
Author: Lacy Langley

  • Kat Von D Vents At Reporters After Tattoo Shop Burns

    Kat Von D had the displeasure of showing up to her tattoo parlor, High Voltage in west Hollywood, to sift through the damage caused by a fire early Thursday morning.

    The famed tattoo artist and star of L.A. Ink was clearly not in the mood for cameras in her face.

    Kat Von D is known for her brash behavior, and reporters crowding around for an interview after her traumatic experience brought out the worst in her.

    She told reporters, “You guys want a f***ing interview, seriously? You guys, come on. Have some f***ing respect. Seriously, do you feel better about yourself? Oh yeah, get the lens, you f***ing idiot.”

    Kat Von D then proceeded to knock a camerawoman’s hat off.


    When a reporter dared to ask her if she knew what started the fire, Kat Von D responded, “Dude, you guys are awful. Your mother should be embarrassed.”

    Kat Von D also clawed at a woman’s head and repeatedly pushed cameras and people back from her.

    The fire at Kat Von D’s tattoo parlor was reported around 4 a.m. in the 1200 block of North La Brea Avenue in Los Angeles, according to Los Angeles County Fire Capt. Brian Jordan.

    The blaze was fought by 50 firefighters, who also did their best to remove valuable items from Kat Von D’s tattoo parlor, as well as a neighboring shop, before they could be damaged.

    I secretly really only hang out w @ndrewstuart to make out with his dog, Voltron.

    A photo posted by Kat Von D (@thekatvond) on

    Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that Kat Von D’s life has been turned upside-down by a fire. Back in 2010, her home was severely damaged by a fire that also killed her beloved cat.

    Investigation is still underway into the cause of the fire that destroyed Kat Von D’s tattoo parlor.

    What do you think? Was Kat Von D rightfully angry at reporters trying to get a scoop after a traumatic incident or did she overreact?

  • Ellen Page Drama Denied Film Location Over Gay Story

    Ellen Page and Julianne Moore are starring in a film called Freeheld, which is about a lesbian couple who are fighting for domestic partner benefits when one of them gets terminal lung cancer.

    Ellen Page and the rest of the crew had permission to film a pivotal scene at Salesian High School in New Rochelle, N.Y., but when the subject matter of the film was learned, that permission was revoked and denied.

    The school’s principal, John Flaherty, then informed producer Michael Shamberg of the decision reversal.

    Shamberg said he respects the school’s right to say no, but is disappointed that he won’t be able to film Ellen Page’s pivotal moment there.

    “They turned us down because of the subject matter,” Shamberg told The Hollywood Reporter.

    The denial is a little bit ironic to a cast that includes Ellen Page and a plot centered around social injustice to gay couples.


    Shamberg wrote an email to Flaherty, in which he tried to explain further that the film, based on the final days of Detective Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) with her girlfriend (Ellen Page), was “not about gay marriage, nor are the women attempting to get married. It is about recognizing the dignity of a woman who was a brave civil servant.”

    He added, “I believe the theme of the movie is what Pope Francis recognized just yesterday when he called for the Church to welcome and accept gay people.”


    However, after the heartfelt plea, Flaherty simply replied that he would pass it on to the school’s president. Then nothing happened.

    “After that it was crickets,” says Kelly Bush, another producer on the film.

    Flaherty did respond to a request for comment from Buzzfeed. He implied that gay rights, and movies that promote gay stars like Ellen Page, are not their social issues focus.

    He said, “All are welcomed at Salesian High School. Our school chooses to embrace the social issues such as hunger, homelessness, poverty, and helping the less fortunate.”

    Fair enough.

    What do you think? Should the high school have allowed Ellen Page and Julianne Moore to film there or are they well within their rights to say no, and let the film crew find somewhere else?

  • Ebola In New Jersey: Hospitals And Politicians Ready

    Ebola isn’t in New Jersey yet and it won’t be if Chris Christie and New Jersey’s super-prepared hospitals have any say.

    Christie has created a response team just in case there is ever Ebola in New Jersey.

    The 2016 possible presidential candidate has also urged the public to ignore Ebola hysteria and focus on facts.

    “We need to be responsible and cautious when talking about Ebola,” Christie said.

    “It’s not helpful to add to the hysteria.”

    True, hysteria is not helpful. But, preparedness is, and if there is ever Ebola in New Jersey, they will be prepared.

    “New Jersey hospitals are receiving frequent updates and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Jersey Department of Health,” said Kerry McKean Kelly, vice president of communications and member services at the New Jersey Hospital Association.

