Atlassian CEO Fires Back at Elon Musk Over RTO Policy

Atlassian CEO Scott Farquhar fired back at Tesla CEO Elon Musk over the latter's email to employees demanding they return to office (RTO) or quit....
Atlassian CEO Fires Back at Elon Musk Over RTO Policy
Written by Matt Milano

Atlassian CEO Scott Farquhar fired back at Tesla CEO Elon Musk over the latter’s email to employees demanding they return to office (RTO) or quit.

Elon Musk made waves when he sent an email to Tesla and SpaceX employees demanding they return to the office at least 40 hours a week or quit. After a couple of years of employees working remotely, and being as productive as ever, many critics called Musk’s stance out-of-date and out-of-touch.

Farquhar took to Twitter to call out Musk’s stance, saying it was something out of the 1950s:

News from @elonmusk & @tesla today feels like something out of the 1950s: “Everyone at Tesla is required to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office per week”. Very different approach to what we are taking at Atlassian and here’s why.

Atlassian employees choose everyday where and how they want to work – we call it Team Anywhere. This has been key for our continued growth.

Farquhar even offered any disenfranchised Tesla employees the opportunity to work for Atlassian.

We’re setting our sights on growing Atlassian to 25K employees by FY26. Any Tesla employees interested?

Farquhar and Musk represent polar opposites in the debate about RTO. Companies large and small are struggling to find the best path forward, but here’s to hoping Farquhar’s vision is the one that prevails.

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