
Author: Lacy Langley

  • “Fat Letters”: Schools Now Measuring, Reporting BMI

    A Naples, Florida mother of four, Kristen Grasso, received a letter from her school that was shocking, and it wasn’t about her daughter’s grades, according to Yahoo Shine. It was a report from a health and development screening that took place at her school that informed her that her daughter was overweight. The report says that the girl’s BMI was unhealthy.

    Fox 4 News in Florida reports that while Grasso, who encourages her kids to be active and eat healthy, was aware that parents could sign a form to opt out of the screening, she assumed that it would be for hearing, vision, etc. She had no idea that a weight screening would be involved. This raises questions about whether these kinds of “fat letters”, as they’ve come to be known, could be detrimental to a child or cause descrimination.

    “Kids that see results like this test and may be classified as overweight and they aren’t, may develop self-esteem issues.”, Grasso said.

    When Grasso was asked if she considered her daughter overweight, she replied,”Absolutely not. Lily is tall, athletic, solid muscle by no means is she overweight.”

    Grasso’s daughter is one of many undeserving, healthy kids who receive such letters:

    20 states have now adopted mandatory health screenings including weigh-ins to calculate the BMI of public school children as part of an effort to combat the childhood obesity epidemic. BMI is determined by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. It is widely used by physicians as an indicator of weight problems.

    In defense of the screenings, Dr. Dyan Hes, of Gramercy Pediatrics in New York City, who sits on the American Board of Obesity Medicine, says: “It’s a screening tool; that’s what people have to understand.” She points out that the letters aren’t meant for children’s eyes but for parents’, and that they are an indication that schools are taking the obesity epidemic seriously.

    “We are waging a war on a disease that’s devastating the next generation,” She says that if parents receive a letter indicating their child has a high BMI, they should have their child’s physician perform a more detailed evaluation. “It’s a conversation starter,” she added.

    But, shouldn’t parents be trusted to determine if their kid has a weight problem, not the schools? Isn’t that the kind of thing that is obvious to a parent, don’t they think we’d notice and get them checked out? And, should we stress middle schoolers about their weight, on top of everything else?

    This remains a controversial topic. Lynn Grefe, president and CEO of the National Eating Disorders Association, says she’s “totally opposed to BMI report cards.” She says they can obviously lead to discrimination and bullying. She points out that these kinds of screenings can actually encourage unhealthy eating behaviors in children who are told they are too heavy. “Our entire premise here at the National Eating Disorders Association is that we should be focused on health, not weight,” she told Yahoo Shine.

    Perhaps this war on obesity has been taken a little too far. I would think that at some point, well, always, that monitoring a child’s health and well-being is a parent’s job in connection with the child’s doctor, not the government’s. Maybe I’m way off base, here…

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  • Higgs boson Discovery Nets Nobel Prize

    Francois Englert and Peter Higgs were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics on Tuesday for work that led to last year’s discovery of the Higgs boson.

    However, their work actually began in 1964 with independent papers on the Higgs boson, which is considered evidence of a pervasive field called the Higgs field that endows other particles with mass, and is one of the mysterious attributes of physics, according to CNet. Watch the announcement here:

    It has been a long, slow road in the confirmation of their theory. What began in 1964, and earnestly awaited the invention underground particle accelerator, called the Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, has finally been proven this year beyond doubt.

    In 2011, CERN said that a hint of the Higgs boson has been discovered, but stopped well short of declaring it to be verified. In 2012, the scientists declared the likelihood to be 99.99999%, then in 2013, increased that even more after gathering more data.

    So who are these amazing scientists who have contributed such a bounty to the world of physics?

    Peter Higgs, a UK citizen, was born in 1929 in Newcastle upon Tyne. He received his doctorate degree in 1954 from King’s College, University of London and is a professor emeritus at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom and apparently very shy, according to LiveScience. The Nobel committee apparently couldn’t reach Higgs to give him the big news.

    “The rumor has it that he has gone into hiding for the rest of the week in anticipation,” said Olga Botner, a Nobel committee member, in a live webcast. “Since this prize was so anticipated he knew that in either case, if he gets it there will be a press storm, if he doesn’t get it there will be a press storm.”

    Francois Englert, a Belgium citizen, was born in 1932 in Etterbeek, Belgium, and received his doctorate degree in 1959 from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, in Brussels, where he is now a professor emeritus.

    Reportedly, Englert collaborated with another physicist, Robert Brout, on the original paper, but Brout has since died and therefore isn’t eligible for the Nobel Prize, worth about $1.25 million.

