Amazon May Be Working On An AI-Powered Web Browser

Amazon may be looking to disrupt the web browser market with an AI-powered entry in what could be a major threat to established players....
Amazon May Be Working On An AI-Powered Web Browser
Written by Staff

Amazon may be looking to disrupt the web browser market with an AI-powered entry in what could be a major threat to established players.

Amazon recently sent out a survey to users asking what they value in a web browser. Consumer Reports’ Nicholas De Leon tweeted about the survey:

Gizmodo got a hold of a copy of the survey, and the questions include asking what features people value and what features would convince them to try a new web browser. AI integration is one of the feature choices.

While the web browser market is fairly crowded, it’s dominated by Google Chrome and Apple’s Safari. Firefox brings up a distant third, with everything else fighting for scraps.

Amazon has the brand-name recognition and integration with established services to possibly be the most disruptive entry since Google Chrome.

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