before they make a purchase.”

    “Instagram is where we reflect the interesting life of the kate spade new york girl through relatable social moments which highlight the products that are characters in her story,” says Mary Beech, Chief Marketing Officer at Kate Spade & Company. “This post (above) features our favorite new bag and elements from our new personalization program that, together, make the bag uniquely hers. With this seamless shopping experience launching on Instagram, the possibilities for selling our products are endless.”

    Instagram is currently testing this feature with a subset of people in the US that are using iOS devices. They plan to learn from that, add additional functionality and then roll out globally.

    “We want to understand how to deliver the most seamless shopping experience for consumers and businesses on Instagram, and ultimately mobile,” said Instagram.

  • Google Proclaims 2016, “The Year of the Supershopper”

    Google Proclaims 2016, “The Year of the Supershopper”

    In a blog post last week Google declared 2016 as the year of the supershopper. They define a supershopper as someone who is shopping primarily on their mobile device, looking for deals on the best products and constantly searching Google to so all of this.

    “With the ability to instantly discover, research, and purchase, shoppers around the world are more informed and more efficient than ever before – they’ve transformed into supershoppers seemingly overnight.” said Julie Krueger, Retail Managing Director at Google. “We all have that friend – the one who somehow knows the latest brands, the season’s must-have products, and where to find the best deals at the snap of a finger.”

    Google says that in 2015 over 50% of holiday shoppers were open to buying from new retailers and that 76% of mobile shoppers have switch their intended brand or retailer after searching Google.

    “It used to be that shoppers would thumb through catalogues or stare longingly at the holiday window displays, but mobile is now the super shopper’s go-to source for inspiration,” says Krueger. “Over 64% of smartphone shoppers turn to mobile search for ideas about what to buy before heading into store. And 1 in 4 mobile video viewers in the U.S. have visited YouTube for help with a purchase decision while they were at a store or visiting a store’s website.”

    They also report that people more than ever before are search for phrases like “best gift” indicating that they are using search to find quality, not just deals. Google also believes that shoppers are looking for unique gifts too, reporting that searches related to “cool gifts” grew 80%.

    Mobile Search: A Door to the Store

    Searches on mobile are still really about driving business to the brick and mortar store, rather than just pure online shopping. “Although more and more people are willing to buy on mobile, we know that mobile is still used predominantly as a door to the store,” said Krueger. “In fact, 76% of people who search for something nearby on their smartphone visit a related business within a day, and 28% of those searches result in a purchase.”

    They say that once in the store, shoppers use their mobile device to find deals and information about the products they are interested in.


    From a retailers perspective, expect online conversion rates to increase across devices as the holidays get to full stride. Google says that last year on mobile, sales were up 30% on Black Friday and 50% on Cyber Monday.

  • CEO Tim Cook Pushes Cashless Society and Predicts AI in all Apple Products

    CEO Tim Cook Pushes Cashless Society and Predicts AI in all Apple Products

    Apple CEO Tim Cook recently visited Japan for the opening of their state-of-the-art research and development facility. He described it as a “center for deep engineering that will be very different from the R&D base Apple plans to build in China.”

    “I cannot tell you the specifics,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told Nikkei Asian Review while riding on a bullet train in Japan. “The specific work is very different.”

    According to the report Cook is seeking to integrate artificial intelligence into all of their product offerings including presumably the iPhone. “AI is horizontal in nature, running across all products and is used in ways that most people don’t even think about.”

    “We want the AI to increase your battery life and recommend music to Apple Music subscribers,” he said. “AI could (even) help you remember where you parked your car.”

    “Smartphones are 9 years old,” he said. “We are not even teenagers yet. We just got going. I think there is an incredible future ahead.”

    Apple Seeks to Promote Cashless Society

    Apple’s CEO sees Apple Pay as the beginning of the end of cash worldwide. “We would like to be a catalyst for taking cash out of the system,” said Cook. “We don’t think the consumer particularly likes cash.”

    Likely, Cook is talking about what everyone predicts, we are on a course toward a cashless society over the next 20-40 years and Apple would like to be a leader in making that happen.

    Cook said Apple intends to increase their push into mobile payments in Japan and all of Asian, with Apple Pay finally coming to Japan later this month. The iPhone 7 will become their first mobile phone to work with Japan’s FeliCa contactless payment system. “Japan is important to us,” said Cook. “FeliCa was born in Japan and so by extension, FeliCa is important.”

    Of course, it’s not the first time that Tim Cook has predicted the end of cash. “Your kids will not know what money is,” Cook told students at Trinity College in Dublin last year.

  • Facebook Seeks To Be the World’s Largest Marketing Platform

    Facebook Seeks To Be the World’s Largest Marketing Platform

    Facebook sees a huge opportunity to become the marketing platform of record for businesses seeking to reach consumers and other businesses to promote cross-country sales. Facebook is uniquely positioned as both a social platform and a marketing platform that has an astounding 1.7 billion monthly active users, one-fifth of the entire world’s population. By 2018, according to eMarketer in an April report, overall internet users are predicted to grow 30% to 3.82 billion. If Facebook grows at the same rate which seems likely, they will have over 2.2 billion active users in less than 2 years!

    According to a February 2016 study by McKinsey Global Institute, 361 million people worldwide have participated in cross-border ecommerce. This is a growing and huge opportunity for Facebook, finding ways to make international ecommerce seamless and practical for businesses. Internal Facebook data shows that nearly 50 million businesses use Facebook to find customers, and 30 percent of their a businesses Facebook followers fans are in fact from other countries.

    Download Facebook’s Cross-Border Business Handbook for a full review of their international marketing opportunities.


