SOPA, Google X & New Rebecca Black

Today’s video round-up features the Vice President discussing SOPA, and Next Media Animation discussing Google X (Google’s top secret robot lab). And I know you’ve just been dying to see more Re...
SOPA, Google X & New Rebecca Black
Written by Chris Crum

Today’s video round-up features the Vice President discussing SOPA, and Next Media Animation discussing Google X (Google’s top secret robot lab). And I know you’ve just been dying to see more Rebecca Black videos.

View more daily video round-ups here.

Vice President Joe Biden talks about Internet Freedom:

Next Media Animation takes on Google X:

New Rebecca Black. It’s amazing as you think:

Finally, a robotic bear pillow that tries to keep you from snoring:

Siri argument:

Shatner loves fried turkey:

While my ukulele gently weeps:

This guy was named “world’s worst person of the day” by The Daily What. It’s hard to really call this a “top video”, but people should see what an asshole this guy is.

Two girls dressed like Super Mario Bros. playing its theme:

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