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  • Megyn Kelly: Fox Hopes for Younger Viewers

    Megyn Kelly started her new stint in Fox News prime time this week, as the 5th schedule change ever for Fox News, went into effect. Fox is widely known as a right wing media leader, with strong opinion hosts such as Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, so why is the network bringing in a host that won’t take crap from either side? Well, it’s just good business, according to the LA Times.

    With all of the success Fox has, and being way ahead of competitors like CNN and MSNBC with 3 times more prime-time viewers, there was still an age problem. The median age of its audience is over 65, which is less appealing to advertisers. Although Fox News has a commanding lead among the important demographic of viewers aged 25 to 54, it wants to make a move now to protect its advantage.


    The appeal to younger viewers includes an effort to have a host that is equal in calling out both parties on rhetoric on “The Kelly File”. “Megyn is the whole package,” said Bill Shine, Fox News executive vice president of programming. “She is very strong and nice — and unpredictable. If people try to cross her or try to get some B.S. past her, she will call them out. It doesn’t matter if they are on the left or on the right.”

    There are plenty of anchors on the network voicing opinion. Perhaps younger viewers want to know what’s going on, but without the bias, in either direction, behind it. Kelly doesn’t intend the show to be a stage to shout her opinions from, even though she’s got plenty. Instead, the anchorwoman, in a phone interview last week, said she wants to produce a fast-paced, razor-sharp recap of the news of the day. She says she plans to keep her own politics out of it.

    “I’m a news anchor, I’m not an ideologue,” Kelly said. “I don’t want to be an opinion anchor.” Hopefully, this could be a refreshing change and attract the younger people. It will also be great for those who wish to have news on what’s going on, then decide what to think of it for themselves.

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  • Government Shutdown: States Fight to Re-Open Parks

    One of the major and very visible effects of the government shutdown of last week has been the closing of national parks. Well, not everyone is taking it lying down. Despite the order from the National Park Service (NPS) to close down nature, Wisconsin Governer Scott Walker is not letting that happen.

    Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources decided instead, that parks only partially funded by the federal government should stay open and run on state money. Federal funding only amounts to about 18% of the funding for the parks affected.

    Wisconsin has also decided to not fully follow a Fish and Wildlife agency’s directive that hunting and fishing be prohibited on federal lands during the shutdown. Hunting access would be allowed in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, state officials said.

    Walker directed his cabinet to “streamline things and make sure services are available,” Wisconsin’s Natural Resources Secretary Cathy Stepp said, who has spoken with him directly. “It was his direction that let me pursue this further to find out what rights do we have from the state’s perspective regarding contract language and long-standing agreements, and is there something that we’re legally grounded to do.

    In the wake of the government shutdown a week ago, barricades were put up at a boat launch on the Mississippi River in the state, because the river ran through federal land. Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources came behind and took them down.

    “We respect the magnitude of the process the federal government has had to undertake to close its properties and certain activities on properties they own and manage,” Cathy Stepp told department employees in an email obtained by The Hill.

    “However, after close review and legal consult, DNR has clarified areas where the federal procedures are over-reaching by ordering the closure of properties where the state has management authority through existing agreements.”

    The boat launch was “the easiest, glaring example of the over-reach to me,” Stepp said in a phone interview to The Hill Friday. “In essence, what they were doing is expecting us to enforce closing the Mississippi River. First of all how do you even implement something as gigantic as that?”

    However, according to the Wall Street Journal, the federal government turned down Republican Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s offer to privately and state fund the re-opening of parts of the Grand Canyon for tourists to keep the economy from crashing in nearby towns that need the park to stay afloat.

    They also quashed Republican South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s offer to keep the Mount Rushmore National Memorial open with state workers. The National Park Service told state officials that it was required to use federal employees, not state employees, at the monument, and that opening Mount Rushmore would set a precedent to open the other federal parks.

    “It makes sense for the federal government to shut things down because there isn’t funding available, but it doesn’t make sense to close something because they are trying to make a point,” said Tony Venhuizen, a spokesman for the governor. “Our offer still stands if there is a change of heart on the part of federal officials. We certainly would be pleased to talk to them if they seem interested.”

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  • California Man Bitten by Shark While Surfing

    45-year-old College English teacher and weekend surfer, Jay Scrivner of Eureka, California is one lucky wave rider. Jay had been surfing for about two hours and was just minding his business, paddling out to the waves on the Northern California coast, lookin’ like a big juicy fish, when “out of nowhere”, came a nearly 10-foot great white shark! The shark bit into his thigh and his surf board, but apparently decided Jay wasn’t delicious, so didn’t take any of Jay with him.

