Beats Headphones Package Contains…Tuna?!

One poor family had a rather disappointing surprise this holiday season. Steve Lopez ordered a pair of Dr. Dre’s Beats Headphones from Walmart’s website during the Black Friday sale. When ...
Beats Headphones Package Contains…Tuna?!
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One poor family had a rather disappointing surprise this holiday season. Steve Lopez ordered a pair of Dr. Dre’s Beats Headphones from Walmart’s website during the Black Friday sale. When it arrived, the Bothell, Washington native simply wrapped the gift for daughter, Carmen Lopez, age 14. Nobody suspected anything unusual. On Christmas morning, the teenager was excited to open the present, which had been saved for last.

Unfortunately, when the actual Beats Headphones box was opened, it was clear something fishy had taken place. Instead of a pair of brand new pricy headphones, there was tuna. Cans of tuna. Was this someone’s horrible idea of a holiday joke?

Steve Lopez spoke to Q13 Fox about what had happened. “This is what I picked up,” he said as he held the box he had purchased. “It was wrapped in plastic. So I thought they were legit.”

As for the teenage daughter, she was hoping Walmart would be willing to give her actual Beats Headphones to make up for the mixup. Said Carmen, “Wal-Mart had said they would only give us a refund, at least the store did. That didn’t sound right, because I just want my headphones at this point. I was really looking forward to them.”

It may not be too late for Carmen to have her merry Christmas after all. Lindsay Merkle is the the global account manager of sales for Beats by Dre. She happened to be watching the news with her father when the story was broadcast.

“I saw the unfortunate story of the tuna, and thought let’s solve this problem today.”

She has a pair of the company’s newest headphones. If she can’t get them to Carmen herself, she says she’ll see if her mother can’t drop them off at the family’s residence.

No doubt that will be music to young Carmen’s ears.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

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