
Author: Lacy Langley

  • Michelle Obama To Blame For “Nasty” School Lunches?

    The new changes to school lunches that have been happening across the nation are not that popular with students.

    Didn’t see that coming.

    According to Anthony Gallimore, a high school senior from Georgia, the new menu is just nonsensical. He says most people “put up with” the lunch, but many of the students have started bringing their own. “Health-wise, I’d say it’s an illusion of benefit. The food even LOOKED more presentable before,” he said, adding, “And if nobody chooses to eat the gross food, then it can’t possibly be helping anyone. It’s just being thrown out anyway.

    “Students blame Michelle Obama and her Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act for the bland and sometimes ridiculous changes and have spurred a movement to post nasty lunch pictures on social media, like this one:

    Which is exactly the point stressed by some school nutrition directors who want the Department of Agriculture of loosen up the new lunch requirements so students will stop throwing away their food. Nutritionists almost unanimously agree that changes were needed to reduce the by-gone lunches composed mostly of greasy pizza and soggy fries. However, they say the rules are so stringent that they are draining budgets and throwing away tens of thousands of dollars in fruits and vegetables that students are required to select.

    “The regulations are so prescriptive, so it’s difficult to manage not only the nutrition side of your businesses but the business side of your business,” Domokos-Bays, a school nutrition director, said.

    In order to make the transition easier, The School Nutrition Association has asked Congress and USDA to only require that 50 percent of foods be whole grain-rich, to suspend the 2017 sodium requirements and to stop requiring students to take a fruit or vegetable.

    This will cut down on the waste, but won’t do a whole lot to curb obesity. Therein lies the dilemma.

    “I think they’re just disingenuous,” child nutrition advocate Ann Cooper said of the kids protesting their lunches. She doesn’t think Michelle Obama is to blame in the ordeal. “Because what I think they would like, instead of having fruits and vegetables… they’d like to have four pieces of pizza … There’s plenty of schools that are not serving good food, but that has nothing to do with the guidelines.”

    What is to be done? Should the government take a step back from trying to regulate school lunches or should the fight continue until the adjustment period settles down?

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  • Supreme Court Rules To Allow Prayer At Town Meetings

    The Supreme Court ruled on Monday to allow an opening prayer at town hall meetings in Greece, NY sparking fresh debate on the separation of church and state. In a surprise split, 5-4, justices ruled that the prayer, offered by a selected “chaplain of the month”, did not violate the constitutional rights of those in attendance at such meetings, according to the New York Times.

    Justice Elana Kagan led the charge against allowing prayer during town meetings saying that the act just doesn’t mesh “with the First Amendment’s promise that every citizen, irrespective of her religion, owns an equal share of her government.” She was defending two town residents that sued claiming that they felt excluded and disrespected when the prayers were said.

    The problem according to Justin Kagan, who was joined in her opinion by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor, is that the prayers were almost always Christian in nature, despite the claims from the defendants that all faiths had an equal opportunity to seek representation in offering the opening prayer.

    “So month in and month out for over a decade,” she wrote, “prayers steeped in only one faith, addressed toward members of the public, commenced meetings to discuss local affairs and distribute government benefits.”

    According to those who opposed said that there was an especially problematic regular practice of including Christian themes such as thanking God for His Son’s death on the cross, as well as alleged attempted conversion and mini-sermons being included. She says they may try to seek other faiths to hold the “chaplain of the month” position, but not hard enough.

    She claims that the prayers “put some residents to the unenviable choice of either pretending to pray like the majority or declining to join its communal activity, at the very moment of petitioning their elected leaders.”

    Judge Anthony M. Kennedy believes that the prayers are purely ceremonial and not meant in any way to offend those not of like faith.

    “Ceremonial prayer,” he wrote, “is but a recognition that, since this nation was founded and until the present day, many Americans deem that their own existence must be understood by precepts far beyond that authority of government to alter or define.”

    He added, “To hold that invocations must be nonsectarian would force the legislatures that sponsor prayers and the courts that are asked to decide these cases to act as supervisors and censors of religious speech, a rule that would involve government in religious matters to a far greater degree than is the case under the town’s current practice of neither editing or approving prayers in advance nor criticizing their content after the fact.”

    As far as those who may be offended due to overtly Christian references, he states a simple point. “Adults often encounter speech they find disagreeable.”

    Good points from both sides of this hot button issue. What is your stance?

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  • California Wildfires Sign Of Bad Season?

    The California wildfires that have over 700 firefighters holding flames at bay in southern California could possibly be an indication of a rough fire season this year, according to some.