    After he was bitten, Jay did what any self-respecting man would hope to have the composure to do. He tried to land a punch on the great white. He then proceeded let out, what a friend nearby described as, a primordial yell. “I couldn’t believe it happened,” Scrivner said. “When I turned away from the shark, I said, ‘Did I really get bit?’ Your mind doesn’t believe it.”

    Scrivner told the Associated Press that he did a quick body parts inventory, just to make sure everthing was still there. Then, his worthy friends wrapped his wounds and got him to the hospital.

    Scrivner surfs a lot at the location near Humboldt Bay known as the Samoa Peninsula. Yes, he was aware that another surfer, Scott Stephens, survived a shark attack in the same area last year. And, yes, he is aware that sharks live in the ocean. He said he thinks he was spared from more severe damage by his old surf board, which is thicker than many modern boards.

    Scrivner said he will “definitely surf again,” but with more caution, and said he’s already had an anxiety dream where something was tugging on his surfboard leash. Luckily, his wounds are minor, as there was only muscle tissue damage, and none to major arteries or tendons. Jay is expected to heal just fine.

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  • Ohio School District Forced to Evict Jesus, Pay $95K

    The Jackson City School District in Jackson, Ohio, reached a deal on Friday after the ACLU, along with the Freedom from Religion Foundation, sued the district in February, citing “unconstitutional” actions and charging that students and visitors to the school and subjected to…a picture of Jesus hanging on the wall… “will continue to suffer permanent, severe and irreparable harm and injury,” according to the lawsuit.

    According to Fox News, the district faced pressure from the American Civil Liberties Union, so they decided to pay the $95,000 in fines to the ACLU and Freedom From Religion Foundation for damages and legal fees, because the school eventually agreed that it was better to pay the settlement rather than spend taxpayer dollars on fighting the lawsuit, said Phil Howard, the district’s superintendent.


    “All of this was unnecessary. The law is pretty clear … the display of this particular kind of religious artifact, in a public school, is unconstitutional.” He added, “The case could have ended before it began if the school had simply acknowledged that it is not the government’s place to endorse one specific religion in a public school that children are legally required to attend,” said James Hardiman, the legal director for Ohio’s ACLU chapter.

    Superintendent Phil Howard said in a statement that the district’s attorneys believed settling was the “best case scenario” at this point because legal fees were “mounting by the day.”

    According to ABC, The picture had been hanging in Jackson, Ohio high school since 1947 in their “Hall of Honor” display, which is meant to highlight famous historical figures. The two sides had a pseudo-agreement months ago that bogged down in more legal filings after the two groups said the school district continued to keep the Jesus portrait.

    They also had the nerve to display it on the school lawn during a prayer meeting. Court filings show the portrait was also visible to those entering a storage area.

    What do you think? Is this serious rights-infringement or simply someone making a big deal and over-reacting over a portrait? Would this have happened over other religious figures?

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  • Elizabeth Smart Book: Many Missed Rescues

    Elizabeth Smart Book: Many Missed Rescues

    There are many things people can expect from Elizabeth Smart’s new book “My Story”. Of course there will be details about the psychopath, Brian David Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Barzee. According to AP, there will be plenty of accounts as to what happened during what she describes as her “9 months of hell”.

    But, perhaps the most surprising, are the numerous near-rescues that were so close, and yet failed. They began just minutes after Smart,14 years old at the time, was taken from the bedroom of her Salt Lake City, Utah home.

    As her captor hustled her down the street, a police cruiser passed slowly by. Smart said she was forced to the ground at knifepoint, and Mitchell whispered,”Move and I will kill you.”

    Then there was the time a homicide detective questioned Brian David Mitchell at a downtown Salt Lake City library as the trio sat at a table. Under the table, Wanda Barzee clamped “iron” fingers into Smart’s thigh to keep her quiet.

    Smart, disguised by her captors in a dirty robe and veiled face, remained silent as she remembered the couple’s repeated threats to kill her family if she ever tried to save herself.

    Surprisingly, there were several of these near-rescues. Another happened only days into the kidnapping, when a search helicopter hovered over the makeshift camp high up in the mountains, and strangely just 5 miles from Smart’s home.

    She was forced inside a tent as the wash of the helicopter’s rotors bent trees around them. After an eternal minute, she sadly watched the helicopter slowly glide away. In the camp, she was kept tethered to trees by steel cables.

    Also, in the book, she tells how she was reportedly sexually assaulted time and time again by Brian David Mitchell, with full knowledge and assistance from his wife. They also witheld food and water for days at a time while she was in captivity.