    She added of the possibility of Ebola in New Jersey, “They’ve been ramping up for months as they’ve watched the Ebola situation intensify in West Africa. That’s given our hospitals time to review their emergency preparedness and infectious disease policies and protocols, educate staff and make other preparations. Many hospitals also have held special Ebola emergency drills.”

    Princeton Health Care System spokesperson Andy Williams said, “Staff at University Medical Center of Princeton (at Plainsboro) have been trained on how to identify and isolate a patient with Ebola while protecting themselves from exposure.”

    He added, “PHCS also has acquired the personal protective equipment recommended by the CDC and trained staff on its proper use and safe disposal. To date, the training has been provided to staff and physicians.”

    If there is ever a case of Ebola in New Jersey, it seems like it shouldn’t go far.

    How is your state measuring up?

  • Jenelle Evans Accused Of Abuse On Twitter Again

    Jenelle Evans needs to stop giving haters, who are dying to get her kids taken away, all the ammo they need. The former Teen Mom star just can’t get a break from Twitter followers.

    Some of them seem to exist only to try to bring her down.

    It seems like Jenelle Evans has been trying to turn over a new leaf for herself and her family. She has even recently started the process to get custody of her older son, Jace.

    However, a few weeks ago, Jenelle Evans was reported to Child Protective Services over 50 times after she posted a pic to Twitter showing her three-month-old son, Kaiser, with what appeared to be a black eye.

    CPS called Jenelle Evans, but when she explained it away, the case against her was dismissed.

    That wasn’t the last that Jenelle Evans heard from malicious followers. Just this week, CPS showed up at her home unannounced to investigate reports that Jace was being abused by her.

    Again, they found nothing against Jenelle Evans and dismissed the case.

    Now, critics of Jenelle Evans’ parenting skills are picking on her after she posted a picture of her baby, Kaiser, playing on the floor. The baby is adorable and Jenelle Evans was only bragging like a proud mama, but she got slammed.

    The baby’s diaper looks full, so therefore, they must call CPS.

    I think if I were Jenelle Evans, I would abandon any and all social media and focus on getting my life right for my family.

    But, there’s no attention or money in that. So, I guess Jenelle Evans’ stalkers will just keep doing their thing as long as she keeps doing hers!

  • Mary Chapin Carpenter Revamps Songs For New Album

    Mary Chapin Carpenter’s latest album, Songs from the Movie, has a familiar sound that her fans love.

    It’s her old songs.

    But with a significant, and cinematic sounding, twist.

    The latest album is a collection of 10 Mary Chapin Carpenter songs that have been hit-makers and fan favorites for years, and now her fans can enjoy them in an entirely new setting and feel.

    “The albums I’ve made throughout my career have been like concept albums,” Mary Chapin Carpenter revealed to The Hartford Courant.

    She added, “My albums have always had songs that had those connections. It was good to do something different. It was a fascinating process, revisiting what I had recorded before and taking them to another place. It was a healthy exercise. A lot of recording artists revamp their songs when they tour. This was just taking it one step further. I knew ‘Time Stands Still’ would be on this album. Then I just went on from there. But from there I think I made up a list of 40 or so songs.”

    Sounds like an amazing experience for her! Mary Chapin Carpenter collaborated with composer and arranger Vince Mendoza on her new album and was incredibly impressed with what he did to make her old songs new again.

    “It was incredibly emotional,” Mary Chapin Carpenter said.

    She added, “I didn’t expect that. It was an amazing thing to hear these songs in such a different way. I thought about why and how music hits you emotionally, how it tugs at your heart. Vince’s arrangements really hit me hard. I was really moved.”

    Mary Chapin Carpenter isn’t the first songwriter to work with Mendoza. He is also responsible for polishing up songs for recording artists like Elvis Costello, Joni Mitchell, and even Bjork.

    Congratulations to Mary Chapin Carpenter on her new album!

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Associated With Pregnancy

    Rheumatoid arthritis risk among women has always been higher than men, and now a new study finds that women who carry babies could be getting rheumatoid arthritis much more often.

    Rheumatoid arthritis has been tied to many factors, including lifestyle choices, diet, and previous infections, but a new study says that harmful cells from fetuses carrying harmful genes from the father may have a lot more to do with it.

    According to the study, some versions of the immune system gene HLA-DRB1, known as the shared epitope alleles, could be to blame. These cells are responsible for the immune system’s response to infection and, in transplant medicine, for differentiating between one’s own cells and those that are foreign.

    Giovanna Cruz, MS, graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, and first author on the new study says,

    “During pregnancy, you’ll find a small number of fetal cells circulating around the mother’s body, and it seems that in some women, they persist as long as several decades. Women with rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to have this persistence of fetal cells, known as fetal microchimerism, than women without the condition, suggesting that it is a potential risk factor for the development of rheumatoid arthritis.”

