
Amazon Introduces New Royalty Option For UK Kindle Authors

Amazon said today its 70 percent royalty option for its Kindle Digital Text Platform (DTP) is now available in the UK.

Amazon began offering the same 70 percent royalty option in the U.S. in June. For each book sold from the Amazon UK Kindle Store, authors and publishers can choose to earn a 70 percent royalty, minus the delivery costs.

Kindle-DTP Delivery costs are based on file size, and pricing is set at $0.15/MB. At today’s median DTP file size of 368KB, delivery costs would be less than $0.06 per unit sold. For example, on an $8.99 book an author would make $3.15 with the standard option and $6.25 with the new 70 percent option.

"The 70 percent royalty option for Kindle Digital Text Platform has been available for a few months for sales to US customers," said Greg Greeley, Amazon Vice President, European Retail.

"We are excited to be able to announce the launch of the 70 percent royalty option in the UK. Now authors and publishers worldwide can offer more content to Kindle customers in the UK and make more money from the books they sell."