    Hopefully, this book can bring the lovely Elizabeth Smart some closure and provide hope for others who have been, or are in, this situation.

    “I want people to know that I’m happy in my life right now. I also, even more so, want to reach out to people who might not be in a good situation. Maybe they’re in a situation that was similar to the one that I was in.”

    Her book, “My Story” is set for release tomorrow.

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  • Obamacare Glitches: Enrollment Pain Blow to Program?

    Obamacare sign-ups opened up last Tuesday, despite the government shutdown caused by the bickering over that very law. Floods of the uninsured hit the sites healthcare.gov, as well as the “exhanges”, excited to start getting the health coverage that President Obama promised would be less than $100 per month for 60% of the population.

    However, according to AFP,many visitors were greeted with, “We have a lot of visitors on our site right now and we’re working to make your experience here better. Please wait here until we send you to the login page. Thanks for your patience!” and “Online enrollment is coming soon! Sign up to receive an email notification when it’s available.” or simply,“Connection Refused”.

    “Whether you are for or against Obamacare, everyone seems to agree the government really dropped the ball on this rollout,” said independent technology analyst Jeff Kagan.

    “This is one of the largest and most complex things we have ever done. Typically, a company launches a project like this in a city, then a few cities,” said Kagan. “They figure out what doesn’t work right and they fix it before they roll it out nationwide. Why the government thinks it doesn’t have to follow the same rules of common sense is a mystery.”

    That says it all, doesn’t it?

    Unfortunately the glitches are not only online. The 500 “navigators” that were supposed to help people sign up, are apparently, hiding in crevasses somewhere. According to the New York Post, at some locations, staffers weren’t even aware of the program, and many navigators were still being trained and unavailable for service during last week’s “rollout”.

    Hilariously, anticipating a week of chaos, some health-care providers simply postponed enrolling people. LIke when the movie ends, and you remain in your seat until the mad rush is over. Many voicemails were not even returned at listed numbers for their site’s navigators.

    In a twist of irony, navigators who did work said they were unable to enroll people online because they were locked out of the state site due to other computer snafus.

    So, will all of these mistakes deal a blow to the messy terrain that already is Obamacare? That remains to be seen, but I know a few republicans who have their fingers crossed.

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  • Miley Cyrus Goes Republican on SNL

    Miley Cyrus was host and musical guest on Saturday Night Live this past weekend, and millions tuned in, to try to catch some first-hand crazy antics, no doubt. However, Miley kept it relatively classy. The show opened with Kenan Thompson sitting in an post-apocalyptic New York of 2045, explaining how Cyrus’ infamous MTV Video Music Awards performance destroyed America. It’s what we all fear, after all.

    During her monologue, Cyrus promised “no twerking tonight.” She said, “I used to think it was cool but now that white people are doing it, it seems kinda lame.” She also joked about her former television alter ego, Hannah Montana, that everyone has forgotten about in her quest to jam everyone’s mind full of gross visuals, “We’re not doing anything on Hannah Montana tonight, but I can give you an update on what happened to her,” she said. “She was murdered.” Couldn’t have said it better…

    The skit that got the most laughs was an adaptation of her song, “We Can’t Stop” with some political, um, overtones? The lyrics are so funny and inappropriate, in true SNL form, “Cause we came to shut it all down now, no government around now, if you’re not ready for healthcare, can I get a ‘hell no,’” Cyrus sang while spanking Uncle Sam, licking Killam as Boehner, and holding and licking an Abraham Lincoln doll. “Government workers on a furlough, even though you’re already paid low … everyone in line for early child care, anyone who planned to see a grizzly bear, we are so shut down yeah.”

    Cyrus morphs into Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachman, somehow, and SNL’s Taran Killam becomes House Speaker John Boehner. Hilarity ensues:


    She performed her controversial hit “Wrecking Ball” in what was first thought to be a long jersey of some sort, covering everything that should be covered. But then the lights lit up the stage, and no. It’s totally see through.

    Surprisingly, there was no mockery of her ongoing online feud with Irish singer Sinead O’Connor that escalated this past week. Perhaps she’s saving something for next time in case she doesn’t do anything to garner media attention between now and then.

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  • Monster Truck Kills 8 at Airshow in Chihuahua

    The “Exremo Aeroshow” in Chihuahua, Mexico took a deadly turn on Saturday. An estimated 4,000 people looked on in horror as a monster truck that was running over cars, suddenly plunged into the audience, killing 8 and injuring 80. 8 of the injured are in critical condition. Carlos Gonzalez, a representative for the state attorney general’s office, told the Los Angeles Times that the truck’s driver was detained on negligent homicide charges.