    “Why it happens, we don’t know, but we suspect HLA genes and their activity may be involved,” she added.

    In other words, the body’s immune system could be attacking these leftover cells from a baby, sometimes 20 or 30 years later, causing a reaction in the form of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Cruz said, “We don’t yet understand how the shared epitope and other HLA alleles influence rheumatoid arthritis risk, but one possibility is that interactions between the proteins these genes encode may stimulate the autoimmune symptoms of the disease.”

    Very interesting! Hopefully this new study can help researchers in getting closer to a cure for rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Jessica Biel And Justin Timberlake Settle With Mag

    Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake have won a victory against the British tabloid, Heat, that took some pictures of Justin at a club and spun it into a story about the couple’s crumbling marriage.

    They added a few fake quotes from Jessica Biel to make it spicy.

    They clearly messed with the wrong power couple.

    According to E!, Heat has issued an apology to Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake in a statement that read,

    “On 6th-12th September edition of heat magazine, the Defendant published an article under the headlines Justin Timberlake Gets Flirty with Another Woman, It Is Not His Wife! and The Flirty Photos That Rocked Justin and Jessica’s Marriage.”

    Baby got back(pack) hell yeah @allsaintslive

    A photo posted by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) on

    The statement continued, “The article was based on an unfounded report regarding Justin Timberlake’s alleged behavior at a club following a performance in Paris, to celebrate a birthday and also included a number of purported statements improperly attributed to Jessica Biel, which Heat now understands had never been made by her.”


    “The Defendant accepts that the article was false and withdraws any inferences that questioned the state of Justin and Jessica’s marriage. The Defendant regrets any embarrassment caused to the couple and unreservedly apologizes to them.”

    So beautiful I had to repost from @cturlington. This is what I want my yoga to be. #thisismyyoga

    A photo posted by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) on

    Jessica Biel and husband Justin Timberlake were happy with the apology, but no information on whether they received any financial reward or not has been released.

    Paul Tweed, a senior partner at Johnsons Law Firm in the U.K., which was representing Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake, said that everything turned out great for his clients.

    In a statement, he said that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake “are very satisfied with this categoric retraction of what was a false and unfounded story, together with the comprehensive apology from Bauer Consumer Media, the publishers of Heat magazine, as read before the High Court this morning.”


    He added, “The couple will not be making any further comment in relation to this matter, but will not hesitate to take similar legal action if false allegations regarding the state of their marriage are repeated.”

    Hopefully now Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake can move on and find some solace in the apology and retraction.

  • Melissa Jenkins’ Family Reacts To Guilty Verdict

    Melissa Jenkins was abducted in March 2012 and was sexually assaulted and killed.

    On Wednesday morning, her relatives and friends found some relief and closure when the jury returned with a guilty verdict for one of her attackers.

    Allen Prue was found guilty of first degree murder, conspiracy and attempted kidnapping by a jury of his peers, and Melissa Jenkins’ family ended their two-year wait for justice.

    He was accused of luring Melissa Jenkins, a 33-year-old mother, out of her home by faking car trouble. He then, with his wife Patricia, sexually assaulted and killed her in cold blood.

    “Well, I was getting a little nervous last night at 8 p.m. when they were still in there. But it ended quick this morning,” said Linda Gadapee, Melissa Jenkins‘ aunt.

    Martin Beattie, Melissa Jenkins‘ uncle, said, “No one wins. It is another chapter that is taken care of. But we do know that Allen Prue will never hurt another person again. They let him out in chains and it was a good feeling the family needed.”

    Her relatives say that the guilty verdict in the trial of Melissa Jenkins’ killer brings a little closure, but the pain of losing Melissa in that way may never go away.

    “We don’t get Melissa back, but that monster is off the streets,” said Eric Berry, Jenkins’ cousin.

    Vermont doesn’t have the death penalty, but some of Melissa Jenkins’ loved ones say they wish it did.

    Residents of St. Johnsbury say their town was changed by the brutal crime that happened in their streets.

    “It really upset people and it is two years later and I still get choked up over it. It was totally needless and people think about it they remember it. She was a nice lady and her poor son is going to have to go through life without her,” said Randall Loiacono, of St. Johnsbury.

    Now, attention will focus on Melissa Jenkins’ other killer, Prue’s wife, Patricia. Hopefully the friends and relatives of Melissa Jenkins can continue to find closure as they move forward.

  • Daylight Saving Time: An Interesting History

    Daylight saving time is coming up on November 2nd.

    Most states, excluding Hawaii and Arizona, will turn back the clocks to 11:00 when 11:59 rolls around.