    Australia has a population of 24 million with over 21 million using the internet and of those one-third, or 14 million are active on Facebook. On average, people are checking their Facebook feed 14 times a day, making Australian’s an especially reachable target for cross-country businesses. They say that 92% of students below 25 years old access Facebook on a daily basis.



    Brazil has over a 113 million internet users, 80 million digital shoppers and 49 million smartphone users. According to Facebook surveys, over 70% of users want to receive offers and information about brands and products.



    Nearly 30 million Canadian’s are on the internet and over 21 million of them are on Facebook. According to Comscore, 29% of all time spent on mobile properties in Canada happens on Facebook.



    Close to 50 million people in France are on the internet and 31 million of those are active on Facebook. One survey showed that 25% of internet users considered Facebook as one of their favorite platforms for discovering
    new content/ products or services.



    Germany has 29 million active Facebookers and 82% of all internet users in Germany say that Facebook is their favorite social platform. Over 32% of Germans say they use Facebook while watching TV. There are big marketing opportunities for sports related businesses in this country, with 10 million soccer fans using Facebook.



    Malaysia has a population of 30 million, 20 million of them are on the internet and nearly all internet users, 18 million, are active on Facebook. In Malaysia, the internet is Facebook!



    Less than half of the 68 million people in Thailand are even on the internet, yet Facebook says that it has 40 million monthly active users there. It’s total ecommerce spending is around $1 billion, leaving substantial room to grow considering the population. Over 95% of people in Thailand use at least two devices and a third use three: a smartphone, a tablet and a desktop or laptop.



    Almost all of the people on the internet in the Philippines are on Facebook, over 50 million with 1.2 more time spent on Facebook than TV, according to a Reach study commissioned by Facebook. Over 70% of internet users have seen or searched for product information on Facebook.


    United Kingdom

    Most people in the UK are on Facebook, over 51 million of them, and 37 million of those use Facebook. With the UK’s ecommerce market expected to hit $132 billion by 2018, this is one of the world’s biggest marketing opportunities for businesses.


    United States

    The US has over 200 million Facebook users, close to 77% of everybody on Facebook. The ecommerce opportunity for businesses will be nearing $500 billion by 2018 and Facebook is routinely used by US brands to promote their products.


  • Workplace by Facebook Now Open to All Businesses

    Workplace by Facebook Now Open to All Businesses

    For a fee businesses large and small can use Workplace by Facebook as an office collaboration and communication tool. It puts all of Facebook’s features, such as workplace discussions, internet voice and video calls and a company news feed, behind the corporate intranet wall. It’s totally private and intended only for employees of the business, not the general Facebook world.

    Facebook says that they have used an internal version of this app for themselves and their roughly 15,000 employees for years. Last year, when the app was called Facebook for Work, they started testing it with a few other businesses and they now have over 1,000 organizations using Workplace by Facebook.


    They say that people have created nearly 100,000 groups and the top five countries using Workplace are India, the US, Norway, UK and France.

    “We’re excited by the progress we’ve made and the level of adoption and engagement we’re seeing,” says Facebook in their announcement. “We’ve been amazed by the breadth of organizations who’ve embraced Workplace — from a shipping company that can now connect with their ship crews using Live video, to a bank that now uses Workplace instead of fax machines and newsletters to share updates with its distributed bank branches.”

    “Large multinational companies like Danone, Starbucks and Booking.com, international nonprofits such as Oxfam, and regional leaders such as YES Bank in India and the Government Technology Agency of Singapore have all embraced Workplace. People work in different ways, around the world, and Workplace’s mission is to help them stay connected,” they said.


    Includes Some New Features

    Most of the features of Facebook are available within the workplace version, such as posting to a News Feed, creating Groups for niche collaboration as well as Facebook Live video to all employees or just to certain group.

    They’ve also added some additional features and are working on more. One new tool that businesses will like is an overall corporate dashboard that includes analytics and tools for integrating Workplace with IT systems.


    Facebook also announced Multi-Company Groups, which enables companies to collaborate with Groups from other companies on the platform, while still remaining private to only the employees of the two groups. For instance, in a B2B scenario a company that designs and manufacturers furniture for a retailer, could form a Workplace collaboration and communication Group so that the retailer can be more connected to the entire creative and building process.


    Businesses retain the ownership of the data their employees post into Workplace, and have mechanisms to export and manage all data added to the platform.

    What Businesses Are Saying

    Facebook says that the platform offers these specific benefits to businesses:

    • Companies find that they can eliminate or drastically reduce their need for internal collaboration tools such as their intranet, telephony systems, video conferencing and distribution lists.
    • Many companies find Workplace helps them do more than just simplify communications — it inspires all levels of the company to embrace digital and mobile.
    • In addition, Workplace is easy to use because it’s based on familiar Facebook features like News Feed, Groups and Messages. There’s no training required.

    They’ve also provided some stats and quotes of various businesses that are already using the platform.

    “Workplace helps our employees connect and visually showcases our global teams,” says Richelle Luther, SVP & Chief Human Resources Officer of Portland, Oregon based Columbia Sportswear. “We’re breaking down silos, communicating across functions and driving engagement, especially amongst our remote employee populations. It has definitely ignited our spirit of fun.” She says that Workplace has helped them reduce internal emails by a third.

    “Workplace allows our most important asset — our people — to be effective and productive,” says Sunil Kanchi, CIO of UST Global. “Within the first week, a post in the 6,000 member “Innovation” group shared information on a new technology under development in the field. This eliminated the need to complete a pending acquisition of a similar technology.”

    “Workplace has helped our business grow and improved efficiency by reducing unnecessary email. It helps our employees communicate across countries and has brought us closer together,” said Sebastián Fernández Silva, VP of Human Resources at MercadoLibre, a Latin America based ecommerce platform. “Several business units grew significantly simply because people found it easier to meet deadlines and get work done.”