    “So far, the inspection indicates there was a mechanical failure, but we are investigating everything,” he said.


    There were accounts that pointed out how the driver may have been hurt or stunned as the truck came down hard after that second pass over the cars, however, according to BBC News, the driver also tested positive for alcohol.

    Witnesses told reporters that it crushed several people immediately. Panic followed as people fled in all directions attempting to escape or find relatives.

    Daniel Dominguez said he was watching the show with a group of relatives.

    “The driver hit his head and his helmet flew off,” Mr. Dominguez said. “The truck came directly at where we were.”

    Another spectator, Jesus Manuel Ibarra, said, “I fell over, and when I turned around I saw the tire very close. It hit me and threw me to the other side.”

    “This terrible tragedy … has left all of us deeply troubled,” Chihuahua Gov. Javier Duarte said.

    The stand that the truck careened into had no barriers to protect spectators, and has now raised inquiry into why there was minimal protection and why people were allowed to get so close to stunts.If you look at the video, you see how ridiculously close they are standing. Hopefully, these issues can be addressed so that death and injury of this magnitude won’t happen again at these kinds of events.

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  • Furloughs Called Off at Connecticut Defense Firm

    There is finally some good news amidst the doom and gloom of layoff and furlough talk that has had the American public stressed for over a week now. According to The Hartford Courant, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Saturday that the Pentagon will bring most of its 400,000 furloughed civilian employees back to work. Hagel said in a written statement that lawyers have concluded that the law permits the return of employees “whose responsibilities contribute to the morale, well-being, capabilities and readiness of service members.”

    He added that the Pentagon is now trying to identify “all employees whose activities fall under these categories,” and expects to “significantly reduce — but not eliminate — civilian furloughs under this process.”

    According to CTNow, thousands of furloughs expected at Hartford, Conn.-based United Technologies Corp., which provides high technology products and services to the building and aerospace industries, were expected to begin Monday. Those have been called off thanks to the recall of furloughed employees to the Pentagon, the company announced Sunday.

    “United Technologies greatly appreciates the efforts of those in the Administration and Congress who facilitated the recall of the furloughed civilian employees in the U.S. Department of Defense,” it said in a news release.

    Undersecretary of defense, Robert Hale, said on Saturday that he didn’t have firm estimates of how many defense employees would remain off work during the government shutdown, he said: “We haven’t solved all the problems. We still hope Congress will act very quickly to end this shutdown.”

    Hopefully other defense firms will follow the example of United Technologies Corp. so that more people may receive the good news that they will still, at least, have a job in the midst of the madness. Surely this government shutdown and the playground bickering in Congress won’t last much longer and we can all go back to our lives.

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  • Halle Berry Delivers Healthy Baby Boy

    Halle Berry Delivers Healthy Baby Boy

    Halle Berry, 47, delivered a healthy baby boy yesterday, at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. This is her second child and her first child with french actor Olivier Martinez, also 47. She married Martinez in July of this year in a small ceremony in France, after they met in 2010 while working on the film “Dark Tide”. This was the first marriage for Olivier Martinez and the third marriage for Halle Berry.

    “Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez welcomed their son yesterday,” the spokeswoman, Meredith O’Sullivan Wasson, told AFP in an email, without providing any further details.


    “This has been the biggest surprise of my life, to tell you the truth,” Berry told CNN when discussing her pregnancy in April. “I thought I was kind of past the point where this could be a reality for me. So it’s been a big surprise and the most wonderful.”

    Halle has one other child, a daughter, Nahla, who is 5, with Canadian model Gabriel Aubry. A source at the hospital told People magazine on Saturday night, “Olivier hasn’t left Halle’s side. Nahla visited her baby brother earlier today.” On Sunday, the big sister was seen skipping and prancing in the corridor of the maternity floor.

    You may remember the bitter custody battle over Nahla that was fought between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubrey last year after their split. The battle culminated in a fist fight in Berry’s Hollywood driveway on Thanksgiving Day last year, when Aubrey showed up to see his daughter. The squabble resulted in Aubry sporting a black eye, along with some bruises and cuts. However, it also spurred an amicable agreement between the two a week later.

    Now that all that nastiness is in the distant past. Halle, Olivier, and Nahla can hopefully relax and enjoy the new baby in their lives.