    Remember the old “spring foward, fall back” rule?

    The time change is not enthusiastically embraced by everyone, like parents who complain that their children will be headed to school in the dark. However, the purpose was originally intended to minimize the use of artificial lighting in our homes.

    Benjamin Franklin first proposed daylight saving time in 1784, but it wasn’t instituted until 1918 by Congress. Arizona opted out in 1968 and Hawaii, becoming a state after it was implemented, just never participated.

    However, modern use of daylight saving time wasn’t widespread in other countries until it was implemented in the aftermath of World War II in an effort to conserve fuel for recovery and rebuilding.

    Daylight saving time was then instituted for good in France, after a shaky trial run, in 1975. The implementation of daylight saving time was due to the oil shock of 1974 with the aim to reduce lighting needs.

    By the early 1980s, many countries of the European Union were using daylight saving time, however, the differences in use of the practice impeded trading schedules and business communication. Some countries used a half-hour adjustment, some a full hour, and some even had a two-hour adjustment.

    It wasn’t until 1996 that the European Union issued a standard for following daylight saving time.

    However, in America, there are now several states that are attempting to drop their participation in daylight saving time.

    Two Utah lawmakers, State Rep. Lee Perry (R) and Sen. Aaron Osmond (R), are looking into it after polling showed it to be a popular idea among voters. In fact, about 62 percent of those who responded were in favor of doing away with daylight saving time.

    Utah isn’t the only state considering doing away with the tradition.

    Colorado, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are also looking into it, Perry said.

    What do you think? Yeah, daylight saving time is sort of annoying and inconvenient, but is it worth dropping?

  • Ebola In Ohio Prompts State To Boost Supplies

    Ebola hasn’t spread in Ohio yet, but should Ebola decide to appear, Ohio will be ready.

    The state has earmarked $800,000 in state and federal funds to help prepare for an Ebola outbreak.

    $300,000 of that Ohio Ebola emergency fund will be used for disposable personal protective equipment for hospitals, first-responders, nurses and other health-care workers.

    The other $500,000 will be used to contract clean-up and sanitation services should an Ebola case appear in Ohio.

    The state contacted five companies to discuss a clean-up contract, but only one company was even interested in being involved with Ebola in Ohio.


    Ohio has been investigating 153 people that were believed to have come in contact with Amber Vinson. She is the second nurse confirmed to have contracted Ebola after treating now-deceased patient Thomas Duncan in Dallas. All of those she may have come into contact with are being monitored, but no Ebola symptoms have been reported so far.

    Vinson had flown to and from northeast Ohio between Oct. 10th and 13th to plan her wedding.

    The state reports that it currently has 16 “patient days” worth of emergency Ebola supplies, with a single patient day amounting to 240 suits. That is taking into consideration multiple health care workers changing gear multiple times over several shifts in order to care for a single patient.

    The new funds will boost Ohio Ebola preparedness to 96 patient days.

    “If a local hospital has difficulty receiving their supplies of (personal protective gear) in a timely fashion, we are able to come in and supply things until the supply chain opens back up,” said Lynne Bratka, interim chief of the department’s Bureau of Health Preparedness.


    For now, the state of Ohio will ensure that all hospitals have enough equipment on hand for one patient day, with a little more for northeast Ohio as it is the focus of Ebola observation right now.

    All extra Ebola equipment will be stored in an undisclosed location in Ohio until needed.

    What do you think? Is Ohio doing enough to prepare for Ebola? Should all states do more?

  • Obama Walkout An Indication Of Decline In Support?

    Obama supporters walked out on him while he spoke at a rally in Maryland’s Prince George’s County on Sunday.

    Could Obama supporters who walked out be an indication of his shrinking support base as the mid-term elections draw near?

    During his speech on Sunday, he said,

    “There are no excuses. The future is up to us. If you want better policies out of Washington, then you’ve got to vote for it.”

    Obama added, “If you want good policies to continue in Maryland, you’ve got to vote for it.”

    He was then interrupted by a man heckling him on his administration’s immigration policies.


    Obama replied with criticism of Republicans.

    “They are a broken record. They keep on offering the same, tired, worn-out theories,” he said.

    After that heckler was escorted out, many of Obama’s supporter’s walked out, leaving glaring empty yellow bleachers behind.

    Was the walk-out a demonstration of his dwindling approval amongst his party ahead of the upcoming elections?

    Some might interpret it that way.

    Reuters reported,

    “President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.”

    In Prince George’s County, Md., 65 percent of the population is African-American. Back in 2012, 97 percent of those African-American voters in Maryland supported Obama.