    “At this point, California is an area of high concern because of drought conditions for such a long time,” says Randy Eardley who is the spokesman for the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho.

    The drought that has gone on for years is definitely a factor, but so is the earlier than usual start for the fire season. Eardley added that for the past decade the fire season in California has been starting earlier and earlier, “and now it is ripe for more fires.”

    Chris Williams, professor at Clark University, agrees and adds, “Vegetation stressed by drought is more flammable because of low moisture content. Severe, prolonged drought also leads to plant mortality and increased litterfall in some instances, which can increase fuel loads overall,”

    Luckily this fire, as the first of the year, has caused no structural damage. Evacuations remain only voluntary for the area and only minor injuries like eye irritation and dust and smoke inhalation to firefighters, but this fire has still been a major drain on energy and resources.

    Brian Grant, public information officer for the US Forest Service at San Bernardino National Forest, said, “We had people and equipment pre-positioned down here since Tuesday ready for something like this.”

    Grant continued to remind residents of the area to be on the lookout and remain extra cautious.

    Robert Dull, senior research fellow in the Environmental Science Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, says that climate change is partly to blame.

    Dull noted that the six worst years ever for fires, in accordance with acreage burned tallies, have all occured in the last ten years. “This means that fires are occurring with greater frequency in California, but also more broadly throughout the western United States.”

    This isn’t just a California problem, people. Be wary and be vigilant about watching for possible fire causes that can be prevented, and perhaps 2014 won’t go down as the worst fire year ever.

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  • Shailene Woodley Eats Clay, Sunbathes Naked

    Shailene Woodley is basking in some pretty heavy critical acclaim and is gaining popularity by the minute.

    Many look forward to seeing her in a new role in The Fault in Our Stars and wonder if she could possibly top her stellar performance in Divergent.

    Her extreme haircut has been in the news and is sure to be a summer trend.

    She reportedly cried her eyes out after her locks were chopped, but wouldn’t we all if we had spent five long years getting it long and beautiful? Yes. Yes we would.

    She donated her chopped hair to charity.


    And of course with fame comes a following. Everyone wants to know what the big stars do to stay so….divine. Well, there may not be as many imitators of Woodley’s habits as there are for most of Hollywood. Some might call her down to earth. Literally, according to ABC.

    So, she eats clay?

    In a word, yes.

    “Clay is one of the best things you can put in your body,” Woodley told beauty website Into the Gloss One in March. “I’ve discovered that clay is great for you because your body doesn’t absorb it, and it apparently provides a negative charge, so it bonds to negative isotopes. And, this is crazy: it also helps clean heavy metals out of your body.

    “My friend starting eating it and the next day she called me and said, ‘Dude, my s*** smells like metal.’ She was really worried, but we did some research together and everything said that when you first start eating clay, your bowel movements, pee, and even you, yourself, will smell like metal. You should obviously be careful about your source.”

    Obviously. So, who’s ready to try munching some dirt?


    Or perhaps getting some sun on your nether regions? This is apparently healthy for them.

    “Another thing I like to do is give my vagina a little vitamin D,” Woodley says. “I was reading an article written by an herbalist I studied about yeast infections and other genital issues. She said there’s nothing better than vitamin D. If you’re feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine.”

    That’s the first thing I want to do outside in winter, bare my lady bits in below zero temps. Like I said, she may not have the heavy habit imitation that others of her stature might, but she is truly a rising star to keep your eye on and an amazing actress.

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  • US Adds 288,000 Jobs, Jobless Rate Lowest in Years

    The US economy seems to be on the rise this month as we come off of a very successful April, during which the US added an astounding 288,000 jobs and pushed the jobless rate to 6.3%. That is the lowest we have seen it since 2008, and the best monthly increase since January of 2012.

    Economists polled by Bloomberg before the Labor Department’s announcement Friday morning only called for a modest increase of 218,000 in jobs added, with the unemployment rate only falling by a mere 0.1 percent to a possible 6.6 percent. Thankfully, the economists were a little off this time.

    The labor department polls establishments to get the jobs added figures and polls households to get the jobless rate. After a sharp decline in the economy during the harsh winter months, this is good news for Americans who still seem discouraged over the economy.

    However, it’s not time to break out the party supplies quite yet. There was also a loss of 806,000 people in the work force to consider, as well as the continued stagnancy of average hourly earnings, which aren’t great for the economy.