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  • “Legend of Korra” Taking Off in New Season

    “Legend of Korra” Taking Off in New Season

    The sequel to the immensely popular “Avatar: The Last Airbender” series, “The Legend of Korra“, has been running for a while now into its second season on Nickelodeon. This season, called “Book 2: Spirits”, has plenty of action, drama, and even enough politics to keep one coming back for more. The characters are becoming more defined with each episode and the plot has expanded into the high expectations we were hoping for.

    Up until now, Korra has showcased some rustic diplomacy skills,with her sort of lovable “my way or the highway” attitude, and Bolin and Mako, who is no longer Korra’s love interest, are trying to get back into the swing of things. The dynamic of the group is challenging, for example, why the beef between her and Beifong? The identity of the characters continue to make themselves known with each step.

    But, sadly, as great as Korra is, I think I still love Aang just a little more.

    Here are what the die-hard “Korra” and “Avatar” fans on Twitter have to say about the progress thus far:

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  • D.C. Man on Fire Dies From Injuries

    D.C. Man on Fire Dies From Injuries

    The man who set himself on fire on the National Mall, and remains unidentified, died from his injuries late Friday night, reported CNN.

    He was burned so badly, that police will need dental records and DNA samples to identify him. The big mystery behind this tragedy is that no one seems to know what his motive was. Lt. Pamela Smith of the U.S. Park Police said Friday she was not aware that he had carried any signs with him or had demonstrated a cause.

    Washington, D.C. police are investigating what the man’s possible motives may have been. According to AP, a witness identified as Katy Scheflen, said she did not hear the man say anything before he set himself on fire. However, she said she did notice that another man with a tripod was standing nearby, but then he disappeared by the time the police arrived. It was not clear whether or not a recording may exist.

    “He appeared to be waiting for something to happen. After it happened, he was gone,” Scheflen said Saturday of the man with the tripod. “I can’t say what the connection was between them or whether there was a connection.”

    On Friday afternoon, emergency crews rushed to the National Mall in Washington D.C. to help a man who reportedly set himself on fire. Police say the man was conscious and breathing when medical personnel arrived.

    “I did not see flames on him, but his face and his arms were charred, and the ground nearby was in flames,” said Nicole Didyk, according to the Washington Post, who was jogging on the Mall when she witnessed the incident. She said she spoke to one of the men who helped the injured man. After the flames were extinguished, Didyk was told, the man thanked the people who came to his aid.

    Unfortunately, he didn’t tell them why he did this to himself. Unless the mysterious tripod man comes forward, or investigations scratch up some parting sentiments, we may never know.

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  • Kristen Stewart Strips Down to Boring Underwear

    Kristen Stewart is keeping busy and hopefully, her mind off of the summer’s biggest breakup between her and Rob Pattinson. According to Us Weekly, she is filming a new movie with Juliet Binoche, in which apparently, she has to strip down to her undies for a skinny dipping scene. The two ladies are filming the movie, called “Sils Maria”, in Switzerland.

    These are not cute Hollywood lacy underthings, we’re talking about here. Stewart, in the picture, has a tattoo below her right elbow that was especially applied for the role, and she wore a black bra and white boy shorts underwear for the scene, while Binoche, 49, is rumored to go completely nude. Conincidently, Bionche starred opposite Stewart’s ex-boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, in the 2012 film “Cosmopolis”.

    Sils Maria tells the story of an aging actress, played by Bionche, who stars in a revival of a play that made her famous, but opposite the young role she once had, which is now played by the character of Chloe Grace Moretz of “30 Rock”, “Hugo”, and “Dark Shadows” fame.

    Stewart plays a supporting part as Binoche’s assistant in the Olivier Assayas-directed film. Stewart obviously has a lot of respect for her co-star, Bionche. “It takes two very particular people to have that relationship be functional — one that services the other — because Juliette Binoche is playing the actress that I assist, and she is one of the most powerful women I think I’ve ever seen in film,” Stewart told WWD in July, implying that she would have to hold her own against Bionche. “I’m going to try desperately to not be squashed by a woman like that, and it’s not going to be an easy thing.”

    Kristen certainly seems to be holding her own in real life, at least. She has continued to garner movie roles and focus on her filming, not letting the stigma of “the mistress” get her down too much.

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  • Tropical Storm Karen: Louisianna Coast by Tonight

    Tropical storm Karen, as it is known since being downgraded from hurricane, is still heading straight for the Gulf Coast region, and could still cause damage and flooding, especially to lower areas. At 11 a.m. ET it was 130 miles south-southwest of Morgan City, La., moving to the north at 7 mph. A tropical storm warning is still in effect from Morgan City to the mouth of the Pearl River.

