Amy Roloff: Separation Is ‘Like A Death’

Earlier this month, Matt and Amy Roloff of TLC’s Little People Big World, broke the news that after 26 years, they have decided to separate. “Though we have weathered many storms together,...
Amy Roloff: Separation Is ‘Like A Death’
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Earlier this month, Matt and Amy Roloff of TLC’s Little People Big World, broke the news that after 26 years, they have decided to separate.

“Though we have weathered many storms together, we recently made the tough decision to engage in a trial separation,” they told PEOPLE at the time. “Matt remains living on the farm in our guest house and we work together everyday on the farm, on our business endeavors and most importantly, raising our amazing children.” Matt and Amy have four children: twins Jeremy and Zack, 23, Molly, 20, and Jacob, 17.

In a clip from the new episode, scheduled to air on Tuesday, April 1, Amy is seen telling her friends about their tough decision, and opens up about how it feels to be living alone after spending so many years together. She described their separation as being like a death, and not knowing what to do with herself.

“It’s sad. It’s sad because we don’t really have a plan and when you do this and you don’t have a plan, it’s not going to happen overnight,” she said. “To tell you the truth, it’s like a death. You get numb, you don’t know what to do. Going through all of this, it is like a grieving process because you have to slowly begin to let go.”

Amy isn’t the only one that is struggling to deal with being alone. Matt also opened up, during the clip, calling their separation a “huge risk.” “My biggest fear is what if I change my mind, and she says ‘Listen mister, you just stay over in your dog house because I’m kind of liking my own space,'” Matt said. “There’s a huge risk to what we’re doing.”

However, he does admit that he is enjoying having some quiet time to himself. “It’s comfortable over here,” he said. “The kids aren’t dropping by; it’s quiet. It gives Amy and I space away from each other and that’s ok. She’s my wife, and I love her, but that’s where we’re at right now.”

Do you think Matt and Amy will be able to make their marriage work? Leave your comments below.

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