    As a rule, monthly jobless reports are simply a small sampling of the economy’s climate and not a complete picture. But, this news is welcome anytime, and on Friday the government increased its estimate of jobs added in February and March by 36,000, tempering last quarter’s bleak picture. There has also been an encouraging increase overall of the average monthly jobs added, which stands at 197,000.

    Of course, just as February and March numbers were increased from their original palor, the numbers for April are just as vulnerable and can be increased or decreased as the numbers become more clear in the coming weeks.

    Whether or not Americans feel the pressure lifting from this latest hike remains to be seen, but good news is always welcome.

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  • Jay Carney Battles With Reporter On Benghazi Emails

    Jay Carney tried to hold his ground for eight full minutes after being confronted by ABC News’ Jonathan Karl on the implications of newly released emails. These emails containined specific instruction on how to handle the Benghazi attack report. He insinuated that the strategy of such emails and story-weaving was to protect Obama, as the country was only weeks away from election day.

    The emails, which were released only after the government was petitioned under the Freedom of Information Act, contain most notably instruction from deputy national security adviser for strategic communications Ben Rhodes to then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rise.

    The emails urge her to emphasize the now infamous offensive Muhammed video as the source of the demonstrations, not “a failure of policy,” in a series of impending Sunday show appearances after the attack. The exact words were “underscore these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

    Carney said on Wednesday during his sparring round with Karl that the emails reflected the truth even though it later came out that the attacks on the Embassy at Benghazi, Libya that killed four people were orchestrated and planned by al-Qaeda to happen on the anniversary of September 11th in 2012. He also claimed that guidance in the emails was directed more to the widespread demonstrations that were taking place at the time, not so much on the attacks at Benghazi.

    There is also the fact that the email from Ben Rhodes to Susan Rice was suspiciously withheld from the emails that were released in May 2013 that showed the correspondence amongst the Obama administration about talking points after the attack. Also, in the previously released documents, there is an email from State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland which was sent to Rhodes and others expressing worry that her agency appeared to be taking the blame for failing to listen to and consider CIA warnings of a possible attack on the anniversary of September 11th.

    Will the truth ever be clear and those responsible held accountable on this matter? I guess time only will tell.

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  • MH370 Report: Could Gap Be Why Search Is Difficult?

    The MH370 report that has been anticipated for a long while was released yesterday along with the flight map, passenger manifests, and recordings from the communication with the plane’s pilot.

    Unfortunately, this small report could open Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control authorities to some criticism of their handling of the disappearance of Malaysian flight MH370.

    According to the report, which was only five pages long and originally written on April 9th, there was a conspicuous four-hour gap after Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control at 01:19:24 local time instructed the captain to contact Ho Chi Minh Air Traffic Control Center on radio frequency 120.9 MHz.

    Ho Chi Minh had lost contact and noticed the plane flying off path by then. The only response from MH370 was the now infamous statement, “Good night, Malaysian three seven zero.”

    The plane then disappeared off of Kuala Lumpur’s radar at 01:21:13 after it passed over a waypoint named IGARI. Then, at 01:38 Malaysian time, Ho Chi Minh ATC asked Kuala Lumpur ATC about the location of the MH370 aircraft. Kuala Lumpur ATC then initiated an effort to locate the aircraft through Malaysia Air’s operations center and air traffic control in Singapore, Hong Kong and Phnom Penh.

    However, when that effort was unsuccessful, it wasn’t until around 5:30 local time that search and rescue was initiated. Malaysia could be under some criticism in the following days for the delay. They could also be under intense scrutiny about the gap in the report that gives little to no information about efforts that were being made to find the plane in that important four-hour gap.

    It could be concluded that the four-hour delay in initiating search and rescue might just be the reason that MH370 has been so incredibly difficult to find. If the plane is ever found, perhaps those questions might be answered.

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  • Shaquille O’Neal Apologizes, Victim Starts Movement

    Shaquille O’Neal had to eat some serious crow after posting an offensive photo on Instagram of himself mocking a man with a disability.

    The offended, 23-year-old Jahmel Binion, suffers from ectodermal dysplasia, a rare genetic condition that affects his hair and teeth and also prevents him from sweating. So, if he gets overheated and can’t cool himself down, he could faint or have heat stroke.

    Binion, who began a positive online anti-bullying and awareness Facebook campaign called Hug Dont Judge, received apologies from O’Neal as well as from rapper Waka Flocka for posting the pictures to Instagram.

    Seriously, who does this?

    The basketball star/ rapper apologized to Binion and in turn, made a friend. And hopefully learned a little something.

    Waka Flocka posted this tweet as his mea culpa for Binion:

    But was it enough to make up for a highly offensive and exeedingly inappropriate act?