    The Southeast Louisianna coast can expect Karen to hit Saturday night and it has a slight chance of it actually gaining strength. Meteorologist David Bernard of CBS station WFOR in Miami says,”That’s going to mean there’s at least a chance of tropical force winds, the greatest chance along the southern Louisiana coast during the day today and into tonight, and lower chances as the storm weakens toward Mobile and Pensacola.”

    The storm is expected to make its way across the Southeast US. According to NPR, forecasters say rain accumulations of 1 to 3 inches over the central Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. are possible through Monday night, with isolated totals up to 6 inches.

    The National Hurricane Center reported at 2 a.m. Saturday that Karen’s maximum sustained winds had dropped to 40 mph, making it a weak tropical storm. The storm was moving west-northwest at 10 mph to 15 mph. Karen began to lose force after a frantic day of preparations along the Gulf Coast for the storm, an unexpected worry in what had been a slow hurricane season in the U.S. Karen would be only the second named storm to make landfall in the U.S. Karen would be the first to make landfall since Tropical Storm Andrea hit Florida in June.

    Alabama joined Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida in declaring a state of emergency, but with the governmnet shutdown, there was worry that it would be delayed. However, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Interior Department recalled furloughed workers to deal with the storm and help state and local agencies.

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  • Chicken Nuggets: Proven to be About Half By-Product

    A few brave scientists in Mississippi took the childhood favorite, the chicken nugget, and rendered it to it’s beginning state in order discover what many of us already knew, but some of us were in denial about: chicken nuggets aren’t entirely actual meat. If you’re a Jamie Oliver fan, you’ll never forget this diet-changing episode:


    “We all know white chicken meat to be one of the best sources of lean protein available and encourage our patients to eat it,” lead author Dr. Richard D. DeShazo of the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, said to Reuters. “What has happened is that some companies have chosen to use an artificial mixture of chicken parts rather than low-fat chicken white meat, batter it up and fry it and still call it chicken.”

    The researchers chose two fast food chains in Jackson, and ordered the nuggets. They then chose one nugget from each box, and preserved it (more than usual, I guess). Then they broke the nugget apart, disected it, stained it, and looked at it under a microscope.

    Reportedly, the first nugget was about half muscle, with the rest a mix of fat, blood vessels and nerves. Close inspection revealed cells that line the skin and internal organs of the bird, the authors write in the American Journal of Medicine. The second nugget was only 40 percent muscle, and the remainder was fat, cartilage and pieces of bone. Gross!!

    According to CBS, lead author DeShazo said the study proves that chicken nuggets are actually chicken by-product and they consist of mostly salt, sugar and fat, all of which are empty calories. However, he unwittingly offers a good solution to parents (or grandparents) looking for an alternative. He said if his grandchildren ask for nuggets, he compromises by pan frying some chicken breasts with a little bit of oil.

    The researchers were not saying which fast food chains the nuggets came from, but we can probably be assured that it’s not much different wherever you drive thru.

    Image via wikipedia

  • Kim Raver Will Return in “24: Live Another Day”

    Now “24” fans have more news to cheer about! After announcing plans for a “24” reboot entitled “24:Live Another Day”, Fox Broadcasting Company announced that Kim Raver and William Devane will join the forming cast in their former roles as Audrey Raines and her father, Secretary of Defense James Heller.

    Kim Raver, also known for her roles on “Third Watch,” “The Nine” and “Lipstick Jungle,” was most recently featured on “Revolution” and “Grey’s Anatomy. William Devane is best known for his role on “Knots Landing,” and recently played the president in “The Dark Knight Rises”. They join an already exciting original cast line-up with Keifer Sutherland as the butt-kicking, nation-defending Jack Bauer, and Mary Lynn Rajskub as the concurrently awkward and awesome Chloe O’Brian.

    The reboot, expected to premiere in May 2014, will be set in London, according to MSN. Hopefully, it will fill in some blanks from the end of the last series, which lasted 6 seasons. In the finale, Jack is saying goodbye to a comatose Audrey Raines. So…obviously she didn’t die. Will her and Jack be a couple? They could be married with kids by now! But that would be kinda boring…

    Maybe they will reunite after years of Jack hopelessly wandering the globe, assuming his lady love is dead, systematically pushing people away so that they don’t get hurt. Because everyone he loves gets hurt! Audrey will have gone undercover for the U.S. government since the world thinks she’s dead, but she just can’t help but to let Jack know she’s still alive, and still carries a flickering flame for him alone….Sorry.