    This doesn’t sound like a group of Obama supporters that would simply walk out on his speech because they wanted to get back to their car before the rush.


    Uexpress‘ Mona Charen speculated,

    “Could it be that even loyal Democrats — even those who want to see Obama in the flesh — feel that they’ve heard it all before? Their actions send a clear signal: We think you’re a historical figure worth laying eyes on, but your words no longer interest us.”

    Ouch. What do you think? A case of a people wanting to beat the rush out or a painfully dwindling support system for Obama and his policies?

  • Monica Lewinsky To Help Victims of Cyber-Bullying

    Monica Lewinsky has taken on a new role in society. The former disgraced White House intern has emerged from the shadows and will now be an advocate for bullied kids.

    Monica Lewinsky was one of the first people to be bullied on the internet.

    “I fell in love with my boss in a 22-year-old sort of a way,” Lewinsky said at the Forbes Under 30 Summit.

    She added, “I was patient zero, the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the internet.”

    Back in 1998 when the story broke and Monica Lewinsky‘s world, and the Clintons’ world, came crashing down, internet bullying was not near the problem that it is today. However, Lewinsky likens her situation to that of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers student who committed suicide in 2010 after his intimate encounter with another man was caught on camera and put online.

    Lewinsky says that she, too, could have been bullied to death and did contemplate suicide as a result of the harassment.

    “I would go online, read in a paper or see on TV, people referring to me as: tramp, slut, whore. Frankly, I came close to disintegrating,” she admitted.

    Monica Lewinsky says her mother took the Tyler Clementi news really hard.

    “My mother was unusually upset by the story and I wondered why,” Lewinsky said.

    She added, “Eventually it dawned on me: she was back in 1998, when I, too, might have been humiliated to death.”

    So, what issue does Monica Lewinsky hope to tackle by speaking out for cyber-bullying victims?

    Monica Lewinsky explains, “Online, we’ve got a compassion deficit, an empathy crisis, and something tells me that matters a lot more to most of us.”


    Fighting cyber-bullying is really a great cause to lend her name to! Good luck to Monica Lewinsky.

    What do you think of Monica Lewinsky’s involvement in the fight against cyber-bullies?

  • Kendra Wilkinson Reconsidering Divorce From Baskett

    Kendra Wilkinson’s train wreck of a marriage has unraveled before the eyes of the whole nation.

    Her marriage to Hank Baskett hit the rocks when Kendra Wilkinson was informed that Hank had allegedly cheated on her while she was eight months pregnant with their daughter, who is now five months old.

    With transgender model Ava Sabrina London.

    Their reality show, Kendra On Top, has captured the play-by-play of the whole sordid mess including when Kendra Wilkinson flushed her ring down the toilet and threw their wedding album into the pool.

    Kendra Wilkinson had decided that perhaps their marriage could survive the spectacle once Hank apologized, because she didn’t want her children to be a product of their rash divorce.


    Perfectly woven "Baskett" family. We are complete.

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    Wilkinson told People back in September, “I come from a broken home. I come from my mom and dad making a decision literally right in front of me, saying, ‘It’s over,’ and I remember the day that they just split up, and it was over.”

    “That broke me as a child, and throughout my teenage years, and through now. I’ve come so close to the divorce. I have met with divorce lawyers,” Kendra Wilkinson added.

    “But the one thing I can’t forget about are these two kids. I was a kid at one point when my parents made a rash decision, and it hurt me still to this day. The one thing that cannot happen is making a quick decision, just based off of what the public thinks I should do. That’s the worst thing I can do for myself, it’s the worst thing I can do for my two kids.”


    This is my life. #fathersday

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    Sound thinking. However, that was before audio was released of Hank Baskett allegedly trying to convince his mist(er)ess to let him make $5,000 in deposits to her account.

    The problem is, Hank promised Kendra Wilkinson that he hasn’t spoken to Ava Sabrina London since “the incident”.

    An insider told Us magazine, “She thinks that everything he told her is a lie. The sense of trust she was rebuilding with Hank is gone again.”

    What do you think? Should Kendra Wilkinson kick Hank Baskett to the curb or give him another chance?

  • Mila Kunis’ Baby Love Really Shows

    Mila Kunis’ baby is only a couple of weeks old, but Mila and Ashton Kutcher are already really enjoying being parents!

    A source close to the couple told E!, “they are really enjoying every minute of being parents.”

    They added that, “Mila is saying seeing Ashton with Wyatt has made her fall deeper in love with him, it melts her heart.”

    Awww! There’s nothing like a proud new dad.

    Ashton Kutcher teased the world when he released a photo of his and Mila Kunis’ baby via their website, aplusk.com.

