A “Twist” is Just What Google Music Needs

Recent reports indicated that Google is working to get some kind of online music store out to consumers. This was hardly a surprise. Many expected this to be part of Google Music when it launched, but...
A “Twist” is Just What Google Music Needs
Written by Chris Crum

Recent reports indicated that Google is working to get some kind of online music store out to consumers. This was hardly a surprise. Many expected this to be part of Google Music when it launched, but Google just wasn’t able to get the label support it needed. That doesn’t mean it can’t though.

Now, Google SVP of Mobile Andy Rubin is saying that a music store is probably close.

“I think we’re close,” Rubin is quoted as saying with regards to the launch of a music service with the help from record labels. He’s also quoted as saying that it “will have a little twist – it will have a little Google in it. It won’t just be selling 99 cent tracks.”

What could this entail? Hopefully we’ll see sooner rather than later. I’ve already got the Google Music beta app on my phone, but it’s sitting there feeling pretty lonely. It could use a “twist”.

So far, the only label that is reportedly close to being on board with a Google offering is EMI. Meanwhile, Apple’s iCloud service is only just getting started as a complement to its hugely successful iTunes store.

Google introduced Music Beta back in May. I can probably count the times I’ve used it on two hands. Here’s a video that accompanied the launch:

There was a lot of hype leading up to the launch, but not so much following it. The disappointment with the lack of a music store was pretty loud and clear around the web. That doesn’t mean Google can’t make this a really good service. It is in Beta after all.

I do appreciate the free tunes Google has been hooking users up with. Thanks to Google, I don’t have to dig Warrant’s Cherry Pie out of my own collection and upload it on my own.

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