Ashley Madison Hack Might Be a Hoax?

The Ashley Madison hack has put the fear into some people who believed that the company’s “have an affair” offer was safe from prying eyes. When hackers claimed they had collected in...
Ashley Madison Hack Might Be a Hoax?
Written by Mike Tuttle

The Ashley Madison hack has put the fear into some people who believed that the company’s “have an affair” offer was safe from prying eyes. When hackers claimed they had collected info on thousands of Ashley Madison subscribers, people scrambled to think up excuses, cover their tails, and figure out how to combat the impending fights with spouses.

Hackers released two names as proof that they had the list they threatened to have. One was an American from Massachusetts, the other was Canadian, from Mississauga.

“Sometimes, you’re just curious, looking for friends,” the Mississauga man told the Toronto Sun when asked about his Ashley Madison activity, “but then it doesn’t necessarily appeal to you. I haven’t been on the site in a long, long time. It is a stupid (website). You go just to see what is out there. It was pretty much a waste of time … to join.”

The American has not spoken to the press about his Ashley Madison account.

So far, only two names have been verified. The rest are on a supposed list. One Christian website in French published a partial list of 5,000 names said to be culled from the larger list.

However, as one commenter on Reddit pointed out, something is amiss with that list.

“I will say that I googled some of the less common names (or those I perceived to be more unique). Hardly any of the search results turned up actual people. I would think that those digitally savvy enough to go looking for an affair on a website would also likely have a Facebook account, twitter, instagram, LinkedIn, etc. 8 out of 10 turned up only around 4 pages of results, with many of them being the names of people deceased LONG ago.”

Now folks are starting to wonder if these Ashley Madison hackers may have just gotten their hands on two names, released those as “proof” they had more, and put the fear into many people. Maybe there isn’t actually anything to worry about?

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