    According to TVGuide.com, “24: Live Another Day” begins several years later, so the possibilities are endless. All we can be sure of, is that Jack will forever be the tragic hero, saving the country and the people he loves from nefarious no-goodnicks from all over the world. We really have nothing to fear!

    image via youtube

  • Hulk Hogan Gives Miley a Run for her Money in Thong

    Hulk Hogan is crying out for attention– I mean promoting a new website, hostmania.com– by mimicking Miley Cyrus’ infamous “Wrecking Ball” video. The Hulkster, fortunately, chose not to go naked like Miley, but instead sports his signature tie dye tights, which he later sheds to show off his black thong (!), orange and yellow bandana and shades while perched on top of the much-parodied wrecking ball.

    The Hulk also chose not to shed any tears like Miley Cyrus did in her controversial video. Thank goodness. That would have just been disturbing. Watch at your own risk.


    His antics begin with the 60-year-old professional wrestler kicking a guy in the face, forcing him to spit out the orange and yellow crayons he had been snacking on. Perhaps someone brought their glaucoma treatments to work with them that day?

    Then The Hulk spins around on the wrecking ball in a thong in order to give the world a peek at his 60-year-old butt, then, unfortunately…proceeds to spank himself.

    According to their website, Hostmania is a hosting service that claims, “We maintain our own servers and we are not a reseller of another hosting company. If there is a problem, email us 24 hours a day, and you are at the source. No multiple levels. If any problem does occur we can have it resolved quickly. In the event of a hardware failure it may be seen by our monitoring service before you notice. 99.9% uptime is guaranteed…”

    Hulk Hogan, born Terry Gene Bollea, I’m sure, made his mama proud today. His kids? I’m guessing not so much. Ew.

    Image via youtube

  • Lindsey Vonn Risks Tiger’s Temper for Prank

    Millions of golf lovers watched the President’s Cup this week in Dublin, Ohio, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite players. What they got in addition to that was a surprise.

    Lindsey Vonn, olympic athlete and girlfriend (with questionable standards) of 7 months to Tiger Woods, got the chance to hold “Sammy” the adorable and squirming squirrel that was serving as good luck charm to David Love III. Love started feeding the squirrel treats out of his pocket earlier that day.

    The 28-year-old olympic skier then placed the squirrel on Tiger’s back when he wasn’t looking. “Don’t turn around, don’t turn around.”, a voice on the video warns him. Lindsey, however, broke into a huge a grin as the animal crawled up her boyfriend’s neck.


    Millions of views waited with baited breath for the reaction. Would he slip into trademark Tiger rage or keep his cool in order to spare his still-shiny, new relationship with the blonde beauty?

    The 37-year-old golf pro initially looked a little perturbed. He grabbed her hand and brushed the squirrel away. Luckily for her, and for him, he caught himself and was a good sport for the prank.

    For good measure, they were later snapped sitting in her golf cart smiling and laughing with “Sammy” perched on the golfer’s shoulders. So, whatever happened to the now-famous woodland critter turned golf fan?

    “Sammy” will live out the rest of his cute life comfortably at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. He will be taken and placed there sometime this weekend. I’m sure the squirrel life will be pretty sweet for such a sweet critter.

    Image via youtube

  • D.C. Man on Fire: Another Sign of Impending Hysteria

    Is the country starting to give in to the sense of madness that has gripped it since Tuesday’s government shutdown?

    Yesterday, a man set himself on fire in front of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. He continues to remain unnamed, and is still at Washington Medical Center in critical condition.


    Nicole Didyk, an environmental engineer for the Federal Aviation Administration, told NBC that she was out for a run when she saw spotted a man with small flames on him.

    “There were five gentlemen hitting him with their T-shirts.”, she said. “When he fell over his arms were all white. He was burned really bad.”

    The location where the man was found on fire is about six blocks from the U.S. Capitol, where a high speed car chase on Thursday ended with a woman, now known to be Miriam Carey, a 34-year-old mother and post-partum depression sufferer, being shot and killed by law enforcement officers.


    Her boss of eight years, Dr. Steven Oken, described Carey as a “non-political person” who was “always happy.”

    “I would never in a million years believe that she would do something like this,” he said. “It’s the furthest thing from anything I would think she would do, especially with her child in the car. I am floored that it would be her.”

    What is happening in our country? Do we have a collective sense of hopelessness, because of this situation, that was triggered on Tuesday? What is driving people insane about this pickle?

    Could it be the $300 million dollar per day cost for NOT running the government? Or perhaps the fact that around 80,000 government employees deemed “nonessential” have been sitting at home getting more broke all week, while Congress continues the playground bickering, which apparently pays pretty well?

    The scary part: This is only day 5.

    Image via youtube