    “I accepted the apologies,” Binion told the Detroit Free Press. “But I think they should do something more public. … I’m not alone.”

    So will Shaq do things a little more publicly or perhaps let it blow over? Well, one thing that isn’t blowing over soon is Binion’s Facebook page and the Hug Don’t Judge movement. The page, nearing 18,000 members at the last check, has exploded in popularity.

    People from around the world who feel different and left out because of disabilities, as well as mothers and friends of those affected by diseases that make a person stand out, have flocked to the page to send “hugs” to those who suffer discrimination with messages of encouragement.

    It seems a lot of good has come out of Shaq putting his foot in his mouth!

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  • Mega Millions Winners Have Big Plans For Jackpot

    Mega Millions winners Raymond Moyer and Robyn Collier, both 35 and from central Florida, are one happy couple after winning half of a $414 million dollar prize.

    The announcement was made on Tuesday by the Florida Lottery Commission, according to AP.

    When asked what they will do with their $207 million jackpot, the happy couple said the money will be used to do things they weren’t able to do before.

    They said they want to invest part of it, then use the rest to travel and go to as many Notre Dame games as they possibly can.

    So, what happened when they found out that they had won the third largest jackpot in Florida Lottery history? Collier said they didn’t even find out until the morning after the drawing when the numbers were posted on the morning news.

    “I paused the TV and ran to get the ticket to double-check the numbers,” she said. “And when I realized they all matched, I jumped off the couch in excitement and told Raymond we had won.”

    Raymond didn’t believe her at first, but then they showed the Publix grocery store on Merritt Island where they had bought the ticket. He said of the moment he realized it was true, “It was definitely a shock, but it is an incredible blessing that will allow us to do many things we would not have had the opportunity to do before.”

    The Merritt Island Publix was also pleased with the couple’s winnings. The store received a $100,000 bonus for selling the winning ticket. Winners all around, including the winner in Maryland that has yet to come forward to claim the other $207 million.

    Which leaves one to ponder, If I won $207 million dollars, I would….

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  • U.S. Economy Stall In Q1: Weather To Blame?

    The US economy just barely grew in the first quarter of this year, and many might say the rough winter is to blame. Exports plummeted and companies bought stocks at a snail’s pace.

    In the last quarter of 2013, gross domestic product grew at 2.6%. This past quarter showed a slow down to .1%. The slow down wasn’t a surprise, as GDP was expected by economists to slow, but only to around 1.2%. However, things are already looking up as some strength seemed to be returning at the tail end of the quarter.

    So could this stagnancy be because of the winter’s especially harsh and unusual weather? Some say it could, in fact, some economists say that the weather could account for up to 1.4% of the growth’s downfall.

    Trade and inventory make up the biggest part of the hit as businesses only accumulated $87.4 billion worth of inventory in the first quarter, the smallest number since the second quarter of 2013. This was the result from manufacturers receiving fewer orders after the a huge stock up at the end of 2013. Another factor was a simple reduction in consumer traffic to local malls and stores to buy inventory. Inventory accounts for .57% of the slow down.

    Trade suffered from freezing temps as goods piled up at ports, unable to arrive at their destinations. This accounts for .83% of the drop, together with inventory totaling the 1.4% fall. However, the government has yet to make any comment as to the weather and any relation the harsh winter may have had in the stall.

    Now that the weather is warming up and people are getting out and about, perhaps the second quarter of 2014 can make up for the weak first quarter of the year and give the economy a boost.

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  • Star Wars Episode VII: Original Cast Film In London

    Star Wars: Episode VII fever is amping up as casting rumors continue to fly. Now, there seems to be some legitimacy to the story that Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill will return to reprise their roles as Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker. All three have been spotted in, or admit to being in, London which is the location for filming of J.J. Abrams’ new Star Wars masterpiece.

    Add that to the fact that the trio have been pretty open about their involvement, and you’ve got yourself pretty close to fact. Harrison Ford was spotted in a few days ago outside a popular restaurant in London and then was seen again on Saturday talking to some crew members from London Air Ambulance.

    Carrie Fisher has just plain openly said that she’ll be there for six months for filming, and Mark Hamill has also been spotted.


    Casting has not yet been announced, but speculating spectators are thinking that a May the Fourth announcement would be possible and quite appropriate. It was previously thought that the original trio would simply pop in and out as fun cameos, but the fact that Fisher outlined six months of filming indicates that the role will be a little more impressive than that.