    Well, there was a picture of Mila Kunis’ baby in there somewhere, along with a couple of other human babies, a llama baby, and a puppy.


    Ashton and I #proudparents

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    Whichever one is Mila Kunis’ baby, it’s a good one, according to the same source.

    Wyatt Isabelle “is a good baby, she’s not fussy at all.”


    Understandably, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis aren’t getting much sleep right now, but they “make each other laugh to get through it.”

    So, the world wants to know what Mila Kunis’ baby looks like.

    Well, that depends on who you ask.

    The same above source said of Mila Kunis’ baby, “Wyatt looks like an equal mix between them both, Mila thinks. Ashton thinks she is gorgeous because she takes after her mom.”

    Either way, we all can expect one exceptionally beautiful baby.


    Mila Kunis’ baby has kept Mila at home and fairly quiet, but she has had a little time to open her own Instagram account.

    On her Instagram page, she describes herself as “Mom/Actor/Model” and, despite having only five posts so far, she has almost 9,000 followers.

    Could it be because the world still awaits a more specific photo debut of Mila Kunis’ baby?

    Of course.

    Good luck to the new parents as they begin life together with Mila Kunis’ baby, Wyatt Isabelle!

  • Stacey Dash: Blacks “Uneducated”, “Feel Worthless”

    Stacey Dash made some pretty controversial remarks on Tuesday’s episode of Hannity on Fox News.

    The outspoken actress and Fox News correspondent was asked if she thought Obama’s policies have been helpful to the black community.

    Stacey Dash responded by saying, “No, not at all.”

    She continued, “It still keeps them stuck. They are getting money for free,” Dash said. “They feel worthless. They are uneducated.”

    Stacey Dash seemed to insinuate that this was actually the intention of Democrats.


    I do not have the words to describe how much I LOVE @TarynManning

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    “I mean, as long as you are that way, they (Democrats) can keep you under their control,” she said.


    Stacey Dash then elaborated on the evil plan of Democrats to keep the black community enslaved.


    Another amazing day on @OutnumberedFNC with @HARRISFAULKNER @SandraSmithFox @AndreaTantaros & @PaulMecurio

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    “Yeah, they have a plantation mentality. ‘As long as I give you this much money you’ll stay right there. You don’t need to know too much, because if you do, you might start thinking for yourself’.”

    Needless to say, Stacey Dash’s opinion has, again, garnered her some fairly nasty comments.

    However, some people are backing Stacey Dash up.

    What do you think about Stacey Dash’s comments? Do you agree or disagree?

  • Elisabeth Hasselbeck Doing Just Fine After Surgery

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck will return to Fox & Friends in a few weeks.

    She underwent a surgery that, while apparently pretty minor, remains secret.

    A Fox News spokesperson told The Wrap of Hasselbeck’s surgery, “Elisabeth has asked for all to respect her wishes for privacy in regards to further details at this time.”

    Co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade appeared on Wednesday’s show without Elisabeth Hasselbeck to announce that she was undergoing surgery and that she would return soon, as good as new.


    #instaDYNASTY @williebosshog @kilmeade @foxandfriends

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    “In case you were wondering where Elisabeth is today and this week, well, she had some surgery yesterday and she’s going to be out for a couple of weeks,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s co-host Steve Doocy said on the show today.

    “But she’s doing just fine, she’s on the mend.”

    Brian Kilmeade added of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, “But as you know if you watch the show, she is strong, she is tough and a better athlete than me. We heard from her last night and she said she is feeling good. So, in a short time, she’ll be back on the set.”


    There doesn’t seem to be any reason to worry or any trace of alarm on the part of Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s co-stars.

    It also seems to have given Kimberly Guilfoyle, normally of Fox’s The Five, a fun change of pace in standing in for the 37-year-old former pot-stirrer on The View.


    This is what happens when we attempted to take a 4person #selfie with an iPad @foxandfriends #NeededLongerArms

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    Most likely the details of her situation will be released after a little while, but as far as any hint at what ails her, Elisabeth Hasselbeck isn’t dishing them out.

    She has been silent on social media since October 10th, and even then didn’t lend the slightest notion that anything was wrong.


    Hopefully Elisabeth Hasselbeck will make a swift and full recovery and be back on Fox & Friends soon!

  • Seth Rogen Confronts “Freaks And Geeks” Executioner

    Seth Rogen was just minding his business on the set of Saturday Night Live.

    He was there to support his friend Bill Hader.

    What happened next can only be described as fate coming full circle.

    Seth Rogen heard someone mention the name of the man who gave the ax to the cult hit show Freaks and Geeks.

    Freaks and Geeks is a great show that an entire generation mourned when it was regrettably canceled after only one season.

