Angry Birds Harlem Shake Video Proves This Meme Needs to Die

Following on the heels of Groupon, Google, Facebook, and even Nintendo, Angry Birds developer Rovio has released its own “Harlem Shake” video. Not only has Rovio released a Harlem Shake vi...
Angry Birds Harlem Shake Video Proves This Meme Needs to Die
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Following on the heels of Groupon, Google, Facebook, and even Nintendo, Angry Birds developer Rovio has released its own “Harlem Shake” video. Not only has Rovio released a Harlem Shake video, but it appears to take place outside during the Finnish winter, where the temperature was almost certainly well below freezing when the video was shot.

If there could be possibly be a clearer demonstration that the Harlem Shake meme needs to die, this writer can’t think of one. There are already tens of thousands of such videos up on YouTube, which is far more than enough. Of course, as we learned earlier this week from actual residents of Harlem, none of these videos even represent the real Harlem Shake.

Rovio claims that the video is a celebration of 1 billion views on its YouTube channel. The truth is, though, that the company is simply following the new unspoken rule that every office with a YouTube channel has to release a Harlem Shake video.

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