    Back in March, her Legit co-star Jim Jeffries made a revealing (albeit barely coherent) statement on the Opie & Andy show on his feelings about how the new plot will play out.

    “She’s a funny lady, man,” he said of his co-star and friend. “She’ll be smoking cigarettes outside and as soon as she gets inside, she’s straight on to the vapor. She’s had some f**king hard partying in her life, I tell ya… She said to me, she goes ‘I’m going off to London for six months to film the new Star Wars movie,’ right? And I don’t think from looking at it, the new ‘Star Wars’ movie is a direct continuation. It’s number 7 but it’s not going to be the next day, I’ll tell you that much. Maybe she had the same problem the Emperor had, I don’t know.”

    Since that was clear as mud, I suppose we shall all have to wait to find out how this thing will go!

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  • Juicers Not Going Away, Actually Grow More Popular

    Juicers and blenders are becoming more and more popular as the weather warms up and the swimsuits lurk menacingly in the back of the drawer, awaiting their time in the sun.

    Those who are looking to take off what’s left of the winter weight, as well as those who are getting into “juicing” for the health benefits will be happy to know that Holly Adams, the woman behind Voigt Manor, LLC, has launched a new website venture called qualityblendersandjuicers.com.

    Her purpose in doing so is clear. She saw the trend growing along with the incredible increase in juicer and blender choices, creating an overwhelming marketplace for consumers looking to get in on the fad.

    The website features high quality Blendtec blenders, Hamilton Beach juicers, steam juicers, juicer blender combos, books about juicing and blending, recipe books and more, all in one place.

    The main focus is on giving to consumer somewhere to go to look at different high quality blenders and juicers and be able to compare them to one another in order to make the best choice.

    This venture highlights just how immersive the juicing trend has become. Beginning with the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, the nation has been taken over with the need to put veggies in a blender to make them more digestible and sometimes more palatable (if you mix them with apples and pineapples and the like).

    However, there have also been those who disagree with the practice of juicing, just like there are with any other new idea, and there has been some controversy with parents getting their kids to partake in “juice cleanses” on a regular basis.

    Whatever the controversy may be, juicing doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Neither does the practice of making healthier shakes and smoothies in a blender. So no matter what your persuasion, it seems Holly Adams and blender makers everywhere have made a smart decision to ride the tails of this thing.

    Do you juice?

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  • Clay Aiken: Democrat Hopes To Gain Congress Seat

    Clay Aiken knows it takes more than name recognition and star power to be elected to Congress, but does he have what it takes? And what does it take? Depending on who you ask, that can range from experience and a backbone to being famous and being able to cozy up to special interests.

    Aiken, a Democrat, is hoping to win the right to challenge North Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District seat from Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers, who is a Tea Party favorite and has held the seat for two terms. She will be running for a third.

    Also in the running to win the Democratic challenge are businessman Keith Crisco and Tony Morris, who is a family counselor, according to AP.

    Ellmers gained the seat in the landslide congressional upset of 2011, shortly before Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won nearly 6 in 10 votes in the district and narrowly defeated Obama to win the entire state.

    Republicans seem to think that Democrats have a very slim chance of winning this seat in the newly conservative state, what with the approval rating of the President down and the fairly unpopular Obamacare fiasco weighing on people’s minds.

    But these facts don’t matter much to Aiken, who is riding on his ability to be a centrist. “I don’t care what party they’re in,” Aiken says of voters in the central North Carolina district, “I’ll talk to whoever.”

    He says he just wants to get the job done, but there is another seeming issue at hand. Can a gay man win the coveted seat in such a conservative state? So far so good, according to him. He says that reporters, and not voters, are the only people who even mention his sexual orientation.

    Well, if some of that luck that carried him through American Idol rubbed off, perhaps we could have another celebrity-turned-politician on our hands!

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  • Baxter Springs, KS Reeling From Damages

    Baxter Springs, KS Reeling From Damages

    Baxter Springs, in southeast Kansas, is still reeling from the damage caused by a tornado on Sunday evening. One man was killed in nearby Quapaw, Okla. and 25 people were injured, nine which were serious enough to be hospitalized.

    The tornado, now rated by the National Weather Service as an EF2 on the Enhanced Fujita scale, touched down at Quapaw and slashed an eight mile path of destruction through the nearby city of Baxter Springs.

    According to newson6.com, the tornado was approximately 150 yards wide at one point.

    Oklahoma governor Mary Fallin and Kansas governor Sam Brownback declared a state of emergency for the area and President Obama promised in a press conference from the Philippines to help the victims rebuild.

    “Your country will be there to help you recover and rebuild as long as it takes,” Obama said.


