Backstreet Boys Finally Get Around to Making a Harlem Shake Video and Your Tween Heart Will Melt

You thought the Harlem Shake was a dead meme, didn’t you? Well, nothing is really complete until the Backstreet Boys have a crack at it, right? No? That’s not a thing? Either way, I’...
Backstreet Boys Finally Get Around to Making a Harlem Shake Video and Your Tween Heart Will Melt
Written by Josh Wolford

You thought the Harlem Shake was a dead meme, didn’t you? Well, nothing is really complete until the Backstreet Boys have a crack at it, right?

No? That’s not a thing? Either way, I’ll be willing to bet that there’s still a fairly large contingent of you out there whose heart still flutters with the mere mention of BSB. You know who you are. And this is for you:

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