    Rogen, as one of the stars of the show, felt that he must call this guy out.


    New glasses. Giant beard.

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    Rogen said, “I overheard someone say the name of the guy who canceled Freaks and Geeks. I know his name, obviously, because we’ve talked about how stupid he is for the last 15 years.”

    Seth Rogen said with the moral support of his buddy, Paul Rudd, he walked up to Garth Ancier to confront him. A television programmer since the ’70s, Ancier should have known his stuff but Seth Rogen, and many others, disagree.

    What happened when Ancier was confronted? He didn’t try to throw anyone under the bus or point the blame to someone else.

    Seth Rogen said, “He oddly tried to justify it. He was like, ‘You know, Judd [Apatow] wouldn’t listen to my notes.’ I was like, ‘The notes probably were stupid’.”

    Rogen continued, “He was like, ‘You know, I kept telling Judd, “Give them a victory, give them a victory”‘. And I was like, ‘The whole show was about how in high school you always lose all the time’.”

    He then said of Ancier, “He went to a private school and was very rich as a child.”


    Ancier took the public berating by Seth Rogen fairly well, and even admitted that canceling the show was a huge mistake.

    In a Facebook post, he said,

    “OK, this is getting pretty funny. Now I’m the rich kid who went to private school so couldn’t understand that public high school kids who are Freaks and/or Geeks never have any victories over the cool kids. Yes, I went to private school (Lawrenceville), but my parents were not rich (very supportive, but not rich), and finally – THIS IS TV! The ultimate realm of wish-fulfillment!”

    He then added, “Again, I apologize to the very talented folks who made this series so fun to watch. In my next life I will revive it on cable!”

    What do you think? Do you agree with Seth Rogen on this?

  • Katie Holmes Stars In New Film And Olay Ad Campaign

    Katie Holmes is incredibly busy right now.

    The Dawson’s Creek alum has been working on her directorial debut of All We Had, a book-to-movie adaptation that looks really promising.

    In addition to that, Katie Holmes will reprise her role as an uncanny Jackie Kennedy in The Kennedys sequel, The Kennedys-After Camelot.

    The Kennedys was a brilliant execution of storytelling based on the lives of one of the world’s best known families,” Reelz CEO Stan E. Hubbard said in a statement.


    He added, “Katie elegantly portrayed Jackie Kennedy in the first miniseries and now will continue the role as Jackie grows into the Jackie O that the world knows best. Katie is brave, committed and perfect for this role. She is a strong, talented woman who understands how special and respected Jackie Kennedy, and then Jackie Onassis was, as an international icon.”


    Katie Holmes will also be helping as an executive producer for The Kennedys-After Camelot and will direct one of the episodes in the four-hour miniseries.

    But, that’s not all on Katie Holmes’ plate!


    Holmes will begin a new role as Olay’s Global Brand Ambassador and star in a new ad campaign for the skin care company.

    “We’re thrilled to have Katie Holmes help us inspire women to realize their best beautiful in the new creative,” says Leigh Radford, Vice President Global Skincare and Olay Franchise Leader.

    “Katie – a confident, modern woman – represents Olay and the voice of women worldwide who never settle in skincare.”

    Never settle seems to be the theme for Olay’s campaign with Katie Holmes.

    Olay recently revealed a survery that discovered that a majority of women feel like it’s never okay to settle.

    In the ad campaign, Katie Holmes encourages women around the world to be their best beautiful, whether that is in their lives or their skincare. The campaign will feature Olay’s Regenerist line and other Olay products.

    How does Katie Holmes do it all?

  • Jennifer Aniston Reportedly Issues Wedding Ultimatum

    Jennifer Aniston may be sick of waiting on Justin Theroux to marry her, according to the Belfast Telegraph.

    Justin did, in fact, live with his girlfriend before Jennifer Aniston for 14 years without making it down the aisle. So, should Jennifer Aniston have seen this coming?

    Maybe, but two years ago Justin popped the question, and since then, nothing but busted rumors and speculation.

    Even Chelsea Handler said she was sick of getting asked about Jennifer Aniston’s wedding.

    “Everywhere I go, people ask me about Jennifer Aniston’s wedding. Do you know what it’s like to walk down a red carpet and [reporters] go ‘When are Jen and Justin getting married?’ like I’m in charge of that,” she said.


    Sources close to the situation reportedly say that Jennifer Aniston is done waiting.

    “Justin may be telling people that he’s happy having a long engagement, but he seems to be ignoring the fact that Jen may not be,” a source told British magazine Look. “When they got engaged, she would have never imagined that two years down the line they still wouldn’t have made it up the aisle.