    Over 100 houses and buildings were destroyed in downtown Baxter Springs, and the one aforementioned casualty was a man from Baxter Springs who was passing through Quapaw when the tornado hit. He drove his car into a vacant building for shelter, but the building collapsed on top of the car.

    Quapaw Police Chief Gary Graham said that the area had no warning whatsoever and didn’t sound the tornado sirens.

    “You know it’s hard to warn other people when we don’t know. It’s unfortunate that it happened that way and I’m not happy that it happened that way but I don’t know what else we could have done.”, he said.

    The tornado left behind twisted metal and rubble and many devastated lives.

    People like Sue McBride, 71, a Baxter Springs resident, have a long road of recovery ahead. She was sitting on her front porch when the twister hit town. When the sirens went off, she had enough time to run into a hallway before her windows were blown out and glass flew everywhere.

    “I didn’t have one scratch on me and I was fine,” she said, even though she woke up in a Red Cross emergency shelter. “Some angel was watching here. I am just so thrilled to be alive and not hurt.”

    So many were not so lucky.

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  • Stevia-Sweetened, Healthier Drinks For Summer

    Healthier sodas are officially making a splash. As kids, most of us had refrigerators full of Coke, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew or whatever was our favorite (or our parents’ favorite, more likely) to freely drink.

    Now that we are parents and more educated on the dangers of huge amounts of sugar, as well as the disgusting and sometimes downright disturbing things that go into artificially sweetened diet drinks, we are a little more choosy about the drinks we bring home from the grocery store.

    The trend of choosiness has finally begun to spark a fire of new lines of sodas and fizzy beverages to satisfy the longing for something cold, sweet, and tingly while keeping in line with our more guarded diet choices.


    Stevia-sweetened beverage makers are especially taking advantage of the new trend, using the plant-derived sweetener that is said to be 100x sweeter than sugar. However, that twangy after taste has been a serious problem and have turned many off to drinking “healthier” beverages with stevia.

    One exception to the lot is Mountain Zevia, made by Zevia. They of course use stevia to sweeten their drinks, but the Mountain Zevia seems to somehow dodge that nasty aftertaste. So, health-conscious fans of Mountain Dew, rejoice!

    Another exception would be Steaz’s blueberry-pomegranate flavor soda/tea. It’s loaded with fantastic flavor and has the added benefits that come along with organic green tea. What’s not to love?

    Nothing but cold, fizzy cola will do, you say? Don’t worry, there’s no need to fall off the wagon on a hot day. Veri’s cola flavored soda will meet the need for cola flavor as well as fizziness. It’s made from only six organic ingredients and is creepy chemical-free.

    Summer is coming, and so is the craving for cold refreshment. Hopefully, with the help of a few of these stevia-sweetened options, we can make it!

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  • Gluten-Free Diet For Celiac Disease Treatment

    A gluten-Free diet has become very popular and almost trendy as many people look to simplify their diets and get back to a more whole-foods based way of eating. Guides such as the Paleo diet, or a “caveman” approach, are quickly gaining a following as many shirk the over-processed products on grocery aisles, opting to hit only the meat and produce sections instead.

    This is obviously a healthier way to eat than the standard American diet and can have many benefits to the normal person looking to shed a few pounds or to live a healthier lifestyle. However, to some suffering from Celiac disease, it could make all the difference in the world.

    According to WebMD, Celiac disease is “a digestive and autoimmune disorder that results in damage to the lining of the small intestine when foods with gluten are eaten. Glutens are a form of protein found in some grains. The damage to the intestine makes it hard for the body to absorb nutrients, especially fat, calcium, iron, and folate.”

    Apparently, the immune system attacks the gluten in foods and in the process damages the villi, the tiny hair-like structures that absorb nutrients from food. The symptoms can range from digestive problems, severe skin rashes, and muscle cramps to missed menstrual periods and even seizures.

    A gluten-free diet is the only medically-accepted way to treat celiac disease. So what does a gluten-free diet look like? Well, in case you haven’t checked it out yet, here are some guidelines.

    Unprocessed beans and seeds, eggs, fresh meats, fish and poultry that are free of breading, batter, or marinade are great choices for protein. Of course, fruits and vegetables of any kind are good and so are most dairy products.

    You must avoid foods that contain barley (malt, malt flavoring and malt vinegar are usually made from barley), rye, triticale (a cross between wheat and rye), and of course you should avoid wheat.

