Amanda Blackburn, Preacher’s Wife Killed in Home Invasion, Remembered at Memorial Service Sunday

Amanda Blackburn was the young pregnant wife of an Indianapolis preacher, who died in a home invasion last Tuesday. Friends, family members, and congregants gathered for what those closest to her call...
Amanda Blackburn, Preacher’s Wife Killed in Home Invasion, Remembered at Memorial Service Sunday
Written by Kimberly Ripley

Amanda Blackburn was the young pregnant wife of an Indianapolis preacher, who died in a home invasion last Tuesday.

Friends, family members, and congregants gathered for what those closest to her called a celebration of Amanda Blackburn’s life.

Sister Amber Wilkinson shared her thoughts in a video.

“The most ironic thing about having a baby sister–a little sister–is you kind of feel like you have to protect them and watch out for them all the time,” she said. “I look up to her more than almost anybody in this whole world.”

Stories of Davey and Amanda Blackburn ran the gamut from their love story to their moving from South Carolina to Indianapolis to start a church. Those attending her memorial chose to focus on her life instead of the violence of her death. They say their “world is shaken, but their faith is not.”

On the day Amanda Blackburn died, another break-in took place just a few doors down from the Blackburn home at 5:30 a.m. It is unknown as of yet if the two crimes are related. Surveillance footage shows a male between 5 feet 4 inches and 5 feet 9 inches tall and of slim-to-medium build, who was wearing light-colored pants and a two-toned hoodie.

A reward has been posted for information leading to Amanda Blackburn’s killer.

Attn all: Please call Crime Stoppers with any information regarding the homicide of Amanda Blackburn.

Posted by IMPD Northwest District on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

More than 2,000 people attended the memorial for Amanda Blackburn on Sunday. That means in addition to those investigating her murder, at least 2,000 sets of eyes and ears are alert in the community where she died. Hopefully someone will hear or see something that might aid investigators in finding the person who committed this horrific crime.

In addition to her husband, Davey Blackburn, Amanda Blackburn is survived by her two-year-old son, Weston.

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