    The source continued, “Jen has given Justin until the end of the year and then she’ll be seriously considering whether they should be together. She’s even told him she would consider a quickie wedding because she knows how much he hates the idea of having a big ceremony.”

    “Jen was always mindful that she didn’t want there to be any clashes. Jen’s been so careful in the past not to pressure Justin. But enough is enough. She needs to feel like things are moving forward.”

    It seems reasonable for Jennifer Aniston to want to move forward after a two year engagement. What do you think? Is two years plenty or do you think she should give Theroux all the time he needs?

  • Oil Prices Could Weaken Vladimir Putin’s Resolve

    Oil prices stand at a three year low of $81 per barrel. That’s significantly less than the $100 per barrel that was in place when Vladimir Putin first invaded Ukraine.

    While falling oil prices are good news for American consumers, it is bad news for Vladimir Putin.

    Half of Russia’s budget depends on oil and gas trading.

    Despite having a large and comfortable international currency reserve of $450 billion, the Russian stock market has been down 6% in the last three months.

    Also, the Ruble is 20% below the dollar in value this year.

    Add to that a projected Russian economic growth of just 0.5% in 2014 and 0.3% in 2015 and a feared recession, and things just don’t look great for Vladimir Putin.


    “We’re probably getting closer to the point of pain,” said Phil Flynn, an energy analyst at the Price Futures Group. “It’s definitely putting the squeeze on their balance sheet.”

    Vladimir Putin is writing some ambitious checks that his budget may not be able to support. Russian news agency Itar-Tass reported that Putin wanted to expand military spending by 21% next year, but Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov says that Russia simply can’t afford it.

    So, while Vladimir Putin and Russia’s government may feel the squeeze of dropping oil prices, will it affect Russian citizens?

    Michael Fitzpatrick, a former energy analyst with the Kilduff Report, says it likely won’t. Unless things get substantially worse.

    He says of falling oil prices,

    “I don’t think you’re looking at any political or social unrest unless prices go considerably lower.”

    However, Russia isn’t the only country to be somewhat deflated by dropping oil prices.

    The countries of Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Iraq have also been wounded. Nigeria, Venezuela, and Iran are also feeling deeper budget deficits due to falling oil prices. So much so, that the government of Venezuela has called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC.

    Falling oil prices remain a good thing for the general population, though.

    “In the short term, oversupply and lower oil prices clearly have some positive impacts,” said a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “They are good for economies and consumers, helpful for sanctions efforts against rogue states, and serve as buffers against continued political unrest and supply disruptions.”

    “But, they also carry the seeds for future troubles, including under-investment in efficiency and alternative energy forms as well as in future oil and gas projects, and can have mixed climatic impacts, and eventually lead to higher prices.”

    What do you think of falling oil prices? Good thing or bad thing?

  • Amanda Bynes: Finally Getting The Help She Needs?

    Amanda Bynes has had a crazy week.


    The troubled starlet began her latest round of mysterious behavior with a Twitter tirade against her father.

    Amanda Bynes posted a series of tweets claiming that her father had sexually, mentally, and physically abused her.

    She claimed,

    “My dad was verbally and physically abuse to me as a child. He called me ugly as a child and then asked me if I wanted to have sex with him and i did not know how to respond and I said no and then I was forced to live with my dad which was a total nightmare.”

    Amanda Bynes went on to say,

    “My dad fondled himself in front of me so many times that i started recording him on my phone in hopes of catching him saying or doing something inappropriate around me so I could get him arrested & put in jail for the rest of his perverted life.”


    She continued, “My mom knows that my father’s literally and physically incestual towards his own daughter and the fact that she never called the police on Him embarrasses me to no end. So, today I am meeting with a lawyer to get a restraining order against my dad.”

    She then deleted the tweets and posted this one.


    Amanda Bynes’ mother issued a statement to E! online, saying in response,

    “I am heartbroken today for my husband of 47 years. Rick has been the best father and husband a family can ask for. He has never abused Amanda or our other children physically or sexually. These accusations are absolutely horrible and could not be further from the truth! These allegations stem from Amanda’s mental state at the moment. They have no basis in reality. It saddens me beyond belief that my husband’s character could be slandered in such a way.”


    It was this series of tweets that lead Amanda Bynes’ parents to involuntarily commit her to a mental institute under the guise of meeting with a lawyer to sue her parents.

    Bynes was originally under a 72-hour hold, but that has now been extended by two weeks. According to TMZ, Amanda Bynes’ parents will request, and most likely get, a new conservatorship in the meantime.

    Amanda Bynes isn’t too happy about her situation, but will she finally get the help she needs? Let’s hope so.