    There are many grains that are safe, including amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat, corn and cornmeal, flax, gluten-free flours (rice, soy, corn, potato, bean), as well as millet, quinoa, rice, sorghum, soy, tapioca, and teff.

    Also avoid such things that may contain gluten, unless they are labeled gluten-free such as food additives like malt flavoring, modified food starch and others. Also avoid medications and vitamins that use gluten as a binding agent and play dough.

    A gluten-free diet can be daunting, but as long as you stick to whole fruits and veggies and natural meats along with the foods listed, it can produce great benefits for the celiac sufferer as well as those seeking a healthier way of eating.

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  • Tornado Damage Extensive, 17 Dead In Aftermath

    The damage from last night’s tornados in Arkansas and Oklahoma will not even be fully known for a few days, but as residents continue to comb through what is left of their possessions, they are also mindful of the 17 who have been reported so far as victims of this nasty storm.

    A possible EF3 tornado touched down about 10 miles west of Little Rock at around 7pm and ran an 80-mile path of utter destruction through the land, killing 16 and injuring many others.

    This tornado was the largest of a huge storm system that battered the central and southern parts of the country, also spawning a tornado that killed one in Quapaw, Okla. before crossing the state line into Kansas where it destroyed up to 70 homes and injured a reported 25 people.

    The tornado that did so much damage and killed so many in Arkansas narrowly missed several other victims in cars and trucks who were traveling along I-40 north of Little Rock.

    Bill Sadler, a spokesman for the Arkansas State Police, said, “About 30 vehicles — large trucks, sedans, pickup trucks — were going through there when the funnel cloud passed over.”

    The tornado will most likely be rated as the strongest that the country has seen so far this year, according to AP.

    “It has the potential to be EF3 or greater. Based on some of the footage we’ve seen from Mayflower and where it crossed Interstate 40, things were wrecked in a very significant way.”, said meteorologist Jeff Hood. EF3 storms are storms that have winds greater than 136 mph.

    A very significant way, indeed, for the residents who will face the damage on Monday as the sun rises to reveal what is left of their lives. Karla Ault, a Vilonia High School volleyball coach, took shelter in the school’s gym when the sirens went off. Her husband then got in contact with her as the storm passed and told her that the twister had reduced their home and everything in it to a bare slab.

    “I’m just kind of numb. It’s just shock that you lost everything. You don’t understand everything you have until you realize that all I’ve got now is just what I have on,” Ault said.

    President Obama made a promise from a press conference in the Philippines that the government will do all that it can in helping the people get back on their feet after last night’s terrifying storms.

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  • Planet Of The Apes Theme Wedding To Start New Trend?

    It’s spring and love is in the air. Wedding season is kicking off as the weather warms up and brides begin to look forward to their big day. Some will have the traditional gown, church aisle, veil, and the whole bit.

    Some may opt for a more modern spin on the ordeal or go for an outdoor wedding, perhaps barefoot on the beach. Some might take a hint from Judy Greer and her husband and go for an off the wall weird theme like Alice in Wonderland, Fairytale, or I don’t know, Planet of the Apes. So romantic.

    Judy Greer said on Conan that those other played out themes are “cheesy”, and wanted to go with something else.

    Her husband’s love for the Planet of the Apes movies as well as her upcoming role in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes influenced her choices. During the cocktail hour of the event, they had Rise of the Planet of the Apes playing on one screen and the original Planet of the Apes on another.


    As for her husband’s gift, she gave him a Rolex watch with the phrase “Ape shall not kill ape”, admitting that it should have been “Ape shall never kill ape”. The guests ate wedding cake topped with two chimps, instead of the traditional bride and groom miniatures.

    This is great to ponder for all of you brides-to-be. Perhaps considering your husbands likes could influence your choices a little more as you plan for the big kickoff of your new life together.

    Could there be a new trend toward man-themed weddings this season? I could see Hooters weddings happening, with hot wings served to grandma by a young lady in orange hotpants. Or maybe some will go with a Top Gear theme or a wedding where nothing is served but meat.

    This could get interesting, people.

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  • Blue Angels Commander Relieved Of Duty

    Blue Angels Commander Relieved Of Duty

    Blue Angels Commander Capt. Gregory McWherter was relieved of duty on Friday as an investigation into allegations of “inappropriate command climate” begins.

    No one is really sure what that entails at this point, but the allegations specifically refer to his time as commanding officer of the Blue Angels during November 2008 to November 2010 and again from May 2011 to November 2012.

    Capt. McWherter has been removed from his post as second in command at Coronado Naval Base in San Diego, Calif. pending the outcome of the investigation.

