
Casey Anthony Comes Out Of Hiding

Casey Anthony’s name and face have become synonymous with tragedy, outrage, and one of the most infamous trials of our generation. Since she was acquitted of the murder of her daughter Caylee’s murder, Casey has been in hiding somewhere in Florida and has only appeared every so often in homemade videos, which she posts herself online.

Anthony allegedly came out in public recently, however, and the news is sensational to those who have followed her story. As one of the most famous faces of our time, it’s been presumed she would have a hard time leaving the confines of her home without drawing massive attention to herself. But someone appears to have spotted her at a restaurant in Lake Worth, Florida, and snapped a picture of her as she dined with two male companions.

The 26-year old has had to keep a low profile because of the extreme backlash that occurred when she was acquitted; many believed, and still believe, that she either killed her young daughter or helped cover it up. She’s also been in hiding since two lawsuits were filed against her: one by a woman who was named during Casey’s testimony as a negligent babysitter but turned out not to have any ties with the Anthony family at all, and one by a woman who said she was bullied and threatened by Casey and feared for her life. That suit was ultimately thrown out by the judge.

While the photo is blurry and isn’t definitive, the media have jumped all over it and are wondering–if it is indeed her–when she’ll make her next move out in public.


Image: SplashNews