    News of the accusations spread quickly on Friday and friends of McWherter have hope that his name will be cleared, according to the Pensacola News Journal.

    “I always thought he was exceptional and would go right up the chain of command to be the Chief of Naval Operations,” said Terry Hynds. He was a Blue Angels ground crew supervisor from 1985 to 1988. “I just hope it’s a bunch of garbage and it goes away.”

    Jim Breen, owner of Air Show Network in California said, “I’m speechless. I thought McWherter was as fine a person as they have had in that role in 30 years,” He said he has produced events for the Blue Angels since the late 1980s.

    Well, that remains to be seen, but according to a Navy press release, he wasn’t removed without cause, in their opinion.

    “The decision was based on initial findings of an ongoing investigation into recent allegations of misconduct and an inappropriate command climate at the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (Blue Angels) based at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla.”

    The decision was reportedly made by Vice Adm. William French, commander of Navy Installations Command, which seems to be rare. In fact, Dennis Wisely, a retired Blue Angels pilot turned volunteer vice president of the Blue Angels Alumni Association, said he couldn’t think of any previous investigation involving the team that began with the Navy’s Inspector General.

    Sounds serious. Could this be a serious blow to the famous Blue Angels or will it turn out to be a frivolous accusation or possibly overblown non-PC blowback? Only time will tell.

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  • Angela Lansbury Made A Dame By The Queen

    Angela Lansbury was recently made a Dame by the Queen of England for her career in acting and her work with charities. The lovely 88-year-old actress said she was honored to be recognized by her queen and country, according to the BBC.

    The actress is best known for playing Jessica Fletcher, mystery author and amateur gumshoe, on the long-running and exceedingly popular show Murder, She Wrote.

    However, her career has seen roles such as Miss Price in a favorite childhood movie of mine, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Mrs. Iselin in The Manchurian Candidate, and Elvis’ mother in his famous movie Blue Hawaii.

    She was born in England, but moved to the US during World War II after the death of her father. She has recently returned to the London stage after an absence of nearly 40 years. She returned to star in Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit at the Gielgud Theatre. She plays an eccentric medium named Madame Arcati, and her performance has been received with highest praise by critics.

    After she was made a dame at Windsor Castle she said of the experience, “To meet the Queen under these circumstances is a rare and lovely occasion.”

    While she has been honored before for her acting by being nominated for 3 Oscars including for her first film, 1944’s Gaslight, she said being given the title of Dame is different.

    She elaborated on the difference in stating “[The Oscar] is for my work in motion pictures and this is for the overall accomplishments of my life as an actress.” She then added, “It has afforded me the joy of working in America and also in England a great deal.”

    Dame Angela is now part of an exclusive group of actresses that have been given the honor by the Queen including Judi Dench, Maggie Smith and Penelope Keith.

    Congratulations to Angela Lansbury!

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  • Beltran Leyva Gang: Arnoldo Villa Sanchez Captured

    The Beltran Leyva Gang is another member short as the second in command, Arnoldo Villa Sanchez, was arrested by federal police on Tuesday.

    National Security Commissioner Monte Alejandro Rubido said that Sanchez and one bodyguard were captured while they visited family in Mexico City for Holy week.

    Rubido said they “both tried to resist but they were detained without a shot being fired.”

    The notorious Beltran Leyva Gang had been weakened in recent years due to a war with rival gang Sinaloa as well as the capture of its leader Alfredo Beltran Leyva in 2008 and his brother Arturo’s killing by soldiers in 2009, according to AFP.

    However, after having blacklisted Arnoldo Villa Sanchez last year for committing “numerous acts of violence on behalf of his cartel bosses”, the US Treasury department warned that the Beltran Leyva gang had “re-established itself and begun to expand its influence in parts of Sinaloa” state in the last couple of years.

    Tuesday also saw the arrest of Uriel Chavez Mendoza, mayor of Apatzingan, which is a Michoacan city once controlled by the Knights Templar criminal gang. The Knights Templar is a cult-like criminal organization that has been causing trouble and tension with armed citizen militias.

    These armed militias, which entered the city in February to push back against the Knights and were backed by federal military and police, ended Knights Templar control. As the regained control of the city, they reported that Mayor Mendoza was a well-known collaborator with the Knights Templar, an accusation which he adamantly denied.

    Whether or not the kingpin strategy Mexico’s government and President Peña Nieto have been enforcing works remains to be seen. The government says that homicides are down 16% from 2012 numbers, however, many observers seriously doubt those numbers. Also, though murders have declined, kidnappings and extortion are on the rise.

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